r.js 配置文件 build.js 不完整注释
r.js 配置文件 example.build.js 不完整注释
- /*
- * This is an example build file that demonstrates how to use the build system for
- * require.js.
- *
- *
- * r.js 配置文件 example.build.js 不完整注释\
- * 结合最近打包实践,对这个 r.js 下的 build 配置文件作了些补充说明:
- *
- *
- * THIS BUILD FILE WILL NOT WORK. It is referencing paths that probably
- * do not exist on your machine. Just use it as a guide.
- *
- *
- */
- ({
- // app顶级目录,非必选项。如果指定值,baseUrl则会以此为相对路径
- appDir: "some/path/",
- // 模块根目录。默认情况下所有模块资源都相对此目录。
- // 若该值未指定,模块则相对build文件所在目录。
- // 若appDir值已指定,模块根目录baseUrl则相对appDir。
- baseUrl: "./",
- // 配置文件目录
- mainConfigFile: '../some/path/to/main.js',
- // 设置模块别名
- // RequireJS 2.0 中可以配置数组,顺序映射,当前面模块资源未成功加载时可顺序加载后续资源
- paths: {
- "foo.bar": "../scripts/foo/bar",
- "baz": "../another/path/baz"
- },
- // 配置 CommonJS 的 package See http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#packages for more information.
- packagePaths: [],
- packages: [],
- // 指定输出目录,若值未指定,则相对 build 文件所在目录
- dir: "../some/path",
- // 在 RequireJS 2.0.2 中,输出目录的所有资源会在 build 前被删除
- // 值为 true 时 rebuild 更快,但某些特殊情景下可能会出现无法预料的异常
- keepBuildDir: true,
- // 国际化配置
- locale: "en-us",
- // JS 文件优化方式,目前支持以下几种:
- // uglify: (默认) 使用 UglifyJS 来压缩代码
- // closure: 使用 Google's Closure Compiler 的简单优化模式
- // closure.keepLines: 使用 closure,但保持换行
- // none: 不压缩代码
- optimize: "uglify",
- // 使用 UglifyJS 时的可配置参数
- // See https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS for the possible values.
- uglify: {
- toplevel: true,
- ascii_only: true,
- beautify: true,
- max_line_length: 1000
- },
- // 使用 Closure Compiler 时的可配置参数
- closure: {
- CompilerOptions: {},
- CompilationLevel: 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS',
- loggingLevel: 'WARNING'
- },
- // CSS 优化方式,目前支持以下几种:
- // none: 不压缩,仅合并
- // standard: 标准压缩,移除注释、换行,以及可能导致 IE 解析出错的代码
- // standard.keepLines: 除标准压缩外,保留换行
- // standard.keepComments: 除标准压缩外,保留注释 (r.js 1.0.8+)
- // standard.keepComments.keepLines: 除标准压缩外,保留注释和换行 (r.js 1.0.8+)
- optimizeCss: "standard.keepLines",
- // 是否忽略 CSS 资源文件中的 @import 指令
- cssImportIgnore: null,
- // 一般用于命令行,可将多个 CSS 资源文件打包成单个 CSS 文件
- cssIn: "path/to/main.css",
- out: "path/to/css-optimized.css",
- // 处理所有的文本资源依赖项,从而避免为加载资源而产生的大量单独xhr请求
- inlineText: true,
- // 是否开启严格模式
- // 由于很多浏览器不支持 ES5 的严格模式,故此配置默认值为 false
- useStrict: false,
- //Specify build pragmas. If the source files contain comments like so:
- //>>excludeStart("fooExclude", pragmas.fooExclude);
- //>>excludeEnd("fooExclude");
- //Then the comments that start with //>> are the build pragmas.
- //excludeStart/excludeEnd and includeStart/includeEnd work, and the
- //the pragmas value to the includeStart or excludeStart lines
- //is evaluated to see if the code between the Start and End pragma
- //lines should be included or excluded. If you have a choice to use
- //"has" code or pragmas, use "has" code instead. Pragmas are harder
- //to read, but they can be a bit more flexible on code removal vs.
- //has-based code, which must follow JavaScript language rules.
- //Pragmas also remove code in non-minified source, where has branch
- //trimming is only done if the code is minified via UglifyJS or
- //Closure Compiler.
- pragmas: {
- fooExclude: true
- },
- //Same as "pragmas", but only applied once during the file save phase
- //of an optimization. "pragmas" are applied both during the dependency
- //mapping and file saving phases on an optimization. Some pragmas
- //should not be processed during the dependency mapping phase of an
- //operation, such as the pragma in the CoffeeScript loader plugin,
- //which wants the CoffeeScript compiler during the dependency mapping
- //phase, but once files are saved as plain JavaScript, the CoffeeScript
- //compiler is no longer needed. In that case, pragmasOnSave would be used
- //to exclude the compiler code during the save phase.
- pragmasOnSave: {
- //Just an example
- excludeCoffeeScript: true
- },
- //Allows trimming of code branches that use has.js-based feature detection:
- //https://github.com/phiggins42/has.js
- //The code branch trimming only happens if minification with UglifyJS or
- //Closure Compiler is done. For more information, see:
- //http://requirejs.org/docs/optimization.html#hasjs
- has: {
- 'function-bind': true,
- 'string-trim': false
- },
- //Similar to pragmasOnSave, but for has tests -- only applied during the
- //file save phase of optimization, where "has" is applied to both
- //dependency mapping and file save phases.
