10 Useeful Tips for Writing Effective Bash Scripts in Linux
1.Always Use Comments in Scripts
2.Make a Scripts exit When Fails
Sometimes bash may continue to execute a script even when a certain command fails.thus affecting the rest of the script (may eventually result in logical errors).Use the Command below to exit a script when a command fails.
#let script exit if a command fails(remember:this command should use at the top of the scripts)
set -o errexit
set -e
3.Make a Scripts exit When Bash uses Undeclared Variable
Bash may also try to use an undeclared script which could cause a logical error.Therefore use the following line to instruct bash to exit a script when it attemps to use an undeclared variable.
#let script exit if an unused variable is used
set -o nounset
set -u
4.Use double quotes to Reference variables
Use double quotes while referencing (using a value of a variable) helps to prevent word splitting (regarding whitespace) and unnecessary globbing匹配(recognizing and expanding wildcards)
#let a script exit if a command fails
set -o errexit
#let a script exit if an unsed variable is used
set -o nounset
echo "Names without double quotes"
names="Michael Jordan"
for name in $names;do
echo "$name"
echo "Names with double quotes"
for name in "$names"; do
echo "$name"
exit 0
1.echo 单独执行表示换行
2.for 变量 in 列表
5.Use Functions in Scripts
Expect for very small scripts (with a few lines of code ),always remember to use functions to modularize your code and make scripts more readable and reusable)
The sysntax for writing functions is as follows:
function chech_root(){
6.Use = instead of == for String Comparisons
Note that == is a synonym同义词 for = ,therefore use only a single = for string comparisions,for instance
7.Use $(command) instead of legacy `command` for substitution(替换)
user=`echo "$UID"`
user=$(echo "$UID")
8.Use Read-only to Declare Static Variables
A static variable doesn't change;its value can not be altered once it's defined in a script
eg:readonly passwd_file="/etc/passwd"
readonly group_file="/etc/group"
9.Use Uppercase Names for ENVIRONMENT Variables and Lowercase for Custom Variables
All bash environment variables are named with uppercase letters ,therefore use lowercase letters to name your custom variables to avoid variable name conflicts
10.Always Perform Debugging for Long Scripts
Methods of Enabling Shell Script Debugging Mode
Below are the primary shell script debugging options:
-v (short for verbose冗长) – tells the shell to show all lines in a script while they are read, it activates verbose mode.
-n (short for noexec or no ecxecution) – instructs the shell read all the commands, however doesn’t execute them. This options activates syntax checking mode.
-x (short for xtrace or execution trace) – tells the shell to display all commands and their arguments on the terminal while they are executed. This option enables shell tracing mode.
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