SharePoint 2013 WebTemplates
SharePoint 2013 WebTemplates
Please find below the list of available templates in SharePoint 2013 RTM, this would help you while performing feature stapling or while creating site pro-grammatically.
Template Name | Title | Description |
GLOBAL#0 | Global template | This template is used for initializing a new site. |
STS#0 | Team Site | A place to work together with a group of people. |
STS#1 | Blank Site | A blank site for you to customize based on your requirements. |
STS#2 | Document Workspace | A site for colleagues to work together on a document. It provides a document library for storing the primary document and supporting files, a tasks list for assigning to-do items, and a links list for resources related to the document. |
MPS#0 | Basic Meeting Workspace | A site to plan, organize, and capture the results of a meeting. It provides lists for managing the agenda, meeting attendees, and documents. |
MPS#1 | Blank Meeting Workspace | A blank meeting site for you to customize based on your requirements. |
MPS#2 | Decision Meeting Workspace | A site for meetings that track status or make decisions. It provides lists for creating tasks,storing documents, and recording decisions. |
MPS#3 | Social Meeting Workspace | A site to plan social occasions. It provides lists for tracking attendees, providing directions,and storing pictures of the event. |
MPS#4 | Multipage Meeting Workspace | A site to plan, organize, and capture the results of a meeting. It provides lists for managing the agenda and meeting attendees in addition to two blank pages for you to customize based on your requirements. |
CENTRALADMIN#0 | Central Admin Site | A site for central administration. It provides Web pages and links for application and operations management. |
WIKI#0 | Wiki Site | A site for a community to brainstorm and share ideas. It provides Web pages that can be quickly edited to record information and then linked together through keywords |
BLOG#0 | Blog | A site for a person or team to post ideas, observations, and expertise that site visitors can comment on. |
SGS#0 | Group Work Site | This template provides a groupware solution that enables teams to create, organize, and share information quickly and easily. It includes Group Calendar, Circulation, Phone-Call Memo, the Document Library and the other basic lists. |
TENANTADMIN#0 | Tenant Admin Site | A site for tenant administration. It provides Web pages and links for self-serve administration. |
APP#0 | App Template | A base template for app development. It provides the minimal set of features needed for an app. |
APPCATALOG#0 | App Catalog Site | A site for sharing apps for SharePoint and Office |
ACCSRV#0 | Access Services Site | Microsoft Access Server |
ACCSVC#0 | Access Services Site Internal | Microsoft Access Server Internal |
ACCSVC#1 | Access Services Site | Microsoft Access Server |
BDR#0 | Document Center | A site to centrally manage documents in your enterprise. |
DEV#0 | Developer Site | A site for developers to build, test and publish apps for Office |
DOCMARKETPLACESITE#0 | Academic Library | The Academic Library template provides a rich view and consumption experience for published content and management. Authors populate metadata and apply rules at the time of publishing,such as description, licensing, and optional rights management (IRM). Visitors of the site can search or browse published titles and add authorized selections to their collection to consume, subject to the rights and rules applied by the author. The site provides an IRM-capable document library, a publishing mechanism for authors to publish documents, detailed views for each document, a check-out mechanism, and related search capabilities. |
EDISC#0 | eDiscovery Center | A site to manage the preservation, search, and export of content for legal matters and investigations. |
EDISC#1 | eDiscovery Case | This template creates an eDiscovery case. Users create locations where they can preserve or export data. |
OFFILE#0 | (obsolete) Records Center | (obsolete) This template creates a site designed for records management. Records managers can configure the routing table to direct incoming files to specific locations. The site also lets you manage whether records can be deleted or modified after they are added to the repository. |
OFFILE#1 | Records Center | This template creates a site designed for records management. Records managers can configure the routing table to direct incoming files to specific locations. The site also lets you manage whether records can be deleted or modified after they are added to the repository. |
OSRV#0 | Shared Services Administration Site | This template creates a site for administering shared services |
PPSMASite#0 | PerformancePoint | A site for presenting PerformancePoint dashboards and scorecards. The site also includes links to PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer and storage for dashboard content such as analytic charts, reports, KPIs, and strategy maps. |
BICenterSite#0 | Business Intelligence Center | A site for presenting Business Intelligence content in SharePoint. |
SPS#0 | SharePoint Portal Server Site | This template is obsolete. |
SPSPERS#0 | SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space | This web template defines a Personal Space for an individual participating on a SharePoint Portal. |
SPSPERS#2 | Storage And Social SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space | This web template defines a minimal Personal Space with both Social and Storage features for an individual participating on a SharePoint Portal. |
SPSPERS#3 | Storage Only SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space | This web template defines a minimal Personal Space with Storage features for an individual participating on a SharePoint Portal. |
