The happiest part of a man's life is what he passes lying awake in bed in the morning.


From Samuel Johnson.

Of course it is one of the happiest things, especially when you don't have to worry about your life.

But if there are too many thing need to be finished, we'd better get up earlier, because there is little time we have available for our waste.

Maybe sleeping in bed in the morning just shows we are lack of courage to start another day.

So, let's go to bed now and get up earlier in the new day.

When all the world goes one road, I go the other.


Maybe the road most people choose to go is the right one.

Actually, I really don't know where I can go.

These years, I always try to copy other people, but I still strive to know myself.

From my inner heart, I know there are many roads I can choose to go, but I couldn't decide what to do.

Without the ability to figure out which is the right one, which is the suitable one, I just have to run like a chicken with its head cut off.

Maybe I should choose to be someone who doesn't keep score, who is not looking to be richer, or who is not looking to be successful.

If I don't have the slightest interest even in my own personality, If I don't have any expectation about life, then I will be free.

Sometimes, I feel that my life is always hazy with smokes, thick smokes, I have burnt myself, but there was no light.

God, can you tell you when can my name be called by others, when can I regain the glorious moments I used to have?

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