在web框架的console中,命令不再是直接指定入口文件,如以往 php test.php start,而是类似 php app/console do 的形式。

workerman 对命令的解析是 parseCommand 方法,里面主要是处理 $argv 全局变量。

那么我们只需要在自己的逻辑中对其重新赋值,满足 $argv[1] 是动作 start | stop | restart | ... 即可,那么剩余workerman参数就是 $argv[2],依次类推。

Symfony2 command:

namespace AppBundle\Command;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection;
use Workerman\Worker; /**
* @author farwish <farwish(a)foxmail.com>
* Class DataWorkerCommand
* @package AppBundle\Command
class DataWorkerCommand extends BaseCommand
public function configure()
} /**
* app/console xc:data:worker start d [g]
* app/console xc:data:worker stop
* app/console xc:data:worker status
* app/console xc:data:worker restart d [g]
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
parent::execute($input, $output); global $argv; /* Original data like
[0] => worker.php
[1] => start
[2] => -d
[3] => -g
/* Console data like
[0] => app/console
[1] => xc:data:worker
[2] => start
[3] => d
[4] => g
*/ // So redefine arguments
if (isset($argv[2])) {
$argv[1] = $argv[2];
if (isset($argv[3])) {
$argv[2] = "-{$argv[3]}";
if (isset($argv[4])) {
$argv[3] = "-{$argv[4]}";
} else {
} else {
} // worker
$worker = new Worker("websocket://"); $worker->count = 4; $worker->onMessage = function ($connection, $data)
/* @var TcpConnection $connection */
}; Worker::runAll();

Thats all.

Link: http://www.cnblogs.com/farwish/p/7988617.html

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