Django documentation contents

  • Getting started

      • Django at a glance  (CSDN 有一个哥们已经翻译了。。。)

        • Design your model
        • Install it
        • Enjoy the free API
        • A dynamic admin interface: it’s not just scaffolding – it’s the whole house
        • Design your URLs
        • Write your views
        • Design your templates
        • This is just the surface
  • Quick install guide   (该页翻译完成 Page 5)
    • Install Python
    • Set up a database
    • Remove any old versions of Django
    • Install Django
    • Verifying
    • That’s it!
  • Writing your first Django app, part 1(该页面翻译完成,缺少外联页面 (Page 6))
    • Creating a project
    • The development server
    • Creating the Polls app
    • Write your first view
  • Writing your first Django app, part 2 (该页面翻译完成,缺少外联页面 (Page 7))
    • Database setup
    • Creating models
    • Activating models
    • Playing with the API
    • Introducing the Django Admin
  • Writing your first Django app, part 3 (该页面翻译完成,缺少外联页面 (Page 8))
    • Overview
    • Writing more views
    • Write views that actually do something
    • Raising a 404 error
    • Use the template system
    • Removing hardcoded URLs in templates
    • Namespacing URL names
  • Writing your first Django app, part 4  (该页面翻译完成,缺少外联页面 (Page 9))
    • Write a simple form
    • Use generic views: Less code is better
  • Writing your first Django app, part 5(该页面翻译完成,缺少外联页面 (Page 10))
    • Introducing automated testing
    • Basic testing strategies
    • Writing our first test
    • Test a view
    • When testing, more is better
    • Further testing
    • What’s next?
  • Writing your first Django app, part 6 (该页面翻译完成,缺少外联页面 (Page 11))
    • Customize your app’s look and feel
    • Adding a background-image
  • Writing your first Django app, part 7 (该页面翻译完成,缺少外联页面 (Page 12))
    • Customize the admin form
    • Adding related objects
    • Customize the admin change list
    • Customize the admin look and feel
    • Customize the admin index page
    • What’s next?
  • Advanced tutorial: How to write reusable apps
    • Reusability matters
    • Your project and your reusable app
    • Installing some prerequisites
    • Packaging your app
    • Using your own package
    • Publishing your app
    • Installing Python packages with virtualenv
  • What to read next
    • Finding documentation
    • How the documentation is organized
    • How documentation is updated
    • Where to get it
    • Differences between versions
  • Writing your first patch for Django
    • Introduction
    • Code of Conduct
    • Installing Git
    • Getting a copy of Django’s development version
    • Rolling back to a previous revision of Django
    • Running Django’s test suite for the first time
    • Creating a branch for your patch
    • Writing some tests for your ticket
    • Writing the code for your ticket
    • Running Django’s test suite for the second time
    • Writing Documentation
    • Previewing your changes
    • Committing the changes in the patch
    • Pushing the commit and making a pull request
    • Next steps
  • Using Django
    • How to install Django (该页已经翻译完成,差14个链接页未翻译 Page 17)

