
1078. Occurrences After Bigram



class Solution {
vector<string> findOcurrences(string text, string first, string second) {
string bigram = first + ' ' + second + ' ';
vector<string> res;
int n = bigram.size();
auto p = text.find(bigram);
while(p != string::npos)
auto p1 = p+n, p2 = p1;
while(p2<text.size() && text[p2]!=' ') p2++;
res.push_back(text.substr(p1, p2-p1));//err...
p = text.find(bigram, p+);
return res;


1. Leetcode_easy_1078. Occurrences After Bigram;

2. string_find;

3. discuss;

4. string_substr;

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