The multi Interface

The easy interface as described in detail in this document is a synchronous interface that transfers one file at a time and doesn't return until it is done.

The multi interface, on the other hand, allows your program to transfer multiple files in both directions at the same time, without forcing you to use multiple threads. The name might make it seem that the multi interface is for multi-threaded programs, but the truth is almost the reverse. The multi interface allows a single-threaded application to perform the same kinds of multiple, simultaneous transfers that multi-threaded programs can perform. It allows many of the benefits of multi-threaded transfers without the complexity of managing and synchronizing many threads.

To complicate matters somewhat more, there are even two versions of the multi interface. The event based one, also called multi_socket and the "normal one" designed for using with select(). See the libcurl-multi.3 man page for details on the multi_socket event based API, this description here is for the select() oriented one.

To use this interface, you are better off if you first understand the basics of how to use the easy interface. The multi interface is simply a way to make multiple transfers at the same time by adding up multiple easy handles into a "multi stack".
Multi接口同时传输文件是通过把多个easy_curl的句柄添加到“multi stack”中。

You create the easy handles you want, one for each concurrent transfer, and you set all the options just like you learned above, and then you create a multi handle with curl_multi_init and add all those easy handles to that multi handle with curl_multi_add_handle.

When you've added the handles you have for the moment (you can still add new ones at any time), you start the transfers by calling curl_multi_perform.

curl_multi_perform is asynchronous. It will only perform what can be done now and then return back control to your program. It is designed to never block. You need to keep calling the function until all transfers are completed.

The best usage of this interface is when you do a select() on all possible file descriptors or sockets to know when to call libcurl again. This also makes it easy for you to wait and respond to actions on your own application's sockets/handles. You figure out what to select() for by using curl_multi_fdset, that fills in a set of fd_set variables for you with the particular file descriptors libcurl uses for the moment.

When you then call select(), it'll return when one of the file handles signal action and you then call curl_multi_perform to allow libcurl to do what it wants to do. Take note that libcurl does also feature some time-out code so we advise you to never use very long timeouts on select() before you call curl_multi_perform again. curl_multi_timeout is provided to help you get a suitable timeout period.

Another precaution you should use: always call curl_multi_fdset immediately before the select() call since the current set of file descriptors may change in any curl function invoke.

If you want to stop the transfer of one of the easy handles in the stack, you can use curl_multi_remove_handle to remove individual easy handles. Remember that easy handles should be curl_easy_cleanuped.
如果你想停止multi stack中的easy handle,你可以使用curl_mult_remove_handle函数来移除一个easy handle。

When a transfer within the multi stack has finished, the counter of running transfers (as filled in by curl_multi_perform) will decrease. When the number reaches zero, all transfers are done.
当multi stack中的一个传输完成,运行中的传输计数(curl_multi_perform函数的参数)会减一。

curl_multi_info_read can be used to get information about completed transfers. It then returns the CURLcode for each easy transfer, to allow you to figure out success on each individual transfer.
curl_multi_info_read用于获取已完成的传输信息,这个函数会返回每个easy handle传输的CURLcode,

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