      • Install Python
      • Install Apache and mod_wsgi
      • Get your database running
      • Remove any old versions of Django
      • Install the Django code
    • Models and databases
      • Models
      • Making queries
      • Aggregation
      • Search
      • Managers
      • Performing raw SQL queries
      • Database transactions
      • Multiple databases
      • Tablespaces
      • Database access optimization
      • Database instrumentation
      • Examples of model relationship API usage
    • Handling HTTP requests
      • URL dispatcher
      • Writing views
      • View decorators
      • File Uploads
      • Django shortcut functions
      • Generic views
      • Middleware
      • How to use sessions
    • Working with forms
      • HTML forms
      • Django’s role in forms
      • Forms in Django
      • Building a form
      • More about Django Form classes
      • Working with form templates
      • Further topics
    • Templates
      • Support for template engines
      • The Django template language
    • Class-based views
      • Introduction to class-based views
      • Built-in class-based generic views
      • Form handling with class-based views
      • Using mixins with class-based views
      • Basic examples
      • Simple usage in your URLconf
      • Subclassing generic views
    • Migrations
      • The Commands
      • Backend Support
      • Workflow
      • Dependencies
      • Migration files
      • Adding migrations to apps
      • Historical models
      • Considerations when removing model fields
      • Data Migrations
      • Squashing migrations
      • Serializing values
      • Supporting multiple Django versions
    • Managing files
      • Using files in models
      • The File object
      • File storage
    • Testing in Django
      • Writing and running tests
      • Testing tools
      • Advanced testing topics
    • User authentication in Django
      • Overview
      • Installation
      • Usage
    • Django’s cache framework
      • Setting up the cache
      • The per-site cache
      • The per-view cache
      • Template fragment caching
      • The low-level cache API
      • Downstream caches
      • Using Vary headers
      • Controlling cache: Using other headers
      • Order of MIDDLEWARE
    • Conditional View Processing
      • The condition decorator
      • Shortcuts for only computing one value
      • Using the decorators with other HTTP methods
      • Comparison with middleware conditional processing
    • Cryptographic signing
      • Protecting the SECRET_KEY
      • Using the low-level API
    • Sending email
      • Quick example
      • send_mail()
      • send_mass_mail()
      • mail_admins()
      • mail_managers()
      • Examples
      • Preventing header injection
      • The EmailMessage class
      • Email backends
      • Configuring email for development
    • Internationalization and localization
      • Overview
      • Definitions
    • Logging
      • A quick logging primer
      • Using logging
      • Configuring logging
      • Django’s logging extensions
      • Django’s default logging configuration
    • Pagination
      • Example
      • Using Paginator in a view
      • Paginator objects
      • InvalidPage exceptions
      • Page objects
    • Security in Django
      • Cross site scripting (XSS) protection
      • Cross site request forgery (CSRF) protection
      • SQL injection protection
      • Clickjacking protection
      • SSL/HTTPS
      • Host header validation
      • Session security
      • User-uploaded content
      • Additional security topics
    • Performance and optimization
      • Introduction
      • General approaches
      • Caching
      • Understanding laziness
      • Databases
      • HTTP performance
      • Template performance
      • Using different versions of available software
    • Serializing Django objects
      • Serializing data
      • Deserializing data
      • Serialization formats
      • Natural keys
    • Django settings
      • The basics
      • Designating the settings
      • Default settings
      • Using settings in Python code
      • Altering settings at runtime
      • Security
      • Available settings
      • Creating your own settings
      • Using settings without setting DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
    • Signals
      • Listening to signals
      • Defining and sending signals
      • Disconnecting signals
    • System check framework
      • Writing your own checks
    • External packages
      • Localflavor
      • Comments
      • Formtools
  • “How-to” guides
    • Authentication using REMOTE_USER

      • Configuration
      • Using REMOTE_USER on login pages only
    • Writing custom django-admin commands
      • Accepting optional arguments
      • Management commands and locales
      • Testing
      • Overriding commands
      • Command objects
    • Writing custom model fields
      • Introduction
      • Background theory
      • Writing a field subclass
      • Writing a FileField subclass
    • Custom Lookups
      • A simple lookup example
      • A simple transformer example
      • Writing an efficient abs__lt lookup
      • A bilateral transformer example
      • Writing alternative implementations for existing lookups
      • How Django determines the lookups and transforms which are used
    • Custom template tags and filters
      • Code layout
      • Writing custom template filters
      • Writing custom template tags
    • Writing a custom storage system
    • Deploying Django
      • How to deploy with WSGI
      • Deployment checklist
    • Upgrading Django to a newer version
      • Required Reading
      • Dependencies
      • Resolving deprecation warnings
      • Installation
      • Testing
      • Deployment
    • Error reporting
      • Email reports
      • Filtering error reports
    • Providing initial data for models
      • Providing initial data with fixtures
      • Providing initial data with migrations
    • Django on Jython
    • Integrating Django with a legacy database
      • Give Django your database parameters
      • Auto-generate the models
      • Install the core Django tables
      • Test and tweak
    • Outputting CSV with Django
      • Using the Python CSV library
      • Using the template system
      • Other text-based formats
    • Outputting PDFs with Django
      • Install ReportLab
      • Write your view
      • Complex PDFs
      • Other formats
    • Overriding templates
      • Overriding from the project’s templates directory
      • Overriding from an app’s template directory
    • Managing static files (e.g. images, JavaScript, CSS)
      • Configuring static files
      • Serving static files during development
      • Serving files uploaded by a user during development
      • Testing
      • Deployment
      • Learn more
    • Deploying static files
      • Serving static files in production
      • Learn more
    • How to install Django on Windows
      • Install Python
      • About pip
      • Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
      • Install Django
      • Common pitfalls
    • Writing database migrations
      • Data migrations and multiple databases
      • Migrations that add unique fields
      • Controlling the order of migrations
      • Migrating data between third-party apps
      • Changing an unmanaged model to managed
  • Django FAQ
    • FAQ: General

