This document provides you with interesting background information about the technology that underpins XJTAG. You do not need to know any of this however to be able to use the XJTAG development system as XJTAG tests are developed in a high-level programming language that does not require any knowledge of the detailed working of JTAG.


Advances in silicon design such as increasing device density and, more recently, BGA packaging have reduced the efficacy of traditional testing methods.

In order to overcome these problems, some of the world's leading silicon manufacturers combined to form the Joint Test Action Group. The findings and recommendations of this group were used as the basis for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) standard 1149.1: Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture. This standard has retained its link to the group and is commonly know by the acronym JTAG.

Boundary Scan

The main advantage offered by utilising boundary scan technology is the ability to set and read the values on pins without direct physical access.

The process of boundary scan can be most easily understood with reference to the schematic diagram shown in figure 1.

All the signals between the device's core logic and the 'pins' are intercepted by a serial scan path known as the Boundary Scan Register (BSR). In normal operation these boundary scan cells are invisible. However, in test mode the cells can be used to set and/or read values: in external mode these will be the values of the 'pins'; in 'internal' mode these will the values of the core logic.

Interface Signals

The JTAG interface, collectively known as a Test Access Port, or TAP, uses the following signals to support the operation of boundary scan.

  • TCK (Test Clock) – this signal synchronizes the internal state machine operations.
  • TMS (Test Mode Select) – this signal is sampled at the rising edge of TCK to determine the next state.
  • TDI (Test Data In) – this signal represents the data shifted into the device's test or programming logic. It is sampled at the rising edge of TCK when the internal state machine is in the correct state.
  • TDO (Test Data Out) – this signal represents the data shifted out of the device's test or programming logic and is valid on the falling edge of TCK when the internal state machine is in the correct state.
  • TRST (Test Reset) – this is an optional pin which, when available, can reset the TAP controller's state machine.


There are two types of registers associated with boundary scan. Each compliant device has one instruction register and two or more data registers.

Instruction Register – the instruction register holds the current instruction. Its content is used by the TAP controller to decide what to do with signals that are received. Most commonly, the content of the instruction register will define to which of the data registers signals should be passed.

Data Registers – there are three primary data registers, the Boundary Scan Register (BSR), the BYPASS register and the IDCODES register. Other data registers may be present, but they are not required as part of the JTAG standard.

  • BSR – this is the main testing data register. It is used to move data to and from the I/O pins of a device.
  • BYPASS – this is a single-bit register that passes information from TDI to TDO. It allows other devices in a circuit to be tested with minimal overhead.
  • IDCODES – this register contains the ID code and revision number for the device. This information allows the device to be linked to its Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) file. The file contains details of the Boundary Scan configuration for the device.

Test Access Port (TAP) Controller

The TAP controller, a state machine whose transitions are controlled by the TMS signal, controls the behaviour of the JTAG system. Figure 2, below, shows the state-transition diagram.

All states have two exits, so all transitions can be controlled by the single TMS signal sampled on TCK. The two main paths allow for setting or retrieving information from either a data register or the instruction register of the device. The data register operated on (e.g. BSR, IDCODES, BYPASS) depends on the value loaded into the instruction register.

For more detail on each state, refer to the IEEE 1149.1 Standard JTAG document.

Boundary Scan Instructions

The IEEE 1149.1 standard defines a set of instructions that must be available for a device to be considered compliant. These instructions are:

  • BYPASS – this instruction causes the TDI and TDO lines to be connected via a single-bit pass-through register (the BYPASS register). This instruction allows the testing of other devices in the JTAG chain without any unnecessary overhead.
  • EXTEST – this instruction causes the TDI and TDO to be connected to the Boundary Scan Register (BSR). The device's pin states are sampled with the 'capture dr' JTAG state and new values are shifted into the BSR with the 'shift dr' state; these values are then applied to the pins of the device using the 'update dr' state.
  • SAMPLE/PRELOAD – this instruction causes the TDI and TDO to be connected to the BSR. However, the device is left in its normal functional mode. During this instruction, the BSR can be accessed by a data scan operation to take a sample of the functional data entering and leaving the device. The instruction is also used to preload test data into the BSR prior to loading an EXTEST instruction.

