




 $kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);


* Resolve the given type from the container. 从容器当中解析给定的type
* (Overriding Container::make) 覆盖了父类中的make方法
* @param string $abstract 给定的type
* @param array $parameters 指定一些参数 可选项
* @return mixed
public function make($abstract, array $parameters = [])
$abstract = $this->getAlias($abstract);//调用父类中的getAlias方法
if (isset($this->deferredServices[$abstract]) && ! isset($this->instances[$abstract])) {
} return parent::make($abstract, $parameters);//调用父类的make方法


* Get the alias for an abstract if available.
* @param string $abstract
* @return string
* @throws \LogicException
public function getAlias($abstract)
if (! isset($this->aliases[$abstract])) {
return $abstract;
} if ($this->aliases[$abstract] === $abstract) {
throw new LogicException("[{$abstract}] is aliased to itself.");
} return $this->getAlias($this->aliases[$abstract]);

接下来就是对deferredServices和instances这个两个数组进行判断,在本例 $kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class); 当中,判断的结果为false,因此不执行loadDeferredProvider方法。


* Resolve the given type from the container.
* @param string $abstract
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
public function make($abstract, array $parameters = [])
return $this->resolve($abstract, $parameters);//直接调用resolve方法


* Resolve the given type from the container.
* @param string $abstract
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
protected function resolve($abstract, $parameters = [])
//resolve.注1:还是调用getAlias方法 同上面的一样
$abstract = $this->getAlias($abstract); //resolve.注2:判断实例化这个类是否需要其他一些有关联的类
//那么该变量就为true 这里所谓的关联并不是类本身的依赖 应该是逻辑上的关联
$needsContextualBuild = ! empty($parameters) || ! is_null(
// if($abstract == \Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class){
// dump($this->getContextualConcrete($abstract));
// exit;
// }
//如果当前需要解析的type被定义为一个单例的话 先判断是否已经被实例化了 如果是那么直接返回这个实例
// If an instance of the type is currently being managed as a singleton we'll
// just return an existing instance instead of instantiating new instances
// so the developer can keep using the same objects instance every time.
//在容器中已经被实例化的类会存储在instances数组中 这跟大部分框架中保存类实例的方式一样
if (isset($this->instances[$abstract]) && ! $needsContextualBuild) {
return $this->instances[$abstract];
//将parameters赋值给成员属性with 在实例化的时候会用到 不过在本例当中parameters为null
$this->with[] = $parameters;
$concrete = $this->getConcrete($abstract); //我们现在已经准备好了去实例化这个具体的type 实例化这个type的同时还会递归的去解析它所有的依赖
// We're ready to instantiate an instance of the concrete type registered for
// the binding. This will instantiate the types, as well as resolve any of
// its "nested" dependencies recursively until all have gotten resolved.
//resolve.注5:先来判断一下它是否是可以被build的 我们来看一下这个isBuildable方法
if ($this->isBuildable($concrete, $abstract)) {
$object = $this->build($concrete);//注6:调用build方法开始实例化这个type
} else {
$object = $this->make($concrete);
// if($abstract == \Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class){
// dump($object);
// exit;
// }
// if($abstract == \Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class){
// dump($this->getExtenders($abstract));
// exit;
// }
//resolve.注6:判断这个type是否有扩展 如果有扩展那么就使用扩展继续处理这个type实例 在本例当中没有
// If we defined any extenders for this type, we'll need to spin through them
// and apply them to the object being built. This allows for the extension
// of services, such as changing configuration or decorating the object.
foreach ($this->getExtenders($abstract) as $extender) {
$object = $extender($object, $this);
//resolve.注7:判断这个type是否是一个单例 如果在绑定的时候定义为单例的话 那么就将其保存在instances数组中
//后面其他地方再需要make它的时候直接从instances中取出即可 本例当中Kernel在绑定的时候时通过singleton方法
//绑定的 因此是一个单例
// If the requested type is registered as a singleton we'll want to cache off
// the instances in "memory" so we can return it later without creating an
// entirely new instance of an object on each subsequent request for it.
if ($this->isShared($abstract) && ! $needsContextualBuild) {
$this->instances[$abstract] = $object;
// if($abstract == \Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class){
// dump($this->instances);
// exit;
// }
//触发解析后的回调动作 也就是在得到了type的实例以后还需要做哪些后续的处理 本例当中没有后续的处理
$this->fireResolvingCallbacks($abstract, $object);
// Before returning, we will also set the resolved flag to "true" and pop off
// the parameter overrides for this build. After those two things are done
// we will be ready to return back the fully constructed class instance.
$this->resolved[$abstract] = true; array_pop($this->with);
return $object;