      • Why does this project exist?
      • What does “Django” mean, and how do you pronounce it?
      • Is Django stable?
      • Does Django scale?
      • Who’s behind this?
      • Which sites use Django?
      • Django appears to be a MVC framework, but you call the Controller the “view”, and the View the “template”. How come you don’t use the standard names?
      • <Framework X> does <feature Y> – why doesn’t Django?
      • Why did you write all of Django from scratch, instead of using other Python libraries?
      • Is Django a content-management-system (CMS)?
      • How can I download the Django documentation to read it offline?
      • How do I cite Django?
    • FAQ: Installation
      • How do I get started?
      • What are Django’s prerequisites?
      • What Python version can I use with Django?
      • What Python version should I use with Django?
      • Should I use the stable version or development version?
    • FAQ: Using Django
      • Why do I get an error about importing DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE?
      • I can’t stand your template language. Do I have to use it?
      • Do I have to use your model/database layer?
      • How do I use image and file fields?
      • How do I make a variable available to all my templates?
    • FAQ: Getting Help
      • How do I do X? Why doesn’t Y work? Where can I go to get help?
      • Why hasn’t my message appeared on django-users?
      • Nobody on django-users answered my question! What should I do?
      • I think I’ve found a bug! What should I do?
      • I think I’ve found a security problem! What should I do?
    • FAQ: Databases and models
      • How can I see the raw SQL queries Django is running?
      • Can I use Django with a pre-existing database?
      • If I make changes to a model, how do I update the database?
      • Do Django models support multiple-column primary keys?
      • Does Django support NoSQL databases?
      • How do I add database-specific options to my CREATE TABLE statements, such as specifying MyISAM as the table type?
    • FAQ: The admin
      • I can’t log in. When I enter a valid username and password, it just brings up the login page again, with no error messages.
      • I can’t log in. When I enter a valid username and password, it brings up the login page again, with a “Please enter a correct username and password” error.
      • How do I automatically set a field’s value to the user who last edited the object in the admin?
      • How do I limit admin access so that objects can only be edited by the users who created them?
      • My admin-site CSS and images showed up fine using the development server, but they’re not displaying when using mod_wsgi.
      • My “list_filter” contains a ManyToManyField, but the filter doesn’t display.
      • Some objects aren’t appearing in the admin.
      • How can I customize the functionality of the admin interface?
      • The dynamically-generated admin site is ugly! How can I change it?
      • What browsers are supported for using the admin?
    • FAQ: Contributing code
      • How can I get started contributing code to Django?
      • I submitted a bug fix in the ticket system several weeks ago. Why are you ignoring my patch?
      • When and how might I remind the team of a patch I care about?
      • But I’ve reminded you several times and you keep ignoring my patch!
    • Troubleshooting
      • Problems running django-admin
      • Miscellaneous
  • API Reference
    • Applications

