Reading task(Introduction to Algorithms. 2nd)
Introduction to Algorithms 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001. ISBN: 9780262032933.
Introduction and document distance |
L1 |
Introduction and document distance |
CLRS, chapters 1-3 |
L2 |
More document distance, mergesort |
CLRS, sections 11.1-11.2 |
Binary search trees |
L3 |
Airplane scheduling, binary search trees |
CLRS, chapter 10 and sections 12.1-12.3 |
L4 |
Balanced binary search trees |
CLRS, sections 13.1 and 13.2 for a different approach (red-black trees) |
Hashing |
L5 |
Hashing I: chaining, hash functions |
L6 |
Hashing II: |
L7 |
Hashing |
Sorting |
L8 |
Sorting I: |
L9 |
Sorting II: |
L10 |
Sorting |
L11 |
Sorting IV: |
Searching |
L12 |
Searching |
L13 |
Searching |
L14 |
Searching |
Shortest |
L15 |
Shortest |
L16 |
Shortest |
L17 |
Shortest |
L18 |
Shortest |
Wagner, |
Dynamic |
L19 |
Dynamic programming |
L20 |
Dynamic |
L21 |
Dynamic |
L22 |
Dynamic |
For fun, Parncutt, Al Kasimi, For fun, |
Numerics |
L23 |
Numerics I |
L24 |
Numerics II |
Beyond |
L25 |
Beyond |
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