SPSPERS#4 | Social Only SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space | This web template defines a minimal Personal Space with Social features for an individual participating on a SharePoint Portal. |
SPSPERS#5 | Empty SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space | This web template defines a empty Personal Space. |
SPSMSITE#0 | Personalization Site | A site for delivering personalized views, data, and navigation from this site collection into My Site. It includes personalization specific Web Parts and navigation that is optimized for My Site sites. |
SPSTOC#0 | Contents area Template | This template is obsolete. |
SPSTOPIC#0 | Topic area template | This template is obsolete. |
SPSNEWS#0 | News Site | This template is obsolete. |
CMSPUBLISHING#0 | Publishing Site | A blank site for expanding your Web site and quickly publishing Web pages. Contributors can work on draft versions of pages and publish them to make them visible to readers. The site includes document and image libraries for storing Web publishing assets. |
BLANKINTERNET#0 | Publishing Site | This template creates a site for publishing Web pages on a schedule, with workflow features enabled. By default, only Publishing subsites can be created under this site. A Document and Picture Library are included for storing Web publishing assets. |
BLANKINTERNET#1 | Press Releases Site | This template creates the Press Releases subsite for an Internet-facing corporate presence website. |
BLANKINTERNET#2 | Publishing Site with Workflow | A site for publishing Web pages on a schedule by using approval workflows. It includes document and image libraries for storing Web publishing assets. By default, only sites with this template can be created under this site. |
SPSNHOME#0 | News Site | A site for publishing news articles and links to news articles. It includes a sample news page and an archive for storing older news items. |
SPSSITES#0 | Site Directory | A site for listing and categorizing important sites in your organization. It includes different views for categorized sites, top sites, and a site map. |
SPSCOMMU#0 | Community area template | This template is obsolete. |
SPSREPORTCENTER#0 | Report Center | A site for creating, managing, and delivering Web pages, dashboards, and key performance indicators that communicate metrics, goals, and business intelligence information. |
SPSPORTAL#0 | Collaboration Portal | A starter site hierarchy for an intranet divisional portal. It includes a home page, a News site, a Site Directory, a Document Center, and a Search Center with Tabs. Typically, this site has nearly as many contributors as readers and is used to host team sites. |
SRCHCEN#0 | Enterprise Search Center | A site focused on delivering an enterprise-wide search experience. Includes a welcome page with a search box that connects users to four search results page experiences: one for general searches, one for people searches, one for conversation searches, and one for video searches. You can add and customize new results pages to focus on other types of search queries. |
PROFILES#0 | Profiles | This template creates a profile site that includes page layout with zones |
BLANKINTERNETCONTAINER#0 | Publishing Portal | A starter site hierarchy for an Internet-facing site or a large intranet portal. This site can be customized easily with distinctive branding. It includes a home page, a sample press releases subsite, a Search Center, and a login page. Typically, this site has many more readers than contributors, and it is used to publish Web pages with approval workflows. |
SPSMSITEHOST#0 | My Site Host | A site used for hosting personal sites (My Sites) and the public People Profile page. This template needs to be provisioned only once per User Profile Service Application, please consult the documentation for details. |
ENTERWIKI#0 | Enterprise Wiki | A site for publishing knowledge that you capture and want to share across the enterprise. It provides an easy content editing experience in a single location for co-authoring content, discussions, and project management. |
PROJECTSITE#0 | Project Site | A site for managing and collaborating on a project. This site template brings all status, communication, and artifacts relevant to the project into one place. |
PRODUCTCATALOG#0 | Product Catalog | A site for managing product catalog data which can be published to an internet-facing site through search. The product catalog can be configured to support product variants and multilingual product properties. The site includes admin pages for managing faceted navigation for products. |
COMMUNITY#0 | Community Site | A place where community members discuss topics of common interest. Members can browse and discover relevant content by exploring categories, sorting discussions by popularity or by viewing only posts that have a best reply. Members gain reputation points by participating in the community, such as starting discussions and replying to them, liking posts and specifying best replies. |
COMMUNITYPORTAL#0 | Community Portal | A site for discovering communities. |
SRCHCENTERLITE#0 | Basic Search Center | A site focused on delivering a basic search experience. Includes a welcome page with a search box that connects users to a search results page, and an advanced search page. This Search Center will not appear in navigation. |
SRCHCENTERLITE#1 | Basic Search Center | The Search Center template creates pages dedicated to search. The main welcome page features a simple search box in the center of the page. The template includes a search results and an advanced search page. This Search Center will not appear in navigation. |
visprus#0 | Visio Process Repository | A site for viewing, sharing, and storing Visio process diagrams. It includes a versioned document library and templates for Basic Flowcharts, Cross-functional Flowcharts, and BPMN diagrams. |
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