
一、Geotools The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit

http://geotools.org/   Geotools官方网站
http://docs.geotools.org/latest/javadocs/  Geotools API在线文档
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTDOC/Home Geotools用户指南
http://repo.opengeo.org                      Geotools的maven仓库地址
http://download.osgeo.org/webdav/geotools/     maven仓库地址


  1. <repositories>
  2. <repository>
  3. <id>osgeo</id>
  4. <name>Open Source Geospatial Foundation Repository</name>
  5. <url>http://download.osgeo.org/webdav/geotools/</url>
  6. </repository>
  7. <repository>
  8. <snapshots>
  9. <enabled>true</enabled>
  10. </snapshots>
  11. <id>opengeo</id>
  12. <name>OpenGeo Maven Repository</name>
  13. <url>http://repo.opengeo.org</url>
  14. </repository>
  15. </repositories>


  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>org.geotools</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>gt-main</artifactId>
  4. <version>8.4</version>
  5. </dependency>

二、OpenGIS 软件架构


Geotools 读取shp 数据格式的例子:

  1. /**
  2. * 读取shap格式的文件
  3. *
  4. * @param path
  5. */
  6. public void readSHP(String path) {
  7. ShapefileDataStore shpDataStore = null;
  8. try {
  9. shpDataStore = new ShapefileDataStore(new File(path).toURI()
  10. .toURL());
  11. shpDataStore.setStringCharset(Charset.forName("GBK"));
  12. // 文件名称
  13. String typeName = shpDataStore.getTypeNames()[0];
  14. FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> featureSource = null;
  15. featureSource = (FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>) shpDataStore
  16. .getFeatureSource(typeName);
  17. FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> result = featureSource
  18. .getFeatures();
  19. SimpleFeatureType schema = result.getSchema(); // schema
  20. List<AttributeDescriptor> columns = schema
  21. .getAttributeDescriptors();
  22. FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> itertor = result.features();
  23. /*
  24. * 或者使用 FeatureReader FeatureReader reader =
  25. * DataUtilities.reader(result); while(reader.hasNext()){
  26. * SimpleFeature feature = (SimpleFeature) reader.next(); }
  27. */
  28. while (itertor.hasNext()) {
  29. SimpleFeature feature = itertor.next();
  30. for (AttributeDescriptor attributeDes : columns) {
  31. String attributeName = attributeDes.getName().toString();// attribute
  32. if (attributeName.equals("the_geom"))
  33. continue;
  34. feature.getAttribute(attributeName); // attributeValue
  35. }
  36. Geometry g = (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry();// Geometry
  37. }
  38. itertor.close();
  39. } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
  40. e.printStackTrace();
  41. } catch (IOException e) {
  42. e.printStackTrace();
  43. }
  44. }
  1. /**
  2. * 读取dbf格式的文件,只存储属性值,不存储空间值
  3. *
  4. * @param path
  5. */
  6. public void readDBF(String path) {
  7. DbaseFileReader reader = null;
  8. try {
  9. reader = new DbaseFileReader(new ShpFiles(path), false,
  10. Charset.forName("GBK"));
  11. DbaseFileHeader header = reader.getHeader();
  12. int numFields = header.getNumFields();
  13. for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
  14. header.getFieldName(i);
  15. header.getFieldType(i);// 'C','N'
  16. header.getFieldLength(i);
  17. }
  18. // 迭代读取记录
  19. while (reader.hasNext()) {
  20. try {
  21. Object[] entry = reader.readEntry();
  22. for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
  23. String title = header.getFieldName(i);
  24. Object value = entry[i];
  25. String name = title.toString(); // column
  26. String info = value.toString(); // value
  27. }
  28. } catch (Exception e) {
  29. e.printStackTrace();
  30. }
  31. }
  32. } catch (Exception ex) {
  33. ex.printStackTrace();
  34. } finally {
  35. if (reader != null) {
  36. // 关闭
  37. try {
  38. reader.close();
  39. } catch (Exception e) {
  40. }
  41. }
  42. }
  43. }


