Why Model

Reason # 1: Intelligent Citizen of the World

Reason # 2: Clearer Thinker

Reason # 3: Understand and Use Data

Reason # 4: Decide, Strategize, and Design

•The model
–Assumptions, results, applications
•Technical Details
–Measures, Proofs (Easy, Medium, Hard)
–Practice Problems
    Intelligent Citizen of the World
Models Are Better Than We Are
Models Are Fertile【肥沃的;可繁殖的;丰富的;[物]能产生裂变物质的】
Models Make Us Humble
Many Model Thinkers Know Best
    Thinking More Clearly
Name The Parts
Identify Relationships
Work Through Logic
Inductively Explore
Understand Class of Outcome
Identify Logical Boundaries
    Using and Understanding Data
Understand Patterns
Predict Point
Produce Bounds
Predict Other
Inform Data Collection
Estimate【估计,预测;报价,预算书;评价,判断】 Hidden Parameters
    Using Models to Decide,Strategize,and Design
[Real Time]Decision Aids
{In the Monty Hall problem just described, should you stick with your original door or should you switch
After Monty eliminates one door, your chance of choosing the door with the prize remains one in three. The sum of probabilities has to add up to one. So the chance of the prize being behind one of the two doors you didn't initially select has to be two in three. Of those two doors, one is open and reveals nothing, so the other has a two in three chance of concealing the prize.}
Comparative Statics
Identify and Rank Levers
Experimental Design
Institutional Design【制度性;体制;机构的
Help Choose Among Policies and Institutions

Peer Effect


{同群效应(peer effect),在一些经济学著作里,也被叫做“social capital”、“contagion”、“neighborhood effeets”或者“peer group effects”。}

Granovettor's[诺维特] Model

Aggregation{n. [地质][数] 聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体}


 *N Individuals[n. [经] 个人;[生物] 个体(individual的复数)]

 *Each has a Threshold[n. 入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值]

   -Tj for person j

   -Join if Tj others join


the tail's able to wag[摇摆;摇动;饶舌] the dog}

Collective Action

More Likely If:

    -Lower Thresholds

    -More Variation in thresholds

The Standing Ovation[热烈欢迎;大喝采] Model


Threshold to Stand: T

Quality: Q

Signal: S=Q+E

Initial Rule

   -If S>T, Stand

Subsequent[adj. 后来的,随后的] Rule

    -Stand if more X% stand

 fertility  【n. 多产;肥沃;[农经] 生产力;丰饶】
The Identification Problem
Homophily[n. 同质性]

  • adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的
  • n. 动态;动力
    • adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的
    • n. 动态;动力]

Aggregation[n. [地质][数] 聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体]

More is Different


Single Rule

Family of Rules


Central Limit Theorem[n. [数] 定理;原理]


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