Luogu1501 Tree II - LCT
#define rd read()
#define ll long long
using namespace std; const int N = 1e5 + ;
const int mod = ; int n, m; int read() {
int X = , p = ; char c = getchar();
for (; c > '' || c < ''; c = getchar())
if (c == '-') p = -;
for (; c >= '' && c <= ''; c = getchar())
X = X * + c - '';
return X * p;
} namespace LCT {
int ch[N][], tun[N], f[N], size[N];
ll sum[N], val[N], tim[N], ad[N];
#define lc(x) ch[x][0]
#define rc(x) ch[x][1]
int isroot(int x) {
return lc(f[x]) != x && rc(f[x]) != x;
} int get(int x) {
return rc(f[x]) == x;
} void up(int x) {
sum[x] = val[x];
size[x] = ;
if (lc(x)) sum[x] += sum[lc(x)], size[x] += size[lc(x)];
if (rc(x)) sum[x] += sum[rc(x)], size[x] += size[rc(x)];
sum[x] %= mod;
} void time(int x, ll d) {
val[x] = val[x] * d % mod;
sum[x] = sum[x] * d % mod;
ad[x] = ad[x] * d % mod;
tim[x] = tim[x] * d % mod;
} void add(int x, ll d) {
sum[x] = (sum[x] + d * size[x]) % mod;
val[x] = (val[x] + d) % mod;
ad[x] = (ad[x] + d) % mod;
} void rev(int x) {
swap(lc(x), rc(x));
tun[x] ^= ;
} void pushdown(int x) {
if (tim[x] != ) {
if (lc(x)) time(lc(x), tim[x]);
if (rc(x)) time(rc(x), tim[x]);
tim[x] = ;
if (ad[x]) {
if (lc(x)) add(lc(x), ad[x]);
if (rc(x)) add(rc(x), ad[x]);
ad[x] = ;
if (tun[x]) {
if (lc(x)) rev(lc(x));
if (rc(x)) rev(rc(x));
tun[x] = ;
} void pd(int x) {
if (!isroot(x))
} void rotate(int x) {
int old = f[x], oldf = f[old], son = ch[x][get(x) ^ ];
if (!isroot(old)) ch[oldf][get(old)] = x;
ch[x][get(x) ^ ] = old;
ch[old][get(x)] = son;
f[old] = x; f[x] = oldf; f[son] = old;
up(old); up(x);
} void splay(int x) {
for (; !isroot(x); rotate(x))
rotate(get(f[x]) == get(x) ? f[x] : x);
} void access(int x) {
for (int y = ; x; y = x, x = f[x])
splay(x), ch[x][] = y, up(x);
} void mroot(int x) {
access(x); splay(x); rev(x);
} void split(int x, int y) {
mroot(x); access(y); splay(y);
} void link(int x, int y) {
f[x] = y;
} void cut(int x, int y) {
split(x, y);
f[x] = ch[y][] = ;
using namespace LCT; int main()
n = rd; m = rd;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
size[i] = tim[i] = val[i] = sum[i] = ;
for (int i = ; i < n; ++i) {
int u = rd, v = rd;
link(u, v);
for (; m; m--) {
char op[];
scanf("%s", op);
if (op[] == '+') {
int u = rd, v = rd, d = rd;
split(u, v);
add(v, d);
if (op[] == '-') {
int u = rd, v = rd;
cut(u, v);
u = rd; v = rd;
link(u, v);
if (op[] == '*') {
int u = rd, v = rd, d = rd;
split(u, v);
time(v, d);
if (op[] == '/') {
int u = rd, v = rd;
split(u, v);
printf("%lld\n", sum[v] % mod);
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