  1. /**
  2. * 创建shp文件
  3. *
  4. * @param outPath
  5. */
  6. public void createShp(String outPath) {
  7. try {
  8. // 定义属性
  9. final SimpleFeatureType TYPE = DataUtilities.createType("Location",
  10. "location:Point," + "NAME:String," + "INFO:String,"
  11. + "OWNER:String");
  12. FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> collection = FeatureCollections.newCollection();
  13. GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory();
  14. SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(TYPE);
  15. double latitude = Double.parseDouble("116.123456789");
  16. double longitude = Double.parseDouble("39.120001");
  17. String NAME = "运通110路";
  18. String INFO = "白班车,学生票有效";
  19. String OWNER = "001";
  20. //创建坐标
  21. Point point = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(longitude,latitude));
  22. //创建属性值
  23. Object[] obj = {point, NAME, INFO, OWNER };
  24. //构造一个Feature
  25. SimpleFeature feature = featureBuilder.buildFeature(null, obj);
  26. //添加到集合
  27. collection.add(feature);
  28. // shap文件的输出路径
  29. File newFile = new File(outPath);
  30. Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
  31. params.put("url", (Serializable) newFile.toURI().toURL());
  32. params.put("create spatial index", (Serializable) Boolean.TRUE);
  33. ShapefileDataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory = new ShapefileDataStoreFactory();
  34. ShapefileDataStore newDataStore = (ShapefileDataStore) dataStoreFactory
  35. .createNewDataStore(params);
  36. newDataStore.createSchema(TYPE);
  37. newDataStore.setStringCharset(Charset.forName("GBK"));
  38. newDataStore.forceSchemaCRS(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
  39. String typeName = newDataStore.getTypeNames()[0];
  40. ShapefileFeatureLocking featureSource = (ShapefileFeatureLocking) newDataStore
  41. .getFeatureSource(typeName);
  42. // 创建一个事务
  43. Transaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("create");
  44. featureSource.setTransaction(transaction);
  45. try {
  46. featureSource.addFeatures(collection);
  47. // 提交事务
  48. transaction.commit();
  49. } catch (Exception problem) {
  50. problem.printStackTrace();
  51. transaction.rollback();
  52. } finally {
  53. transaction.close();
  54. }
  55. } catch (Exception e) {
  56. e.printStackTrace();
  57. }
  58. }

a facade classes which can help simplify common data wrangling chores  简化繁琐的通用数据
FeatureType TYPE = DataUtilities.createType("Location",
"location:Point," + "NAME:String," + "INFO:String,"+ "OWNER:String");

(2) DataUtilities.schema
You can use this method to quickly get a representation of a FeatureType  返回FeatureType的schema

(3) DataUtilities.collection   Feature数组转换为Feature集合
DataUtilities has helper methods to turn almost anything into a FeatureCollection
Feature[] array; 
return DataUtilties.collection( array );

(4) DataUtilities.reader 格式化
convert a perfectly good collection to  FeatureReader format.
FeatureCollection collection;
FeatureReader reader = DataUtilities.reader( collection );

附:shp 格式文件介绍
Shapefile file extensions
.shp—The main file that stores the feature geometry. Required.
.shx—The index file that stores the index of the feature geometry. Required.
.dbf—The dBASE table that stores the attribute information of features. Required.There is a one-to-one relationship between geometry and attributes, which is based on record number.
.prj—The file that stores the coordinate system information. Used by ArcGIS.

代码 数据类型 允许输入的数据
B  二进制型 各种字符。
C  字符型   各种字符。
D  日期型   用于区分年、月、日的数字和一个字符,内部存储按照YYYYMMDD格式。
G  (Generalor OLE)    各种字符。
N   数值型(Numeric)    - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
L   逻辑型(Logical)? Y y N n T t F f (? 表示没有初始化)。
M   (Memo)   各种字符。


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