Hibernate在进行读取数据的时候,根据缓存机制在相应的缓存中查询,如果在缓存中找到了需要的数据(我们把这称做“缓存命 中"),
一般我们在项目整合中 存在数据访问的性能问题,研究了下缓存在各个阶段的应用,以在5个方面进行缓存的设计:
1.最底层可以配置的是MySQL自带的query cache,
5.hibernate的一级缓存,默认也是开启状态,session级别的,可以自由使用。但这里注意下hibernate获取session的 方式。
6.hibernate的二级缓存需要引用 第三方的 插件,并在hibernate配置文件中进行相应的配置。
public void TestBi(){ ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
BillService service=(BillService)context.getBean("billServiceImpl"); List<Bill> alls = service.findAlls();
List<Bill> a = service.findAlls();
ogging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl' adapter.
Creating a new SqlSession
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@144e54da] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active
JDBC Connection [285401532, URL=jdbc:mysql:///supermarket_ssh, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector Java] will not be managed by Spring
==> Preparing: select * from bill
==> Parameters:
<== Columns: bid, bmoney, bname, createtime, paystate, supId, hscode, scount, sunit
<== Row: 24, 150262, 猕猴桃山西, 2017-09-06, 1, 3, ssh-code, 1000, bdss
<== Row: 26, 1500, 苹果梨山西, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 50, bdss
<== Row: 27, 150262, 苹果梨山西, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 1000, bdss
<== Row: 29, 2561, xx, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 0, bdss
<== Row: 30, 3642, aa, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 1000, 56ds3fs
<== Row: 31, 0, bb, 2017-08-25, 0, 3, ssh-code, 52, bdss
<== Row: 33, 3335, aa, 2017-08-25, 0, 3, ssh-code, 1000, 56ds3fs
<== Row: 41, 2000, 小炒肉, 2017-09-03, 1, 3, ssh-code, 100, bdqn
<== Row: 42, 0, zahngyu, 2017-09-03, 1, 12, ssh-code, 100, bdqn
<== Row: 44, 200, 共百搭, 2017-09-06, 1, 3, dsfas, 15, dfa
<== Row: 45, 5000, 张雨张雨, 2017-09-06, 0, 14, ssh-supmarket, 50, bdqn
<== Row: 49, 0, dfaf, 2017-09-09, 0, 1, s-code, 3, dfa
<== Row: 50, 0, 宫保鸡丁, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, gbjd-code, 2, bdqn
<== Row: 52, 0, f'da, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, f'da, 5, f'da
<== Row: 55, 0, hznagu, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, ssh-code, 25, bdqn
<== Row: 56, 0, 宫保鸡丁, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, ssj-code, 2, bdqn
<== Row: 57, 0, dfa, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, dfa, 2, fda
<== Row: 58, 0, fda, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, dfa, 25, dfa
<== Row: 59, 0, dfa, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, fda, 2, dfa
<== Total: 19
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@144e54da]
Creating a new SqlSession
SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@d68b796] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active
JDBC Connection [1441587130, URL=jdbc:mysql:///supermarket_ssh, UserName=root@localhost, MySQL Connector Java] will not be managed by Spring
==> Preparing: select * from bill
==> Parameters:
<== Columns: bid, bmoney, bname, createtime, paystate, supId, hscode, scount, sunit
<== Row: 24, 150262, 猕猴桃山西, 2017-09-06, 1, 3, ssh-code, 1000, bdss
<== Row: 26, 1500, 苹果梨山西, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 50, bdss
<== Row: 27, 150262, 苹果梨山西, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 1000, bdss
<== Row: 29, 2561, xx, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 0, bdss
<== Row: 30, 3642, aa, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 1000, 56ds3fs
<== Row: 31, 0, bb, 2017-08-25, 0, 3, ssh-code, 52, bdss
<== Row: 33, 3335, aa, 2017-08-25, 0, 3, ssh-code, 1000, 56ds3fs
<== Row: 41, 2000, 小炒肉, 2017-09-03, 1, 3, ssh-code, 100, bdqn
<== Row: 42, 0, zahngyu, 2017-09-03, 1, 12, ssh-code, 100, bdqn
<== Row: 44, 200, 共百搭, 2017-09-06, 1, 3, dsfas, 15, dfa
<== Row: 45, 5000, 张雨张雨, 2017-09-06, 0, 14, ssh-supmarket, 50, bdqn
<== Row: 49, 0, dfaf, 2017-09-09, 0, 1, s-code, 3, dfa
<== Row: 50, 0, 宫保鸡丁, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, gbjd-code, 2, bdqn
