    System prompts "xxx is not in the sudoers file"(xxx equals the user name) while executing command "sudo":

    1. sudo -i
    2. Password:
    3. xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

    The current account must have no rights to execute "sudo".

To fix the problem, add the current account into the file  "/etc/sudoers":
    1. Switch to supervisor:    su
    2. Open the file "sudoers" with vi editor:    vi /etc/sudoers

3. Add the account:    press "i" to edit; find line "root    ALL=(ALL)    ALL"; new a line "xxx    ALL=(ALL)    ALL" below it; save&quit with the command "wq!".

Problem solved.

Error prompt:“xxx is not in the sudoers file”----Solution的更多相关文章

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