使用报表变量时,引用“frxVariables”单元。 变量定义在“TfrxVariable” 类:

TfrxVariable = class(TCollectionItem)


property Name: String;     //Name of a variable

property Value: Variant;    //Value of a variable


变量列表在“TfrxVariables” 类,有所有相关的方法:

TfrxVariables = class(TCollection)


function Add: TfrxVariable;   //Adds a variable to the end of the list

function Insert(Index: Integer): TfrxVariable;   //Adds a variable to the given position of the list

function IndexOf(const Name: String): Integer;   //Returns the index of a variable with the given name

procedure AddVariable(const ACategory, AName: String; const AValue: Variant);  //Adds a variable to the specified category

procedure DeleteCategory(const Name: String);   //Deletes a category and all its variables

procedure DeleteVariable(const Name: String);   //Deletes a variable

procedure GetCategoriesList(List: TStrings; ClearList: Boolean = True);   //Returns the list of categories

procedure GetVariablesList(const Category: String; List: TStrings);  //Returns the list of variables in the specified category

property Items[Index: Integer]: TfrxVariable readonly;  //The list of variables

property Variables[Index: String]: Variant; default;  //Values of variables



Customer name

Account number

in total

total vat



  Customer name

  Account number


  In total

  total vat


- 必须创建至少一个类别

- 类别在data tree下层, 变量在第二层

- 类别不能嵌套

- 变量的名称必须是唯一的,在整体列表中,而不是在一个类别中



A link to the report variables is stored in the “TfrxReport.Variables” property. To create a list manually, the following steps must be performed:

- clear the list

- create a category

- create variables

- repeat the 2 and 3 steps to create another category


It is performed with the help of the “TfrxVariables.Clear” method:



必需至少创建一个类别, 类别和变量保存在一个list。 类别不同于变量是以一个空格开始,这是名字的第一个符号.所有的变量都是属于这一类别。


frxReport1.Variables[' ' + 'My Category 1'] := Null;



Category: TfrxVariable;

Category := frxReport1.Variables.Add;

Category.Name := ' ' + 'My category 1';


添加变量必须在类别添加以后, 在列表中变量名必须唯一, 并且必须在类别中。


frxReport1.Variables['My Variable 1'] := 10; //  添加(如果不存在) 或修改一个变量的值。


Variable: TfrxVariable;

Variable := frxReport1.Variables.Add;

Variable.Name := 'My Variable 1';

Variable.Value := 10;

以上2个方法都把变量添加到列表最后, 因此, 添加到最后的类别. 如果想添加到列表的指定位置,使用“Insert” 方法:


Variable: TfrxVariable;

Variable := frxReport1.Variables.Insert(1);

Variable.Name := 'My Variable 1';

Variable.Value := 10;

添加到指定的类别,使用“AddVariable” 方法:

frxReport1.Variables.AddVariable('My Category 1', 'My Variable 2', 10);


frxReport1.Variables.DeleteVariable('My Variable 2');


frxReport1.Variables.DeleteCategory('My Category 1');



你可以在TfrxReport.Script中定义脚本变量,用来代替report变量, 看看 report变量和 script变量的不同:


Report variables

Script variables


In the report variables list, TfrxReport.Variables.

In the report script, TfrxReport.Script.Variables.

Variable name

May contain any symbols.

May contain any symbols. But if you want to use that variable inside the report script, its name should conform to Pascal identificator specifications.

Variable value

May be of any type. Variables of string type are calculated each time you access them, and are, in itself, an expressions.

May be of any type. No calculation is performed, behavior is like standard language variable.


Programmer can see the list of report variables in the "Data tree" window.

The variable is not visible, programmer should know about it.


Working with script variables is easy. Just assign value to the variable this way:

frxReport1.Script.Variables['My Variable'] := 'test';

In this case FastReport will create a variable if it is not exists, or assign a value to it. There is no need to use extra quotes when assigning a string to that variable.


最后一种传递值到报表中的方法是使用 TfrxReport.OnGetValue 事件,这个方式可以得到动态值,以前的方法通过静态值。

举例说明使用方法. 报表中放一个文本对象,输入以下内容:

[My Variable]

创建 TfrxReport.OnGetValue 事件:

procedure TForm1.frxReport1GetValue(const VarName: String; var Value: Variant);


if CompareText(VarName, 'My Variable') = 0 then

Value := 'test'


运行报表,我们看到变量是显示正确的。 事件TfrxReport.OnGetValue 在遇到所有未知变量时调用 。

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