<== Row: 52, 0, f'da, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, f'da, 5, f'da
<== Row: 55, 0, hznagu, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, ssh-code, 25, bdqn
<== Row: 56, 0, 宫保鸡丁, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, ssj-code, 2, bdqn
<== Row: 57, 0, dfa, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, dfa, 2, fda
<== Row: 58, 0, fda, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, dfa, 25, dfa
<== Row: 59, 0, dfa, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, fda, 2, dfa
<== Total: 19
Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@d68b796]
[entity.Bill@6afd9125, entity.Bill@2d444b03, entity.Bill@5e98c92c, entity.Bill@bf9839, entity.Bill@22a2c691, entity.Bill@6c9a6b5a, entity.Bill@dfe196a, entity.Bill@25368553, entity.Bill@1e6b1f3b, entity.Bill@acf6a17, entity.Bill@373e118c, entity.Bill@4bf21aa9, entity.Bill@3b47433, entity.Bill@3c38c22b, entity.Bill@3253b3f0, entity.Bill@154a6b60, entity.Bill@48cf768b, entity.Bill@2c6fc505, entity.Bill@5defe20d]
public void TestBi(){ SqlSession session = MyBatisUtil.getSessionTwo(); BillDao mapper = session.getMapper(BillDao.class);
List<Bill> b1 = mapper.findAlls();
List<Bill> b2 = mapper.findAlls();
Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@6d20ec1b]
==> Preparing: select * from bill
==> Parameters:
<== Columns: bid, bmoney, bname, createtime, paystate, supId, hscode, scount, sunit
<== Row: 24, 150262, 猕猴桃山西, 2017-09-06, 1, 3, ssh-code, 1000, bdss
<== Row: 26, 1500, 苹果梨山西, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 50, bdss
<== Row: 27, 150262, 苹果梨山西, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 1000, bdss
<== Row: 29, 2561, xx, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 0, bdss
<== Row: 30, 3642, aa, 2017-08-25, 0, 1, ssh-code, 1000, 56ds3fs
<== Row: 31, 0, bb, 2017-08-25, 0, 3, ssh-code, 52, bdss
<== Row: 33, 3335, aa, 2017-08-25, 0, 3, ssh-code, 1000, 56ds3fs
<== Row: 41, 2000, 小炒肉, 2017-09-03, 1, 3, ssh-code, 100, bdqn
<== Row: 42, 0, zahngyu, 2017-09-03, 1, 12, ssh-code, 100, bdqn
<== Row: 44, 200, 共百搭, 2017-09-06, 1, 3, dsfas, 15, dfa
<== Row: 45, 5000, 张雨张雨, 2017-09-06, 0, 14, ssh-supmarket, 50, bdqn
<== Row: 49, 0, dfaf, 2017-09-09, 0, 1, s-code, 3, dfa
<== Row: 50, 0, 宫保鸡丁, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, gbjd-code, 2, bdqn
<== Row: 52, 0, f'da, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, f'da, 5, f'da
<== Row: 55, 0, hznagu, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, ssh-code, 25, bdqn
<== Row: 56, 0, 宫保鸡丁, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, ssj-code, 2, bdqn
<== Row: 57, 0, dfa, 2017-09-10, 1, 1, dfa, 2, fda
<== Row: 58, 0, fda, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, dfa, 25, dfa
<== Row: 59, 0, dfa, 2017-09-10, 0, 1, fda, 2, dfa
<== Total: 19
很明显,只访问了一次数据库,说明单独使用mybatis的 一级缓存是 有效的。
再看看hibernate和 spring整和的情况下,测试hibernate的一级缓存:
public void TestOneCache(){ //被spring管理的hibernate 一级缓存失效
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-hiberanate.xml");
BillService service= (BillService)context.getBean("billServiceImpl");
List<Bill> allBills = service.findAllBills();
List<Bill> allBillss = service.findAllBills();
System.out.println(allBillss.size()); }
Hibernate: select bill0_.bid as bid1_1_, bill0_.bmoney as bmoney2_1_, bill0_.bname as bname3_1_, bill0_.createtime as createti4_1_, bill0_.hscode as hscode5_1_, bill0_.paystate as paystate6_1_, bill0_.scount as scount7_1_, bill0_.sunit as sunit8_1_, bill0_.supId as supId9_1_ from bill bill0_
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select bill0_.bid as bid1_1_, bill0_.bmoney as bmoney2_1_, bill0_.bname as bname3_1_, bill0_.createtime as createti4_1_, bill0_.hscode as hscode5_1_, bill0_.paystate as paystate6_1_, bill0_.scount as scount7_1_, bill0_.sunit as sunit8_1_, bill0_.supId as supId9_1_ from bill bill0_
