

1. What is Data-driven design?
2. WPF revolution.
3. More about ObservableCollection.
4. Question.
1. What is Data-driven design?
Data-driven design: is a design of using entity or module to control the software how to display and design. Now in Wikipedia, the article had been redirected to Responsibility-driven design which is inspired by the Client/Service Mode. The Client/Service model they refer to assumes that a software client and a software server exchange information based on a contract that both parties commit to adhere to. The client may only make the requests specified, the server must answer them.
1 It’s just a different way that how to design software. It’s a design method not writing code directly. 只是一种不同的设计软件的思想,方式。
2 As usual, we design software from interface to data source, firstly drag user control to panel and secondly write control event. It’s also called up to down design. 通常,我们是从上之下的设计方式,先界面,后模型。
3 On the opposite side, we use down to up design. From data module to user interface, we design around data module that compared with usual design, it’s called Inversion Of Control. 相反,我们是从数据入手展开软件设计,一切以数据为中心;底层数据驱动开发,界面依赖于数据,也叫做控制反转。
  First,we make a data module. Like this:
  Second, we make a WCF service in order to provider functions around data module.
2 WPF Revolution.
 Winform DataBinding:
  WPF DataBinding:
  WPF 提供了ObservableCollection 实现数据集合的双向绑定,INotifyCollection是对Module层的数据更新通知,底层实现的代码与上面的实现方式几乎相同,而ObservableCollection则是对List进行了二次封装,提供List.Add,List.Remove级别上的绑定,就是说如果数据集合发生变化,也将会通知相关Listener。
  本质上来说,WPF 的ObservableCollection 和 INotifyCollection并未提供什么新鲜的东西,只是一次便捷的封装。当然这里也要公平的说一下,这2个类只是WPF DataBinding思想的一部分而已,另外还包括界面的动态绑定,属性的双向绑定等等,都是一次思想上的革新!
–1. DataBinding’s essence is a method of using delegate which need both listener and speaker.
–2. WPF build-in support XAML Binding grammar.
–3. DataBinding is not just used for implement INotifyCollectionChanged interface, also you can only use the class Binding for yourself binding application.
–4. If you need a list of data support two-way binding, you should use ObservableCollection instead of Ilist.
–5. Data-Binding is just a method of software design not just only in WPF.



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