
Given a binary tree, collect a tree's nodes as if you were doing this:

Collect and remove all leaves, repeat until the tree is empty.


Given binary tree



2 3


4 5

Returns [4, 5, 3], [2], [1].


  1. Removing the leaves [4, 5, 3] would result in this tree:



  2. Now removing the leaf [2] would result in this tree:

  3. Now removing the leaf [1] would result in the empty tree:


    Returns [4, 5, 3], [2], [1].








public List<List<Integer>> FindLeaves(TreeNode root) {
List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
while (root != null) {
List<Integer> re = new ArrayList<>();
if (DFSTree(root, re)) {
root = null;
return result;
} private boolean DFSTree(TreeNode root, List<Integer> re) {
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
return true;
if (root.left != null) {
if (DFSTree(root.left, re)) {
root.left = null;
if (root.right != null) {
if (DFSTree(root.right, re)) {
root.right = null;
return false;


    public List<List<Integer>> FindLeavesOptimize(TreeNode root) {
List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
DFSTreeOptimize(root, result);
return result;
private int DFSTreeOptimize(TreeNode root, List<List<Integer>> result) {
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
if (result.size() <= 0) {
result.add(0, new ArrayList<>());
return 0;
int deep, leftDeep = 0, rightDeep = 0;
if (root.left != null) {
leftDeep = DFSTreeOptimize(root.left, result);
if (root.right != null) {
rightDeep = DFSTreeOptimize(root.right, result);
deep = Math.max(leftDeep, rightDeep) + 1; if (result.size() <= deep) {
result.add(deep, new ArrayList<>());
return deep;

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