import datetime

last_id = 0

class Note:
'''Represent a note in the notebook. Match against a
string in searches and store tags for each note.''' def __init__(self, memo, tags=''):
self.memo = memo
self.tags = tags
self.creation_date =
global last_id
last_id += 1 = last_id def match(self, filter):
return filter in self.memo or filter in self.tags class Notebook:
'''Represent a collection of notes that can be tagged,
modified, and searched.''' def __init__(self):
'''Initialize a notebook with an empty list.'''
self.notes = [] def new_note(self, memo, tags=''):
'''Create a new note and add it to the list.'''
self.notes.append(Note(memo, tags)) def _find_note(self, note_id):
'''Locate the note with the given id.'''
for note in self.notes:
if == note_id:
return note
return None def modify_memo(self, note_id, memo):
'''Find the note with the given id and change its
memo to the given value.'''
self._find_note(note_id).memo = memo def modify_tags(self, note_id, tags):
'''Find the note with the given id and change its
tags to the given value.'''
self._find_note(note_id).tags = tags def search(self, filter):
'''Find all notes that match the given filter
return [note for note in self.notes if

from notebook import Note, Notebook

def display_notes(notes):
for note in notes:
print("Id: %d" %(
print("Memo: %s" %(note.memo))
print("------------------------------------------") n = Notebook()
n.new_note("hello world")
n.new_note("hello again")
display_notes(n.notes) print("********************************************")
print("search keyword: hello")
search_notes ="hello")
print("********************************************") print("********************************************")
print("search keyword: world")
search_notes ="world")
print("********************************************") print("********************************************")
print("after modify note 1:")
n.modify_memo(1, "Hi Master HaKu")


[<notebook.Note object at 0x02C40E70>, <notebook.Note object at 0x02C40830>]
Id: 1
Memo: hello world
Id: 2
Memo: hello again
search keyword: hello
Id: 1
Memo: hello world
Id: 2
Memo: hello again
search keyword: world
Id: 1
Memo: hello world
after modify note 1:
Id: 1
Memo: Hi Master HaKu
Id: 2
Memo: hello again

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