SELECT fcp.concurrent_program_name,
fcre.description || ' (' || fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name || ')'),
'No Manager',
'On Hold',
'Warning') status, fcre.requested_start_date last_start_date,
fcre.actual_start_date last_actual_start_date,
fcre.actual_completion_date last_completion_date,
sche.class_info FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt,
apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcre,
apps.fnd_user fu,
(SELECT owner_req_id,
date1 start_date,
date2 end_date,
decode(class_type, 'S', 'Specific Days', 'P', 'Periodically') job_class,
substr(class_info, 1, instr(class_info, ':') - 1) ||
decode(substr(class_info, instr(class_info, ':') + 1, 1),
class_info) class_info
FROM apps.fnd_conc_release_classes fcr WHERE class_type IN ('S', 'P') --Periodically and Specific Concurrent
AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND (date2 IS NULL OR date2 > SYSDATE)
AND owner_req_id IS NOT NULL) sche, (SELECT MAX(request_id) request_id, root_request_id
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests
WHERE root_request_id IN
(SELECT nvl(root_request_id, request_id) request_id
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests
WHERE request_id IN
(SELECT owner_req_id
FROM apps.fnd_conc_release_classes fcr
WHERE class_type IN ('S', 'P') --Periodically and Specific Concurrent
AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND (date2 IS NULL OR date2 > SYSDATE)
AND owner_req_id IS NOT NULL)
AND status_code <> 'D')
GROUP BY root_request_id) conc WHERE fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcpt.concurrent_program_id
AND fcpt.language = 'US'
AND fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcre.concurrent_program_id
AND fcre.status_code NOT IN ('D', 'X', 'U') --Cancelled and Terminated and Disabled
AND fcre.request_id = conc.request_id
AND conc.request_id = sche.owner_req_id
AND fcre.requested_by = fu.user_id

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