      • Projects and applications
      • Configuring applications
      • Application configuration
      • Application registry
      • Initialization process
    • System check framework
      • API reference
      • Builtin tags
      • Core system checks
      • contrib app checks
    • Built-in class-based views API
      • Base views
      • Generic display views
      • Generic editing views
      • Generic date views
      • Class-based views mixins
      • Class-based generic views - flattened index
      • Specification
      • Base vs Generic views
    • Clickjacking Protection
      • An example of clickjacking
      • Preventing clickjacking
      • How to use it
      • Limitations
    • contrib packages
      • The Django admin site
      • django.contrib.auth
      • The contenttypes framework
      • The flatpages app
      • GeoDjango
      • django.contrib.humanize
      • The messages framework
      • django.contrib.postgres
      • The redirects app
      • The sitemap framework
      • The “sites” framework
      • The staticfiles app
      • The syndication feed framework
      • admin
      • auth
      • contenttypes
      • flatpages
      • gis
      • humanize
      • messages
      • postgres
      • redirects
      • sessions
      • sites
      • sitemaps
      • syndication
      • Other add-ons
    • Cross Site Request Forgery protection
      • How to use it
      • Rejected requests
      • How it works
      • Caching
      • Testing
      • Limitations
      • Edge cases
      • Contrib and reusable apps
      • Settings
      • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Databases
      • General notes
      • PostgreSQL notes
      • MySQL notes
      • SQLite notes
      • Oracle notes
      • Using a 3rd-party database backend
    • django-admin and
      • Usage
      • Available commands
      • Commands provided by applications
      • Default options
      • Extra niceties
    • Running management commands from your code
      • Output redirection
    • Django Exceptions
      • Django Core Exceptions
      • URL Resolver exceptions
      • Database Exceptions
      • Http Exceptions
      • Transaction Exceptions
      • Testing Framework Exceptions
      • Python Exceptions
    • File handling
      • The File object
      • File storage API
      • Uploaded Files and Upload Handlers
    • Forms
      • The Forms API
      • Form fields
      • Model Form Functions
      • Formset Functions
      • The form rendering API
      • Widgets
      • Form and field validation
    • Middleware
      • Available middleware
      • Middleware ordering
    • Migration Operations
      • Schema Operations
      • Special Operations
      • Writing your own
    • Models
      • Model field reference
      • Field attribute reference
      • Model index reference
      • Model _meta API
      • Related objects reference
      • Model class reference
      • Model Meta options
      • Model instance reference
      • QuerySet API reference
      • Lookup API reference
      • Query Expressions
      • Conditional Expressions
      • Database Functions
    • Request and response objects
      • Quick overview
      • HttpRequest objects
      • QueryDict objects
      • HttpResponse objects
      • JsonResponse objects
      • StreamingHttpResponse objects
      • FileResponse objects
    • SchemaEditor
      • Methods
      • Attributes
    • Settings
      • Core Settings
      • Auth
      • Messages
      • Sessions
      • Sites
      • Static Files
      • Core Settings Topical Index
    • Signals
      • Model signals
      • Management signals
      • Request/response signals
      • Test signals
      • Database Wrappers
    • Templates
      • The Django template language
      • Built-in template tags and filters
      • The Django template language: for Python programmers
    • TemplateResponse and SimpleTemplateResponse
      • SimpleTemplateResponse objects
      • TemplateResponse objects
      • The rendering process
      • Using TemplateResponse and SimpleTemplateResponse
    • Unicode data
      • Creating the database
      • General string handling
      • Models
      • The database API
      • Templates
      • Files
      • Form submission
    • django.urls utility functions
      • reverse()
      • reverse_lazy()
      • resolve()
      • get_script_prefix()
    • django.urls functions for use in URLconfs
      • path()
      • re_path()
      • include()
      • register_converter()
    • django.conf.urls functions for use in URLconfs
      • static()
      • url()
      • handler400
      • handler403
      • handler404
      • handler500
    • Django Utils
      • django.utils.cache
      • django.utils.dateparse
      • django.utils.decorators
      • django.utils.encoding
      • django.utils.feedgenerator
      • django.utils.functional
      • django.utils.html
      • django.utils.http
      • django.utils.module_loading
      • django.utils.safestring
      • django.utils.text
      • django.utils.timezone
      • django.utils.translation
    • Validators
      • Writing validators
      • How validators are run
      • Built-in validators
    • Built-in Views
      • Serving files in development
      • Error views
  • Meta-documentation and miscellany
    • API stability

      • What “stable” means
      • Stable APIs
      • Exceptions
    • Design philosophies
      • Overall
      • Models
      • Database API
      • URL design
      • Template system
      • Views
      • Cache Framework
    • Third-party distributions of Django
      • For distributors
  • Glossary
  • Release notes
    • Final releases

