The purpose of being mature is to find the real calm and peace with yourself. Or you can say the ture meaning of life which doesn't mean how rich you are or how many house you own, or how many friends you have. those doesnt really help you to get there. it will help, but not are the key point. no matter what kind of career do you have or where you are. your happiness comes from your deep inside, instead of outside. Take the time to have a conversation with your mind, at the beginning, you may not find the source , but if you keep seeking, it wil show up. take guys at XJ as example, XU found his peace with himself, boz he talked himself down, not  travelling anymore for his family. I assume YANG also find his peace , he not envy the high payment job, take the current situation happlliy , no matter what happen in the company. there is very less possibility for him to go back his hometown. I didnt find my peace with myself, that is why I left XJ the place where I wanted to go so badly before. I went to YUTONG, however I still didnt convince myself. In YUTONG, ZHU convince himself, WANGYAO also had himself conviced. why I was not following them and settle myself down.

the root reason is due to I havent find my peace with myself. However there is one day, one moment, I will find the peace and I will settle down.

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