- hasOnSave: {
- 'function-bind': true,
- 'string-trim': false
- },
- // 命名空间,完整实例可以参考 http://requirejs.org/docs/faq-advanced.html#rename
- namespace: 'foo',
- // 跳过 pragmas 处理
- skipPragmas: false,
- //If skipModuleInsertion is false, then files that do not use define()
- //to define modules will get a define() placeholder inserted for them.
- //Also, require.pause/resume calls will be inserted.
- //Set it to true to avoid this. This is useful if you are building code that
- //does not use require() in the built project or in the JS files, but you
- //still want to use the optimization tool from RequireJS to concatenate modules
- //together.
- skipModuleInsertion: false,
- //Specify modules to stub out in the optimized file. The optimizer will
- //use the source version of these modules for dependency tracing and for
- //plugin use, but when writing the text into an optimized layer, these
- //modules will get the following text instead:
- //If the module is used as a plugin:
- // define({load: function(id){throw new Error("Dynamic load not allowed: " + id);}});
- //If just a plain module:
- // define({});
- //This is useful particularly for plugins that inline all their resources
- //and use the default module resolution behavior (do *not* implement the
- //normalize() method). In those cases, an AMD loader just needs to know
- //that the module has a definition. These small stubs can be used instead of
- //including the full source for a plugin.
- stubModules: ['text', 'bar'],
- //If it is not a one file optimization, scan through all .js files in the
- //output directory for any plugin resource dependencies, and if the plugin
- //supports optimizing them as separate files, optimize them. Can be a
- //slower optimization. Only use if there are some plugins that use things
- //like XMLHttpRequest that do not work across domains, but the built code
- //will be placed on another domain.
- optimizeAllPluginResources: false,
- // 处理级联依赖,默认为 false,此时能够在运行时动态 require 级联的模块。为 true 时,级联模块会被一同打包
- findNestedDependencies: false,
- //If set to true, any files that were combined into a build layer will be
- //removed from the output folder.
- removeCombined: false,
- modules: [
- {
- // 模块 alias 名称
- name: "foo/bar/bop",
- //For build profiles that contain more than one modules entry,
- //allow overrides for the properties that set for the whole build,
- //for example a different set of pragmas for this module.
- //The override's value is an object that can
- //contain any of the other build options in this file.
- //
- override: {
- pragmas: {
- fooExclude: true
- }
- }
- },
- // 将 alias 别名为 foo/bar/bop 和 foo/bar/bee 的模块打包成一个文件
- {
- name: "foo/bar/bop",
- include: ["foo/bar/bee"]
- },
- // 将 foo/bar/bip 及其依赖项一并打包,但不包括 foo/bar/bop
- {
- name: "foo/bar/bip",
- exclude: [
- "foo/bar/bop"
- ]
- },
- // 排除指定模块,但若该模块对所打包文件有级联依赖关系,则仍会被打包进去
- {
- name: "foo/bar/bin",
- excludeShallow: [
- "foo/bar/bot"
- ]
- },
- // insertRequire 在 RequireJS 2.0 中被引入,在 built 文件的末尾插入 require([]) 以触发模块加载并运行
- // insertRequire: ["foo/baz"] 即 require(["foo/baz"])
- // 详情见 https://github.com/jrburke/almond
- {
- name: "foo/baz",
- insertRequire: ["foo/baz"]
- }
- ],
- // 仅优化单个模块及其依赖项
- name: "foo/bar/bop",
- include: ["foo/bar/bee"],
- insertRequire: ['foo/bar/bop'],
- out: "path/to/optimized-file.js",
- // An alternative to "include"
- deps: ["foo/bar/bee"],
- // RequireJS 2.0 中,out 可以是一个函数
- out: function (text) {
- // 自定义优化内容
- },
- // 模块包裹函数,顾名思义使用特定内容包裹模块,如此一来 define/require 就不再是全局变量,在 end 中可以暴露一些全局变量供整个函数使用
- wrap: {
- start: "(function() {",
- end: "}());"
- },
- // 另一种模块包裹方式
- // (function() { + content + }());
- wrap: true,
- // 另一种模块包裹方式,包裹内容可以是指定文件
- wrap: {
- startFile: "part/start.frag",
- endFile: "parts/end.frag"
- },
- // 不优化某些文件
- fileExclusionRegExp: /^\./,
- // 默认保留模块的 license 注释
- preserveLicenseComments: true,
- // 设置 logging level
- // TRACE: 0,
- // INFO: 1,
- // WARN: 2,
- // ERROR: 3,
- // SILENT: 4
- // Default is 0.
- logLevel: 0,
- // 在每个文件模块被读取时的操作函数,可在函数体内作适当变换
- onBuildRead: function (moduleName, path, contents) {
- return contents.replace(/foo/g, 'bar');
- },
- // 在每个文件模块被写入时的操作函数
- onBuildWrite: function (moduleName, path, contents) {
- return contents.replace(/bar/g, 'foo');
- },
- // 若为true,优化器会强制在文件中包裹一层 define(require, exports, module) {})
- cjsTranslate: true,
- //Introduced in 2.0.2: a bit experimental.
- //Each script in the build layer will be turned into
- //a JavaScript string with a //@ sourceURL comment, and then wrapped in an
- //eval call. This allows some browsers to see each evaled script as a
- //separate script in the script debugger even though they are all combined
- //in the same file. Some important limitations:
- //1) Do not use in IE if conditional comments are turned on, it will cause
- //errors:
- //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conditional_comment#Conditional_comments_in_JScript
- //2) It is only useful in optimize: 'none' scenarios. The goal is to allow
- //easier built layer debugging, which goes against minification desires.
- useSourceUrl: true
- })
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