@stencil/router 组件包含的子组件

  • stencil-router
  • stencil-route-switch
  • stencil-route
  • stencil-route-link
  • stencil-route-redirect
  • stencil-route-title

stencil-router 说明

root 根路径路由处理的为位置
historyType history 类型 browser 或者hash
titlesuffix 页面title 的后缀,可以通过routetitle 更新

<stencil-router titleSuffix=" - My App">
<stencil-route-switch scrollTopOffset={0}>
<stencil-route url="/" component="landing-page" exact={true} />
<stencil-route url="/demos" component="demos-page" />
<stencil-route url="/other" component="other-page" />
<stencil-route component="page-not-found" />



<stencil-route-switch scrollTopOffset={0}>
<stencil-route url="/" component="landing-page" exact={true}/>
<stencil-route url="/demos" component="demos-page" />
<stencil-route component="catch-all" />


使用了一个routerender 并定义自定义配置

const PrivateRoute = ({ component, ...props}: { [key: string]: any}) => {
const Component = component;
const redirectUrl = props.failureRedirect | '/login';
return (
<stencil-route {...props} routeRender={
(props: { [key: string]: any}) => {
if (auth.isAuthenticated) {
return <Component {...props} {...props.componentProps}></Component>;
return <stencil-router-redirect url="/login"></stencil-router-redirect>
const auth = {
isAuthenticated: false,
authenticate: function() {
this.isAuthenticated = true;
logout: function() {
this.isAuthenticated = false;
const isAuthenticated = (): boolean => {
return isUserLoggedIn;


<stencil-router titleSuffix="My App - ">
<stencil-route-switch scrollTopOffset={0}>
<stencil-route url="/" component="landing-page" exact={true} />
<PrivateRoute url="/user" component="user-info" />
<PrivateRoute url="/org" component="org-info" />

stencil-route 配置每条路由

  • 基本配置
 <stencil-route url="/" component="landing-page" exact={true} />
  • 多路径配置
  <stencil-route url={["/", "home"]} component="landing-page" exact={true} />
  • 路由参数
  <stencil-route url="/page/:pageNum(\\d+)" component="page-item" />
<stencil-route url="/user/:name?" component="user-page" />
<stencil-route url="/user*" component="user-page" />
  • 组件属性传递
  <stencil-route url="/" component="landing-page"
componentProps={{ firstName: 'Ellie' }} />
  • 配置routerender函数
<stencil-route url="/" exact={true} routeRender={
(props: { [key: string]: any}) => {
return <span>Hello {props.firstName}</span>;
} />

stencil-route-link 配置

  • 基本配置
  <stencil-route-link url="/" exact={true}>Home</stencil-route-link>
<stencil-route-link url="/info" urlMatch="/info/*">Information</stencil-route-link>
<stencil-route-link url="/info" activeClass="link-active">
  • 锚属性配置
anchorTitle="Home link"

stencil-route-redirect 配置重定向


  <stencil-route-redirect url="/" />



  <stencil-route-title title="Home" />

not found 路由配置

可以方便的使用stencil-route-switch 处理

<stencil-route-switch scrollTopOffset={0}>
<stencil-route url="/" component="landing-page" exact={true}/>
<stencil-route url="/demos" component="demos-page" />
<stencil-route component="catch-all" />


  • 导入方法
import { RouterHistory } from '@stencil/router';

export class askPage {
@Prop() history: RouterHistory;
  • 基本方法
// pushing a route (going forwards to a certain route)
this.history.push(`/demos`, {}); // popping a route (going back to a certain route)
this.history.pop('/home', {}); // navigate back as if the user hit the back button in the browser
this.history.goBack(); // navigate forwards as if the user hit the forwards button in the browser
this.history.goForward(); // replace the current nav history and reset to a certain route
this.history.replace('/', {}); // navigate through the history stack by `n` entries
this.history.go(n: number);




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