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
和mybatis一样,被spring管理的hibernate 的一级缓存无效。说明问题 出在spring身上。
* Copyright 2009-2015 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ibatis.session; import java.sql.Connection; /**
* Creates an {@link SqlSesion} out of a connection or a DataSource
* @author Clinton Begin
public interface SqlSessionFactory { SqlSession openSession(); SqlSession openSession(boolean autoCommit);
SqlSession openSession(Connection connection);
SqlSession openSession(TransactionIsolationLevel level); SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType);
SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, boolean autoCommit);
SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level);
SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, Connection connection); Configuration getConfiguration(); }
* @author Larry Meadors
public class SqlSessionManager implements SqlSessionFactory, SqlSession { private final SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;
private final SqlSession sqlSessionProxy; private ThreadLocal<SqlSession> localSqlSession = new ThreadLocal<SqlSession>(); private SqlSessionManager(SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory) {
this.sqlSessionFactory = sqlSessionFactory;
this.sqlSessionProxy = (SqlSession) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[]{SqlSession.class},
new SqlSessionInterceptor());
private ThreadLocal<SqlSession> localSqlSession = new ThreadLocal<SqlSession>();这个是让session和当前的线程绑定
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
final SqlSession sqlSession = SqlSessionManager.this.localSqlSession.get();
if (sqlSession != null) {
try {
return method.invoke(sqlSession, args);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable(t);
} else {
final SqlSession autoSqlSession = openSession();
try {
final Object result = method.invoke(autoSqlSession, args);
return result;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable(t);
} finally {
public void close() {
final SqlSession sqlSession = localSqlSession.get();
if (sqlSession == null) {
throw new SqlSessionException("Error: Cannot close. No managed session is started.");
try {
} finally {
localSqlSession.set(null); //释放线程
看下红色部分的代码,当一个非空的session传过来,重新 opensession() 在代码执行到最后执行autoSqlSession.close()方法,关闭session,释放线程,跳出递归;
public void TestOneCache(){ //没有被spring管理使用一级缓存
Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession();
List<Bill> list=session.createQuery( "from Bill ").list();
List<Bill> lists = session.createQuery( "from Bill ").list();
System.out.println(lists.size()); //被spring管理的hibernate 一级缓存失效
/*ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-hiberanate.xml");
BillService service= (BillService)context.getBean("billServiceImpl");
List<Bill> allBills = service.findAllBills();
List<Bill> allBillss = service.findAllBills();
System.out.println(allBillss.size());*/ }
bill0_.bid as bid1_1_,
bill0_.bmoney as bmoney2_1_,
bill0_.bname as bname3_1_,
bill0_.createtime as createti4_1_,
bill0_.hscode as hscode5_1_,
bill0_.paystate as paystate6_1_,
bill0_.scount as scount7_1_,
bill0_.sunit as sunit8_1_,
bill0_.supId as supId9_1_
bill bill0_
supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_,
supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_,
supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_,
supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_,
supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_,
supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_,
supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_
supplier supplier0_
supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_,
supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_,
supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_,
supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_,
supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_,
supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_,
supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_
supplier supplier0_
supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_,
supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_,
supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_,
supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_,
supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_,
supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_,
supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_
supplier supplier0_
supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_,
supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_,
supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_,
supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_,
supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_,
supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_,
supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_
supplier supplier0_
bill0_.bid as bid1_1_,
bill0_.bmoney as bmoney2_1_,
bill0_.bname as bname3_1_,
bill0_.createtime as createti4_1_,
bill0_.hscode as hscode5_1_,
bill0_.paystate as paystate6_1_,
bill0_.scount as scount7_1_,
bill0_.sunit as sunit8_1_,
bill0_.supId as supId9_1_
bill bill0_
public void TestOneCache(){ //被spring管理的hibernate 一级缓存失效
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-hiberanate.xml");
BillService service= (BillService)context.getBean("billServiceImpl");
List<Bill> allBills = service.findAllBills();
List<Bill> allBillss = service.findAllBills();
System.out.println(allBillss.size()); }
Hibernate: select bill0_.bid as bid1_1_, bill0_.bmoney as bmoney2_1_, bill0_.bname as bname3_1_, bill0_.createtime as createti4_1_, bill0_.hscode as hscode5_1_, bill0_.paystate as paystate6_1_, bill0_.scount as scount7_1_, bill0_.sunit as sunit8_1_, bill0_.supId as supId9_1_ from bill bill0_
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select bill0_.bid as bid1_1_, bill0_.bmoney as bmoney2_1_, bill0_.bname as bname3_1_, bill0_.createtime as createti4_1_, bill0_.hscode as hscode5_1_, bill0_.paystate as paystate6_1_, bill0_.scount as scount7_1_, bill0_.sunit as sunit8_1_, bill0_.supId as supId9_1_ from bill bill0_
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
Hibernate: select supplier0_.supId as supId1_2_0_, supplier0_.createtime as createti2_2_0_, supplier0_.supName as supName3_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserName as supUserN4_2_0_, supplier0_.supUserTel as supUserT5_2_0_, supplier0_.supcode as supcode6_2_0_, supplier0_.supfax as supfax7_2_0_ from supplier supplier0_ where supplier0_.supId=?
然后看下spring集成的hibernate配置文件,spring+hibernate的sessionFactory是交给spring来管理的,进入配置文件 找到LocalSessionFactory
<bean id="sessionFactory"
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="packagesToScan">
<property name="hibernateProperties">
<prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
private static final ThreadLocal<Session> thread=new ThreadLocal<Session>();
public Session openSession() throws HibernateException {
return this.withOptions().openSession();
} public Session openTemporarySession() throws HibernateException {
return this.withOptions().autoClose(false).flushBeforeCompletion(false).connectionReleaseMode(ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_STATEMENT).openSession();
public SessionBuilder autoClose(boolean autoClose) {
this.autoClose = autoClose;
return this;
public SessionBuilder flushBeforeCompletion(boolean flushBeforeCompletion) {
this.flushBeforeCompletion = flushBeforeCompletion;
return this;
----希望知道的分享一下 ,非常感谢。
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一级缓存 Mybatis的一级缓存存放在SqlSession的生命周期,在同一个SqlSession中查询时,Mybatis会把执行的方法和参数通过算法生成缓存的键值,将键值和查询结果存入一个Map对 ...
- MyBatis之一级缓存及其一级缓存失效
定义: 一级缓存:本地缓存:与数据库同一次会话(sqlSession)期间查询到的数据会放在本地缓存中,如果以后要获取相同的数据直接从缓存中获取,不会再次向数据库查询数据一个SqlSession拥有一 ...