Other commonly available instructions include:

  • IDCODE – this instruction causes the TDI and TDO to be connected to the IDCODE register.
  • INTEST – this instruction causes the TDI and TDO lines to be connected to the Boundary Scan Register (BSR). While the EXTEST instruction allows the user to set and read pin states, the INTEST instruction relates to the core-logic signals of a device.






以下只是为了说明在各个状态下,DR收到TCK后的行为,并不是实际的代码。 IR的实现是类似的。


always@(posedge TCK)
if ((tap == SELECT_DR_SCAN) && !TMS)
addr_reg <= ADDR_DR;
addr_reg <= addr_reg;


always@(posedge TCK)
if (tap == CAPTURE_DR)
r_dr <= odata_dr;
r_dr <= r_dr;




always@(posedge TCK)
if (tap == SHIFT_DR)
r_dr <= {r_dr, TDI};
r_dr <= r_dr;

需要注意的是最后从Shift-DR跳转到Exit1-DR的时候DR寄存器还是会移入一位TDI, 所以在处理的时候需要特别的注意。

一般如果DR有N位,那么前N-1位保持TMS为0, 在最后一次需要把TMS置1。







always@(posedge TCK)
if ((tap == UPDATE_DR)
io <= dr;
io <= io;

Here we can see what things look like from a logic analyzer.

(when the JTAG clock is clocking things at 10MHz, and the Logic Analyzer is sampling at 200MHz).

The way this works is that the above state diagram is followed, decoding the TMS (mode select) pin.

The TDI and TDO pins are used to shift data in and out of the JTAG registers,

(JTAG Instruction Registers, and JTAG data registers).

For example, 13 TCK rising edges occur while TMS is zero.

This will loop things in the RUN-TEST/IDLE state.

Then it clocks in two ones.

This will move things to the Select-IR-Scan state.

A zero moves it to the capture-IR, and 5 more clocks,

shift the TDI into the JTAG Instruction register (in time, it shifts 1100100 into the IR).

The Instruction register is five bits wide and accommodates up to 32 boundary-scan instructions.

The Instruction register holds both public and private instructions.

The JTAG standard requires some of the public instructions;

other public instructions are optional.

Private instructions are reserved for the manufacturer’s use.

Since the IR is only 5 bits long, it keeps 00100..

The JTAG Instruction Register (IR) is just a pointer into which JTAG data register data should be passed.

JTAG Timing

The timing of the JTAG signals is shown below.

The TDO pin remains in the high impedance state except during a shift-DR or shift-IR controller state.

In the shift-DR and shift-IR controller states,

TDO is updated on the falling edge of TCK by Target.

Sampled on the rising edge of TCK by Host.

TMS and TDI are sampled on the rising edge of TCK by Target.

Updated on the falling edge or TCK by Host.

The test logic consists of a Boundary-Scan register and other building blocks.

The test logic is accessed through what is commonly referred to as the Test Access Port or TAP.

The TAP consists of 6 pins

Name Type Description
TCK Input JTAG Clock
TDO Output JTAG Serial Data Out
TDI Input JTAG Serial Data In
TMS Input JTAG Mode Select
TRST Input JTAG Reset
EMU Output Emulation Output

The first step of understanding JTAG is understanding the validity of the data,

or when is the data clocked into/out of the JTAG port by the test device, or emulator.

If we use the Blackfin processor as an example - the datasheet indicates something like:

Timing Requirements

symbol Description Specification
tTCK TCK Period min 20 ns
tSTAP TDI, TMS Setup Before TCK High min 4 ns
tHTAP TDI, TMS Hold After TCK High min 4 ns
tTRSTW TRST Pulse Width (Measured in TCK cycles) min 4 TCK cycles

Switching Characteristics

symbol Description Specification
tDTDO TDO Delay from TCK Low

max 10 ns

The JTAG specification section 6.3.1.c indicates “Where a dedicated reset pin (TRST*)

is provided to allow initialization of the TAP controller,

initialization shall occur asynchronously when the TRST* input changes to the low logic level.”,

this is not true on the Blackfin, where a min TRST pulse width of 4 TCLK cycles is necessary.