* Get the concrete type for a given abstract.
* @param string $abstract
* @return mixed $concrete
protected function getConcrete($abstract)
//还是先调用这个方法来判断是否存在有关联关系的数据 如果有直接返回该数据
if (! is_null($concrete = $this->getContextualConcrete($abstract))) {
return $concrete;
//如果上面没有被返回 那么就判断这个type在绑定到容器的时候有没有绑定一个concrete属性
//也就是一个回调 laravel的习惯是在绑定type的时候会提供一个Closure作为这个type实例化时
//的一些操作 比如最简单的就是 new xxx();
// If we don't have a registered resolver or concrete for the type, we'll just
// assume each type is a concrete name and will attempt to resolve it as is
// since the container should be able to resolve concretes automatically.
if (isset($this->bindings[$abstract])) {
return $this->bindings[$abstract]['concrete'];
return $abstract;


    protected function isBuildable($concrete, $abstract)
//返回的是一个bool值 如果concrete和abstract全等或concrete是一个Closure返回true
return $concrete === $abstract || $concrete instanceof Closure;



* 实例化一个这个type的具体对象
* Instantiate a concrete instance of the given type.
* @param string $concrete
* @return mixed
* @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException
public function build($concrete)
//判断如果concrete是一个Closure实例 那么直接执行它 在本例当中是 因此直接执行并返回
// If the concrete type is actually a Closure, we will just execute it and
// hand back the results of the functions, which allows functions to be
// used as resolvers for more fine-tuned resolution of these objects.
if ($concrete instanceof Closure) {
return $concrete($this, $this->getLastParameterOverride());
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($concrete);
// If the type is not instantiable, the developer is attempting to resolve
// an abstract type such as an Interface of Abstract Class and there is
// no binding registered for the abstractions so we need to bail out.
if (! $reflector->isInstantiable()) {
return $this->notInstantiable($concrete);
//build.注3:把待实例化的类名保存在buildStack数组当中 因为如果这个类有依赖的话 那么还需要实例化它全部的依赖
//因此将待实例化的类名都保存起来 来确保完整性
$this->buildStack[] = $concrete;
$constructor = $reflector->getConstructor();
//build.注5:如果构造函数为空那么先将待构建堆栈中数组buildStack中刚才插入那条数据删除 然后直接 new 这个类 结束
// If there are no constructors, that means there are no dependencies then
// we can just resolve the instances of the objects right away, without
// resolving any other types or dependencies out of these containers.
if (is_null($constructor)) {
array_pop($this->buildStack); return new $concrete;
$dependencies = $constructor->getParameters();
//一旦我们得到了构造方法中所有的参数 我们就能够依次的去创建这些依赖实例 并使用反射来注入创建好的这些依赖
// Once we have all the constructor's parameters we can create each of the
// dependency instances and then use the reflection instances to make a
// new instance of this class, injecting the created dependencies in.
$instances = $this->resolveDependencies(//build.注7 调用这个方法来解析这些依赖
); array_pop($this->buildStack);
return $reflector->newInstanceArgs($instances);


