Asset |
iPhone 6 Plus (@3x) |
iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 (@2x) |
iPhone 4s (@2x) |
iPad and iPad mini (@2x) |
iPad 2 and iPad mini (@1x) |
App icon (required for all apps) |
180 x 180 |
120 x 120 |
120 x 120 |
152 x 152 |
76 x 76 |
App icon for the App Store (required for all apps) |
1024 x 1024 |
1024 x 1024 |
1024 x 1024 |
1024 x 1024 |
1024 x 1024 |
Launch file or image (required for all apps) |
Use a launch file (see Launch Images) |
For iPhone 6, use a launch file (see Launch Images) For iPhone 5, 640 x 1136 |
640 x 960 |
1536 x 2048 (portrait) 2048 x 1536 (landscape) |
768 x 1024 (portrait) 1024 x 768 (landscape) |
Spotlight search results icon (recommended) |
120 x 120 |
80 x 80 |
80 x 80 |
80 x 80 |
40 x 40 |
Settings icon (recommended) |
87 x 87 |
58 x 58 |
58 x 58 |
58 x 58 |
29 x 29 |
Toolbar and navigation bar icon (optional) |
About 66 x 66 |
About 44 x 44 |
About 44 x 44 |
About 44 x 44 |
About 22 x 22 |
Tab bar icon (optional) |
About 75 x 75 (maximum: 144 x 96) |
About 50 x 50 (maximum: 96 x 64) |
About 50 x 50 (maximum: 96 x 64) |
About 50 x 50 (maximum: 96 x 64) |
About 25 x 25 (maximum: 48 x 32) |
Default Newsstand cover icon for the App Store (required for Newsstand apps) |
At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge |
At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge |
At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge |
At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge |
At least 512 pixels on the longest edge |
Web clip icon (recommended for web apps and websites) |
180 x 180 |
120 x 120 |
120 x 120 |
152 x 152 |
76 x 76 |
- IOS和Android图标尺寸
刚开始接触UI的时候,碰到的最多的就是尺寸问题,今天我们就来谈谈IOS和Android 图标设计尺寸吧! 一.IOS篇 1.iOS app图标的圆角半径是多少? (注:现在IOS图标是不需要再画圆角了 ...
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iPhone/iPad/Android UI尺寸规范 UI尺寸规范,UI图标尺寸,UI界面尺寸,iPhone6尺寸,iPhone6 Plus尺寸,安卓尺寸,iOS尺寸 iPhone界面尺寸 设备 分辨 ...
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Commit to AppStore:1024*1024 //for App IconIcon-60@3x.png:180*180 //iPhone 6 Plus (@3x) ...
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iPhone 4和iPod Touch 4有一个新的特性:在屏幕尺寸不变的前提下,分辨率提升一倍(320 x 480 => 640 x 960).苹果将这个特性命名为Retina. 用苹果的话讲 ...
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1. 桌面图标 (app icon) for iPhone6 plus(@3x) : 180 x 180 for iPhone 6/5s/5/4s/4(@2x) : 120 x 120 2. 系统搜索 ...
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