JTAG Interfaces

The TPS65950 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) test access port (TAP) controller handles standard IEEE JTAG interfaces.

The JTAG/TAP module provides a JTAG interface according to IEEE Standard 1149.1a.

This interface uses the four I/O pins TMS, TCK, TDI, and TDO. The TMS, TCK, and TDI inputs contain a pullup device,

which makes their state high when they are not driven.

The output TDO is a 3-state output, which is high impedance except when data are shifted between TDI and TDO:

  • TCK is the test clock signal.
  • TMS is the test mode select signal.
  • TDI is the scan path input.
  • TDO is the scan path output.

The JTAG operations are controlled by a state-machine that follows the IEEE Standard 1149.1a state diagram.

The input timing requirements are given by considering a rising or falling edge of 7 ns. The capacitive load is 35 pF.

Table 4-11 JTAG Interface Timing Requirements

Notation Parameter Min Max Unit
JL1 tc(TCK) Cycle time, JTAG.TCK period 30   ns
JL2 tw(TCK) Pulse duration, JTAG.TCK high or low(1) 0.48*P 0.52*P ns
Read Timing
JL3 tsu(TDIV-TCKH) Setup time, JTAG.TDI valid before JTAG.TCK high 8   ns
JL4 th(TDIV-TCKH) Hold time, JTAG.TDI valid after JTAG.TCK high 5   ns
JL5 tsu(TMSV-TCKH) Setup time, JTAG.TMS valid before JTAG.TCK high 8   ns
JL6 th(TMSV-TCKH) Hold time, JTAG.TMS valid after JTAG.TCK high 5   ns
(1) P = JTAG.TCK clock period

Table 4-12 JTAG Interface Switching Characteristics

Notation Parameter Min Max Unit
Write Timing
JL7 td(TCK-TDOV)) Delay time, JTAG, TCK active edge to JTAG.TDO valid 0 14 ns

JTAG Electrical Data and Timing, Timing Requirements for JTAG

1 tc(TCK) Cycle time, TCK 81.5   104.5   ns
1a tw(TCKH) Pulse duration, TCK high (40% of tc) 32.6   41.8   ns
1b tw(TCKL) Pulse duration, TCK low (40% of tc) 32.6   41.8   ns
3 tsu(TDI-TCKH) Input setup time, TDI valid to TCK high 3   3   ns
tsu(TMS-TCKH) Input setup time, TMS valid to TCK high 3   3   ns
4 th(TCKH-TDI) Input hold time, TDI valid from TCK high 8.05   8.05   ns
th(TCKH-TMS) Input hold time, TMS valid from TCK high 8.05   8.05   ns
2 td(TCKL-TDO) Delay time, TCK low to TDO valid 3 27.6 4 36.8 ns

JTAG Scan Interface Timing

No. Parameter Min MAX Unit
  fTCK TCK frequency (at HCLKmax)   12 MHz
  fRTCK RTCK frequency (at TCKmax and HCLKmax) 10   MHz
1 td(TCK -RTCK) Delay time, TCK to RTCK   24 ns
2 tsu(TDI/TMS - RTCKr) Setup time, TDI, TMS before RTCK rise (RTCKr) 21   ns
3 th(RTCKr -TDI/TMS) Hold time, TDI, TMS after RTCKr 0   ns
4 th(RTCKr -TDO) Hold time, TDO after RTCKf 0   ns
5 td(TCKf -TDO) Delay time, TDO valid after RTCK fall (RTCKf)   10 ns
(1) Timings for TDO are specified for a maximum of 50pF load on TDO

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