//分别对应这里的形参为 $container=$this, $parameters=$this->getLastParameterOverride()
//use中的两个参数我们在上面的截图当中也能找到 分别为
//$abstract="Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel" $concrete="Zhiyi\Plus\Http\Kernel"
return function ($container, $parameters = []) use ($abstract, $concrete) {
if ($abstract == $concrete) {//不相等
return $container->build($concrete);
//执行这句 也就是$this->make("Zhiyi\Plus\Http\Kernel", $parameters)
//我的妈呀 再来一遍的节奏啊
return $container->make($concrete, $parameters);


        if ($concrete instanceof Closure) {
return $concrete($this, $this->getLastParameterOverride());



        $reflector = new ReflectionClass($concrete);
if($concrete == 'Zhiyi\Plus\Http\Kernel'){



build.注5:如果类及其父类当中都没有构造方法,那么直接 new 这个类并返回这个实例对象,new 这个类是依靠composer的自动加载机制来实现的。


        $constructor = $reflector->getConstructor();
if($concrete == 'Zhiyi\Plus\Http\Kernel'){


build.注6:执行 $dependencies = $constructor->getParameters(); 来获取构造方法的参数,这两个参数在上图中已经看到了,参数$app的typeHint(类型提示)为Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application类的实例,参数$router的typeHint为Illuminate\Routing\Router类的实例


* Resolve all of the dependencies from the ReflectionParameters.
* @param array $dependencies
* @return array
protected function resolveDependencies(array $dependencies)
$results = [];
foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
// If this dependency has a override for this particular build we will use
// that instead as the value. Otherwise, we will continue with this run
// of resolutions and let reflection attempt to determine the result.
//判断这个依赖是否被重新定义过 也就是在resolve方法中执行的一句代码 $this->with[]=$parameters;
//判断的依据(也就是这个方法内部)就是这个with数组 在本例当中with中是两个空数组 因此判断为false
if ($this->hasParameterOverride($dependency)) {
$results[] = $this->getParameterOverride($dependency); continue;
//这里调用$dependency的getClass方法 $dependency是一个ReflectionParameter对象 这个对象有getClass方法
//在本例当中getClass会返回一个ReflectionClass对象 不为空 那么是哪个类的ReflectionClass对象呢 当前循环中
// If the class is null, it means the dependency is a string or some other
// primitive type which we can not resolve since it is not a class and
// we will just bomb out with an error since we have no-where to go.
$results[] = is_null($dependency->getClass())
? $this->resolvePrimitive($dependency)
: $this->resolveClass($dependency);
} return $results;



    protected function resolveClass(ReflectionParameter $parameter)
try {
return $this->make($parameter->getClass()->name);
} // If we can not resolve the class instance, we will check to see if the value
// is optional, and if it is we will return the optional parameter value as
// the value of the dependency, similarly to how we do this with scalars.
catch (BindingResolutionException $e) {
if ($parameter->isOptional()) {
return $parameter->getDefaultValue();
} throw $e;



build.注7:调用newInstanceArgs方法,手册中给出的这个方法的解释为“创建一个类的新实例,给出的参数将传递到类的构造函数”。  OK,搞定。我们来看看build执行之后的结果,dump一下,终于Kernel类被new出来了。


resolve.注6:判断这个type是否有扩展 如果有扩展那么就使用扩展继续处理这个type实例 在本例当中没有

resolve.注7:判断这个type是否是一个单例 如果在绑定的时候定义为单例的话 那么就将其保存在instances数组中后面其他地方再需要make它的时候直接从instances中取出即可 本例当中Kernel在绑定的时候时通过singleton方法绑定的,因此是一个单例



大体的流程就是根据绑定这个类的时候提供的参数, 来对这个类进行实例化。提供的参数可以是很多种类型如:闭包函数,字符串。那么框架会根据不同的类型来确定如何实例化,同时在实例化类的时候去递归的解决类的依赖问题。





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