Atlassian - Confluence Security Advisory - 2019-03-20
This problem refers to the advisory found at
* CVE-2019-3395.
* CVE-2019-3396.
Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center.
Affected Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center product versions:
6.6.0 <= version < 6.6.12
6.12.0 <= version < 6.12.3
6.13.0 <= version < 6.13.3
6.14.0 <= version < 6.14.2
Fixed Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center product versions:
* for 6.6.x, Confluence Server and Data Center 6.6.12 have been released with a fix for these issues.
* for 6.12.x, Confluence Server and Data Center 6.12.3 have been released with a fix for these issues.
* for 6.13.x, Confluence Server and Data Center 6.13.3 have been released with a fix for these issues.
* for 6.14.x, Confluence Server and Data Center 6.14.2 have been released with a fix for these issues.
This advisory discloses critical severity security vulnerabilities. Versions of Confluence Server and Data Center before 6.6.12 (the fixed version for 6.6.x), from version 6.7.0 before 6.12.3 (the fixed version for 6.12.x), from version 6.13.0 before 6.13.3 (the fixed version for 6.13.x) and from version 6.14.0 before 6.14.2 (the fixed version for 6.14.x) are affected by these vulnerabilities.
Customers who have upgraded Confluence to version 6.6.12 or 6.12.3 or 6.13.3 or 6.14.2 are not affected.
Customers who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.6.0 but less than 6.6.12 (the fixed version for 6.6.x) or who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.12.0 but less than 6.12.3(the fixed version for 6.12.x) or who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.13.0 but less than 6.13.3 (the fixed version for 6.13.x) or who have downloaded and installed Confluence >= 6.14.0 but less than 6.14.2 (the fixed version for 6.14.x) please upgrade your Confluence installations immediately to fix these vulnerabilities.
WebDAV vulnerability (CVE-2019-3395)
Atlassian rates the severity level of this vulnerability as critical, according to the scale published in our Atlassian severity levels. The scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low. This is our assessment and you should evaluate its applicability to your own IT environment.
A remote attacker is able to exploit a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability via the WebDAV plugin to send arbitrary HTTP and WebDAV requests from a Confluence Server or Data Center instance. Versions of Confluence before version 6.6.7 (the fixed version for 6.6.x), from version 6.7.0 before 6.7.3 (the fixed version for 6.7.x), from version 6.8.0 before 6.8.5 (the fixed version for 6.8.x) and from version 6.9.0 before 6.9.3 (the fixed version for 6.9.x) are affected by this vulnerability. This issue can be tracked at:
Remote code execution via Widget Connector macro (CVE-2019-3396)
Atlassian rates the severity level of this vulnerability as critical, according to the scale published in our Atlassian severity levels. The scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low. This is our assessment and you should evaluate its applicability to your own IT environment.
There was a server-side template injection vulnerability in Confluence via Widget Connector. An attacker is able to exploit this issue to achieve path traversal and remote code execution on systems that run a vulnerable version of Confluence.
Versions of Confluence before version 6.6.12 (the fixed version for 6.6.x), from version 6.7.0 before 6.12.3 (the fixed version for 6.12.x), from version 6.13.0 before 6.13.3 (the fixed version for 6.13.x) and from version 6.14.0 before 6.14.2 (the fixed version for 6.14.x) are affected by this vulnerability. This issue can be tracked at: .
To address these issues, we have released the following versions of
Confluence Server and Data Center containing a fix:
* version 6.6.12
* version 6.12.3
* version 6.13.3
* version 6.14.2
Upgrade Confluence Server and Data Center to version 6.14.2 or higher.
The vulnerabilities and fix versions are described above. If affected, you should upgrade to the latest version immediately.
If you are running Confluence Server and or Data Center 6.6.x and cannot upgrade to 6.14.2, upgrade to version 6.6.12.
If you are running Confluence Server and or Data Center 6.12.x and cannot upgrade to 6.14.2, to version 6.12.3.
If you are running Confluence Server and or Data Center 6.13.x and cannot upgrade to 6.14.2, upgrade to version 6.13.3.
For a full description of the latest version of Confluence Server and Data Center, see the release notes found at You can download the latest version of Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center from the download centre found at
If you have questions or concerns regarding this advisory, please raise a
support request at
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