      • 2.0 release
      • 1.11 release
      • 1.10 release
      • 1.9 release
      • 1.8 release
      • 1.7 release
      • 1.6 release
      • 1.5 release
      • 1.4 release
      • 1.3 release
      • 1.2 release
      • 1.1 release
      • 1.0 release
      • Pre-1.0 releases
    • Security releases
  • Django internals
    • Contributing to Django

      • Advice for new contributors
      • Reporting bugs and requesting features
      • Triaging tickets
      • Writing code
      • Writing documentation
      • Localizing Django
      • Committing code
    • Mailing lists
      • django-users
      • django-core-mentorship
      • django-developers
      • django-i18n
      • django-announce
      • django-updates
    • Organization of the Django Project
      • Principles
      • Core team
      • Technical board
      • Changing the organization
    • Django’s security policies
      • Reporting security issues
      • Supported versions
      • How Django discloses security issues
      • Who receives advance notification
      • Requesting notifications
    • Django’s release process
      • Official releases
      • Release cadence
      • Deprecation policy
      • Supported versions
      • Release process
    • Django Deprecation Timeline
      • 3.0
      • 2.1
      • 2.0
      • 1.10
      • 1.9
      • 1.8
      • 1.7
      • 1.6
      • 1.5
      • 1.4
      • 1.3
    • The Django source code repository
      • High-level overview
      • The master branch
      • Other branches
      • Tags
    • How is Django Formed?
      • Overview
      • Prerequisites
      • Pre-release tasks
      • Preparing for release
      • Actually rolling the release
      • Making the release(s) available to the public
      • Post-release
      • New stable branch tasks
      • Notes on setting the VERSION tuple

Indices, glossary and tables

  • Index
  • Module Index
  • Glossary

Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译: 文档目录 (Page 1)的更多相关文章

  1. Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译: 编写你的第一个 Django app,第一部分(Page 6)

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  2. Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译:接下来读什么(page 14)

    接下来读什么(page 14) 现在你应该已经阅读了所有的(page1-13 )介绍材料,决定继续使用Django.我们仅仅做了简要的介绍(事实上,如果你阅读了前面所有的内容,也只是全部文档的5%.) ...

  3. Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译: 编写你的第一个 Django app,第二部分(Page 7)

    编写你的第一个 Django app,第二部分(Page 7)转载请注明链接地址 本教程上接前面的教程.我们会配置数据,创建你的第一个 model,并对Django 自动生成的 admin 站点进行快 ...

  4. Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译:编写你的第一个djang补丁(page 15)

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  5. Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译: 快速安装向导 (Page5)

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  8. Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译: 编写你的第一个 Django app,第四部分(Page 9)

    编写你的第一个 Django app,第四部分(Page 9)转载请注明链接地址 该教程上接前面的第三部分.我们会继续开发 web-poll 应用,并专注于简单的表单处理和简化代码. 写一个简单的表单 ...

  9. Django 2.0.1 官方文档翻译: 编写你的第一个 Django app,第五部分(Page 10)

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    前段时间在网络上看到通过重写TestNG的接口,可以再次执行失败的测试用例,于是学习了,我之前的做法是当自己的脚本中碰到异常,就自动调用方法本身来达到再次执行用例的目的,这个过程中有设定重试的次数 对 ...

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    来源网站: centos6.x_centos7.x差异改进明细 感谢原作者 centos官方帮助文档:https://wik ...

  8. 计算机网络【2】—— CSMA/CD协议

    参考文献: 一.认识以太网 最早的以太网是将许多计算机都连接到一根总线上. 使 ...

  9. Redis 基础:Redis 配置

    Redis 配置 Redis的配置文件位于Redis安装目录下,文件名为redis.conf.可以通过CONFIG命令查看或设置配置项.其语法为: # Redis CONFIG命令格式如下: > ...

  10. centOS基本操作和命令(更新)

    1.文字输入和图形界面切换 CTRL+ALT+(F1~F6)为切换至文字输入,分别对应六个不同输入界面,可用以不同账号:CTRL+ALT+F7为切换至图形界面 2.修改时区 date -R date ...