- 四 Hibernate的一级缓存&事务管理及其配置
持久态对象: 自动更新数据库,原理是一级缓存. 缓存:是一种优化的方式,将数据存入内存,从缓存/内存中获取,不用通过存储源 Hibernate框架中提供了优化手段:缓存,抓取策略 Hibernate中 ...
- Mybaits 源码解析 (十二)----- Mybatis的事务如何被Spring管理?Mybatis和Spring事务中用的Connection是同一个吗?
不知道一些同学有没有这种疑问,为什么Mybtis中要配置dataSource,Spring的事务中也要配置dataSource?那么Mybatis和Spring事务中用的Connection是同一个吗 ...
- java-mybaits-014-数据库缓存设计【querycache、mybatis一级缓存、二级缓存】
一.概述 一般来说,可以在5个方面进行缓存的设计: 1.最底层可以配置的是数据库自带的query cache, 2.mybatis的一级缓存,默认情况下都处于开启状态,只能使用自带的Perpetual ...
- Spring管理Hibernate
为什么要用Hibernate框架? 既然用Hibernate框架访问管理持久层,那为何又提到用Spring来管理以及整合Hibernate呢? 首先我们来看一下Hibernate进行操作的步骤.比如添 ...
- MyBatis一级缓存引起的无穷递归
MyBatis一级缓存引起的无穷递归 引言: 最近在项目中参与了一个领取优惠劵的活动,当多个用户领取同一张优惠劵的时候,使用了数据库锁控制并发,起初的设想是:如果多个人同时领一张劵,第一个到达的人领取 ...
- shutdown命令详解
基础命令学习目录 原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/qlqwjy/p/7746364.html 我 们在操作Linux v/服务器的时候肯定会有需要重启系统,或者关闭系统等操作. ...
- 苹果针对on sale 的APP发的问题邮件
2017年3月8日 上午8:07 发件人 Apple Dear Developer, Your app, extension, and/or linked framework appears to c ...
- 网页调起App之应用实践
声明:本文由入驻搜狐公众平台的作者撰写,除搜狐官方账号外,观点仅代表作者本人,不代表搜狐立场.举报 新春佳节即将到来,北京的上地&西二旗.望京&国贸.五道口&中关村地区等程序员 ...
- Daily Scrum 11.10
今日完成任务: 1.加入更改头像功能 2.解决不发送激活邮件和重置密码邮件的问题 3.在服务器上部署网站 4.加入匿名提问功能 明日任务: 黎柱金 修改数据库用户表,实现用户积分管理功能 晏旭瑞 解决 ...
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一.vim重复命令 1.重复执行上次命令 在普通模式下.(小数点)表示重复上一次的命令操作 拷贝测试文件到本地目录 $ cp /etc/protocols . 打开文件进行编辑 $ vim proto ...
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20172324<Java程序设计>第3周学习总结 教材学习内容总结 随机数,记住要返回的是指定的字符前一个. String类型的一些用法,例如concat(连接),toUpperCase ...
- NABCD模型分析
1.N——need需求 目前,学习英语是所有学生会面临的问题.提高词汇量对学习英语是十分必要的,尤其是对大学生来说对手机的使用特别频繁,我们提高英语词汇量也应该把手机更好的利用起来,利用自己对手机的使 ...
- mianshi
https://blog.csdn.net/u012557610/article/details/80350099 https://blog.csdn.net/liuqiyao_01/article/ ...
- (小组)第六次作业:NABCD模型分析。产品Backlog。
NABCD模型分析: NABCD模型分析 1.N——need需求 随着时代的进步,人们生活水平的提高,现在手机的普及率已经非常高了,而且现在的家长很多时候会忙于工作,很少会花时间出来给自己读小学的孩子 ...
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点我查看作业原题 [队名] PMS(一群pm) [拟做的团队项目描述] 基于监控场景的视频摘要与人车检测跟踪系统 A system, under monitor scene, for video su ...