6 XlFileFormat.xlCSV CSV (逗号分隔)(*.csv)
22 XlFileFormat.xlCSVMac
24 XlFileFormat.xlCSVMSDOS
23 XlFileFormat.xlCSVWindows
-4158 XlFileFormat.xlCurrentPlatformText
7 XlFileFormat.xlDBF2 DBF 2 (dBASE II) (*.dbf)
8 XlFileFormat.xlDBF3 DBF 3 (dBASE III) (*.dbf)
11 XlFileFormat.xlDBF4 DBF 4 (dBASE IV) (*.dbf)
9 XlFileFormat.xlDIF DIF (数据交换格式)(*.dif)
16 XlFileFormat.xlExcel2 Microsoft Excel 2.1 工作表(*.xls)
27 XlFileFormat.xlExcel2FarEast
29 XlFileFormat.xlExcel3 Microsoft Excel 3.0 工作表(*.xls)
33 XlFileFormat.xlExcel4 Microsoft Excel 4.0 工作表(*.xls)
35 XlFileFormat.xlExcel4Workbook Microsoft Excel 4.0 工作簿(*.xlw)
39 XlFileFormat.xlExcel5 Micorosoft Excel 5.0/95 工作薄(*.xls)
39 XlFileFormat.xlExcel7 Micorosoft Excel 5.0/95 工作薄(*.xls)
43 XlFileFormat.xlExcel9795 Microsoft Excel 97- Excel 2003 & 5.0/95 工作簿(.*.xls)
44 XlFileFormat.xlHtml 网页(*.htm;*.html)
26 XlFileFormat.xlIntlAddIn
25 XlFileFormat.xlIntlMacro
2 XlFileFormat.xlSYLK SYLK (符号链接)(*.slk)
17 XlFileFormat.xlTemplate 模板(*.xlt)
19 XlFileFormat.xlTextMac
21 XlFileFormat.xlTextMSDOS 文本文件(制表符分隔)(*.txt)
36 XlFileFormat.xlTextPrinter 带格式文本文件(空格分隔)(*.prn)
20 XlFileFormat.xlTextWindows
42 XlFileFormat.xlUnicodeText Unicode 文本(*.txt)
45 XlFileFormat.xlWebArchive 单个文件网页(*.mht;*.mhtml)
14 XlFileFormat.xlWJ2WD1 WD1 (1-2-3) (*.wd1)
40 XlFileFormat.xlWJ3
41 XlFileFormat.xlWJ3FJ3
5 XlFileFormat.xlWK1 WK1 (1-2-3) (*.wk1)
31 XlFileFormat.xlWK1ALL WK1,ALL (1-2-3) (*.wk1)
30 XlFileFormat.xlWK1FMT WK1,FMT (1-2-3) (*.wk1)
15 XlFileFormat.xlWK3 WK3 (1-2-3) (*.wk3)
32 XlFileFormat.xlWK3FM3 WK3,FM3 (1-2-3) (*.wk3)
38 XlFileFormat.xlWK4 WK4 (1-2-3) (*.wk4)
4 XlFileFormat.xlWKS WKS (Works) (*.wks)
-4143 XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal Microsoft Office Excel 工作簿(*.xls)
28 XlFileFormat.xlWorks2FarEast
34 XlFileFormat.xlWQ1 WQ1 (Quattro Pro/DOS) (*.wq1)
46 XlFileFormat.xlXMLSpreadsheet XML 表格(*.xml)
public enum XlFileFormat
Member name | Description | |
xlAddIn | Microsoft Office Excel Add-In. | |
xlCSV | Comma separated value. | |
xlCSVMac | Comma separated value. | |
xlCSVMSDOS | Comma separated value. | |
xlCSVWindows | Comma separated value. | |
xlDBF2 | Dbase 2 format. | |
xlDBF3 | Dbase 3 format. | |
xlDBF4 | Dbase 4 format. | |
xlDIF | Data Interchange format. | |
xlExcel2 | Excel version 2.0. | |
xlExcel2FarEast | Excel version 2.0 far east. | |
xlExcel3 | Excel version 3.0. | |
xlExcel4 | Excel version 4.0. | |
xlExcel5 | Excel version 5.0. | |
xlExcel7 | Excel 95. | |
xlExcel9795 | Excel version 95 and 97. | |
xlExcel4Workbook | Excel version 4.0. Workbook format. | |
xlIntlAddIn | Microsoft Office Excel Add-In international format. | |
xlIntlMacro | Deprecated format. | |
xlWorkbookNormal | Excel workbook format. | |
xlSYLK | Symbolic link format. | |
xlTemplate | Excel template format. | |
xlCurrentPlatformText | Specifies a type of text format | |
xlTextMac | Specifies a type of text format. | |
xlTextMSDOS | Specifies a type of text format. | |
xlTextPrinter | Specifies a type of text format. | |
xlTextWindows | Specifies a type of text format. | |
xlWJ2WD1 | Deprecated format. | |
xlWK1 | Lotus 1-2-3 format. | |
xlWK1ALL | Lotus 1-2-3 format. | |
xlWK1FMT | Lotus 1-2-3 format. | |
xlWK3 | Lotus 1-2-3 format. | |
xlWK4 | Lotus 1-2-3 format. | |
xlWK3FM3 | Lotus 1-2-3 format. | |
xlWKS | Lotus 1-2-3 format. | |
xlWorks2FarEast | Microsoft Works 2.0 format | |
xlWQ1 | Quattro Pro format. | |
xlWJ3 | Deprecated format. | |
xlWJ3FJ3 | Deprecated format. | |
xlUnicodeText | Specifies a type of text format. | |
xlHtml | Web page format. | |
xlWebArchive | MHT format. | |
xlXMLSpreadsheet | Excel Spreadsheet format. | |
xlExcel12 | Excel12 | |
xlOpenXMLWorkbook | Open XML Workbook | |
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled | Open XML Workbook Macro Enabled | |
xlOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled | Open XML Template Macro Enabled | |
xlTemplate8 | Template 8 | |
xlOpenXMLTemplate | Open XML Template | |
xlAddIn8 | Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In | |
xlOpenXMLAddIn | Open XML Add-In | |
xlExcel8 | Excel8 | |
xlOpenDocumentSpreadsheet | OpenDocument Spreadsheet | |
xlWorkbookDefault | Workbook default |
- XlFileFormat Enumeration
- Word/Excel 在线预览
前言 近日项目中做到一个功能,需要上传附件后能够在线预览.之前也没做过这类似的,于是乎就查找了相关资料,.net实现Office文件预览大概有这几种方式: ① 使用Microsoft的Office组件 ...
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