Stack Overflow's answer


dist-packages is a Debian-specific convention that is also present in its derivatives, like Ubuntu. Modules are installed to dist-packages when they come from the Debian package manager into this location:

dist-packages 是 Debian特定惯例,这也存在于像是ubuntu上。 如果使用Debian软件管理器安装, 模块将被安装到 dist-packages:


Since easy_install and pip are installed from the package manager, they also use dist-packages, but they put packages here:

自从 easy_install 和 pip (注: 是python的软件管理其,python有许许多多的软件) 使用,他们也使用 dist-packages,但是 路径是:


From the Debian Python Wiki:

从  Debian Python Wiki:

dist-packages instead of site-packages. Third party Python software installed from Debian packages goes into dist-packages, not site-packages. This is to reduce conflict between the system Python, and any from-source Python build you might install manually.

dist-packages取代了site-packages。从Debian安装包安装的第三方的Python软件 被 安装到 dist-packages,不是 site-packages.这是为了减少,系统自带python 和 你手动安装的python 之间的冲突。

This means that if you manually install Python from source, it uses the site-packages directory. This allows you to keep the two installations separate, especially since Debian and Ubuntu rely on the system version of Python for many system utilities.

这就是说,如果你手动安装python,它会直接使用目录site-packages。这允许你让两个安装隔离开来,特别是因为Debian 和 Ubuntu 应用 python的系统版本 到 许多的系统实体。

查找Python 安装路径THIS

>>> from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
>>> print(get_python_lib())

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