
系统:Android 7.1.2

为了降低成本,主板将 Type-C 改为 MicroUSB 接口,节省了 fusb302芯片

参考 Rockchip 的官方文档第4部分:Micro USB2.0 OTG DTS配置


&tcphy0 {
status = "disabled";
}; &u2phy0 {
status = "okay"; /* Micro USB2 PHY 删除了extcon属性 */
otg-vbus-gpios = <&gpio3 RK_PC6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* Vbus GPIO配置 */
u2phy0_otg: otg-port { /* 文档中错误写成了u2phy1_otg */
status = "okay";
}; &usbdrd3_0 {
extcon = <&u2phy0>; /* Micro USB3控制器的extcon属性引用u2phy0 */
status = "okay";
}; &usbdrd_dwc3_0 {
dr_mode = "otg"; /* Micro USB3控制器的dr_mode配置为otg */
maximum-speed = "high-speed"; /* maximum-speed 属性配置为high-speed */
phys = <&u2phy0_otg>; /* phys 属性只引用USB2 PHY节点 */
phy-names = "usb2-phy";
status = "okay";


[    9.878630] init: Starting service 'surfaceflinger'...
[ 10.294620] init: Service 'surfaceflinger' (pid ) killed by signal
[ 10.294664] init: Service 'surfaceflinger' (pid ) killing any children in process group
[ 10.294709] init: Service 'zygote' is being killed...
[ 10.356365] init: Service 'zygote' (pid ) killed by signal
[ 10.356441] init: Service 'zygote' (pid ) killing any children in process group
[ 10.356634] init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/android_power/request_state': No such file or directory
[ 10.356778] init: write_file: Unable to write to '/sys/power/state': Invalid argument
[ 10.356805] init: Service 'audioserver' is being killed...
[ 10.357239] init: Service 'cameraserver' is being killed...
[ 10.357327] init: Service 'media' is being killed...
[ 10.357454] init: Service 'netd' is being killed...
[ 10.358943] init: Starting service 'zygote'...
[ 10.364342] init: Service 'audioserver' (pid ) killed by signal
[ 10.364427] init: Service 'audioserver' (pid ) killing any children in process group
[ 10.365879] init: Starting service 'audioserver'...
[ 10.369573] init: Service 'netd' (pid ) killed by signal
[ 10.369677] init: Service 'netd' (pid ) killing any children in process group
[ 10.370582] init: Untracked pid killed by signal
[ 10.374127] init: Service 'media' (pid ) killed by signal
[ 10.374192] init: Service 'media' (pid ) killing any children in process group
[ 10.375119] init: Service 'cameraserver' (pid ) killed by signal
[ 10.375158] init: Service 'cameraserver' (pid ) killing any children in process group
[ 10.376450] init: Starting service 'media'...
[ 10.378976] init: Starting service 'cameraserver'...
[ 10.382610] init: couldn't write 580 to /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon/tasks: No such file or directory
[ 12.079202] init: Starting service 'netd'...

开始怀疑是因为没有全部编译的问题,但是全部编译烧录后,还是不能开机,一直提示找不到 drm device,串口一直循环打印如下:

__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT!
Starting recovery (pid ) on Fri Jan ::
bootmode = emmc
recovery filesystem table
/mnt/internal_sd vfat /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/user
/mnt/external_sd vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
/system ext4 /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/system
/cache ext4 /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/cache
/metadata ext4 /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/metadata
/data ext4 /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/userdata
/cust ext4 /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/cust
/custom ext4 /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/custom
/misc emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/misc
/uboot emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/uboot
/charge emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/charge
/resource emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/resource
/parameter emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/parameter
/boot emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/boot
/recovery emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/recovery
/backup emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/backup
/trust emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/trust
/baseparameter emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/baseparameter
/frp emmc /dev/block/platform/fe330000.sdhci/by-name/frp
/tmp ramdisk ramdisk emmc_point is /dev/block/mmcblk1
sd_point is (null)
sd_point_2 is (null)
I:InternalSD_ROOT: /mnt/internal_sd
I:ExternalSD_ROOT: /mnt/external_sd
read cmdline
[ 4.309235] fs_mgr: Warning: unknown flag resize
I:Boot command: boot-recovery
I:Got arguments from boot message
[ 4.311229] fs_mgr: Warning: unknown flag resize
=== start void dumpCmdArgs(int, char **): ===
argv[] = recovery.
argv[] = --wipe_all.
locale is [en_US]
stage is []
reason is [(null)]
cannot find/open a drm device: No such file or directory
cannot open fb0: No such file or directory
[ 4.352842] init: Service 'recovery' (pid ) killed by signal
[ 4.352952] init: Service 'recovery' (pid ) killing any children in process group
[ 9.358734] init: Starting service 'recovery'...

查看 dts 文件,里面还有一个地方 &cdn_dp 使用了 fusb0,屏蔽此处即可开机

&cdn_dp {
status = "disabled";
extcon = <&fusb0>;
phys = <&tcphy0_dp>;

最后建议把 i2c 中与 fusb302 通讯的部分也 disable 掉,此处不改也没有问题,只是 i2c 不通,但可以正常开机。

fusb0: fusb30x@ {
compatible = "fairchild,fusb302";
reg = <0x22>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl- = <&fusb0_int>;
int-n-gpios = <&gpio1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
vbus-5v-gpios = <&gpio4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
status = "disabled";

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