1. import requests
  2. from lxml import etree
  3. from urllib import parse
  4. import os, time
  6. def get_page_html(url):
  7. '''向url发送请求'''
  8. resoponse = session.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout)
  9. try:
  10. if resoponse.status_code == 200:
  11. return resoponse
  12. except Exception:
  13. return None
  15. def get_next_url(resoponse):
  16. '''获取下一页的url链接'''
  17. if resoponse:
  18. try:
  19. selector = etree.HTML(resoponse.text)
  20. url = selector.xpath("//a[@id='j_chapterNext']/@href")[0]
  21. next_url = parse.urljoin(resoponse.url, url)
  22. return next_url
  23. except IndexError:
  24. return None
  26. def xs_content(resoponse):
  27. '''获取小说的章节名,内容'''
  28. if resoponse:
  29. selector = etree.HTML(resoponse.text)
  30. title = selector.xpath("//h3[@class='j_chapterName']/text()")[0]
  31. content_xpath = selector.xpath(
  32. "//div[contains(@class,'read-content') and contains(@class,'j_readContent')]//p/text()")
  33. return title, content_xpath
  35. def write_to_txt(info_tuple: tuple):
  36. if not info_tuple: return
  37. path = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, info_tuple[0])
  38. if not os.path.exists(path):
  39. with open(path + ".txt", "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
  40. for line in info_tuple[1]:
  41. f.write(line + "\n")
  42. f.flush()
  44. def run(url):
  45. '''启动'''
  46. html = get_page_html(url)
  47. next_url = get_next_url(html)
  48. info_tupe = xs_content(html)
  49. if next_url and info_tupe:
  50. print("正在写入")
  51. write_to_txt(info_tupe)
  52. time.sleep(sleep_time) # 延迟发送请求的时间,减少对服务器的压力。
  53. print("正在爬取%s" % info_tupe[0])
  54. print("正在爬取%s" % next_url)
  55. run(next_url)
  57. if __name__ == '__main__':
  58. session = requests.Session()
  59. sleep_time = 5
  60. timeout = 5
  61. BASE_PATH = r"D:\图片\LSZJ" # 存放文件的目录
  62. url = "https://read.qidian.com/chapter/8iw8dkb_ZTxrZK4x-CuJuw2/fWJwrOiObhn4p8iEw--PPw2" # 这是斗破苍穹第一章的url 需要爬取的小说的第一章的链接(url)
  63. headers = {
  64. "Referer": "read.qidian.com",
  65. "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36"
  66. }
  67. print('开始运行爬虫')
  68. run(url)


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