Bob is a sorcerer. He lives in a cuboid room which has a length of AAA, a width of BBB and a height of CCC, so we represent it as AAA * BBB * CCC. One day, he finds that his room is filled with unknown dark energy. Bob wants to neutralize all the dark energy in his room with his light magic. He can summon a 111 * 111 * 222 cuboid at a time to neutralize dark energy. But the cuboid must be totally in dark energy to take effect. Can you foresee whether Bob can save his room or not?


Input has TTT test cases. T≤100T \le 100T≤100

For each line, there are three integers A,B,CA, B, CA,B,C.

1≤A,B,C≤1001 \le A, B, C \le 1001≤A,B,C≤100


For each test case, if Bob can save his room, print"Yes", otherwise print"No".


1 1 2
1 1 4
1 1 1


No 题意:
给你一个任意的长方体,问你能否用1*1*2的长方体将所给的长方体恰好填充满 题解:
水题,给出的长方体为1*1*2,所以只要输入的长方体的长宽高中有一条边为偶数就可以,即可以整除2.另两条边就可以为任意数,因为任意的数都是1的倍数,总是能放下的。 代码:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
int n,m,k;
if(n%==||m%==||k%==) printf("Yes\n");
else printf("No\n");
return ;

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