Action Bar

  The action bar is a window feature that identifies the user location, and provides user actions and navigation modes. Using the action bar offers your users a familiar interface across applications that the system gracefully adapts for different screen configurations.

  The action bar is split into four different functional areas that apply to most apps.


1,App icon

  The app icon establishes your app's identity. It can be replaced with a different logo or branding if you wish. Important: If the app is currently not displaying the top-level screen, be sure to display the Up caret to the left of the app icon, so the user can navigate up the hierarchy. For more discussion of Up navigation, see the Navigation pattern.

  App icon with and without "up" affordance. 

2,View control

  If your app displays data in different views, this segment of the action bar allows users to switch views. Examples of view-switching controls are drop-down menus or tab controls. For more information on view-switching, see the App Structure pattern.

  If your app doesn't support different views, you can also use this space to display non-interactive content, such as an app title or longer branding information.

3,Action buttons

  Show the most important actions of your app in the actions section. Actions that don't fit in the action bar are moved automatically to the action overflow. Long-press on an icon to view the action's name.

4,Action overflow

  Move less often used actions to the action overflow.

The action bar provides several key functions:

  • Provides a dedicated space for giving your app an identity and indicating the user's location in the app.
  • Makes important actions prominent and accessible in a predictable way (such as Search).
  • Supports consistent navigation and view switching within apps (with tabs or drop-down lists).

For more information about the action bar's interaction patterns and design guidelines, see the Action Bar design guide.

The ActionBar APIs were first added in Android 3.0 (API level 11) but they are also available in the Support Library for compatibility with Android 2.1 (API level 7) and above.

This guide focuses on how to use the support library's action bar, but if your app supports only Android 3.0 or higher, you should use the ActionBar APIs in the framework. Most of the APIs are the same—but reside in a different package namespace—with a few exceptions to method names or signatures that are noted in the sections below.

Caution: Be certain you import the ActionBar class (and related APIs) from the appropriate package:

  • If supporting API levels lower than 11: 
  • If supporting only API level 11 and higher: 

Note: If you're looking for information about the contextual action bar for displaying contextual action items, see the Menu guide.


  1. ActionBar官方教程(11)自定义ActionBar的样式(含重要的样式属性表及练习示例)

    Styling the Action Bar If you want to implement a visual design that represents your app's brand, th ...

  2. ActionBar官方教程(10)ActionBar的下拉列表模式

    Adding Drop-down Navigation As another mode of navigation (or filtering) for your activity, the acti ...

  3. ActionBar官方教程(9)ActionBar的顶部tab模式(注意,已经被弃用)

    This interface is deprecated.Action bar navigation modes are deprecated and not supported by inline ...

  4. ActionBar官方教程(6)把图标变成一个返回到上级的按钮,同一个app间,不同app间,不同fragment间

    Navigating Up with the App Icon Enabling the app icon as an Up button allows the user to navigate yo ...

  5. ActionBar官方教程(5)ActionBar的分裂模式(底部tab样式),隐藏标题,隐藏图标

    Using split action bar Split action bar provides a separate bar at the bottom of the screen to displ ...

  6. ActionBar官方教程(3)更改标题处的图片

    Using a logo instead of an icon By default, the system uses your application icon in the action bar, ...

  7. ActionBar官方教程(2)选主题让应用支或不支持ActionBar及支持ActionBar的应用如何隐藏和显示

    Adding the Action Bar As mentioned above, this guide focuses on how to use the ActionBar APIs in the ...

  8. ContentProvider官方教程(2)简介、Content URIs

    In this document Overview Accessing a provider Content URIs Content Provider Basics A content provid ...

  9. Intent官方教程(1)简介和作用

    Intents An Intent is a messaging object you can use to request an action from another app component. ...


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