Half is worse than none at all.


From Westworld.

If we go looking for the truth, get the whole thing, for half is worse than none at all.

How to understand it?

If half is really worse than none at all, how about stopping pursuing things that we are not sure about the results?

Maybe I make a mistake here, it is not negative, but quite positive, it tells us if we want to find the truth, if we are determined to achieve something, please try our best to find the whole truth, to reach the final destination, and never give up halfway.

Sometimes, just having superficial knowledge about the project we are studying may be very dangerous, because vague knowledge may result in negligence or mistakes in subsequent steps.

Be familiar with the tools we are using, be proficient in the field we are researching in.

Wise men are slient, fools talk.


It seems this quote has the same meaning as the one we learned yesterday:

The wise man is always a good listener.

I don't want to emphasize the importance of listening here, what I want to point out here is that in most cases, a man is silent just because he knows nothing about the topic, he don't know what to say, he even can't figure out what the gist of conversation is.

To learn, to practise, to refine, to be a good talker and a good listener.

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