* linux/lib/string.c
* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
* stupid library routines.. The optimized versions should generally be found
* as inline code in <asm-xx/string.h>
* These are buggy as well..
* * Fri Jun 25 1999, Ingo Oeser <ioe@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>
* - Added strsep() which will replace strtok() soon (because strsep() is
* reentrant and should be faster). Use only strsep() in new code, please.
* * Sat Feb 09 2002, Jason Thomas <jason@topic.com.au>,
* Matthew Hawkins <matt@mh.dropbear.id.au>
* - Kissed strtok() goodbye
strtok()这个函数大家都应该碰到过,但好像总有些问题, 这里着重讲下它
int main() { char test1[] = "feng,ke,wei"; char *test2 = "feng,ke,wei"; char *p; p = strtok(test1, ","); while(p) { printf("%s\n", p); p = strtok(NULL, ","); } return ; }
但如果用p = strtok(test2, ",")则会出现内存错误,这是为什么呢?是不是跟它里面那个静态变量有关呢? 我们来看看它的原码:
*strtok.c - tokenize a string with given delimiters
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* defines strtok() - breaks string into series of token
* via repeated calls.
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MT
#include <mtdll.h>
#endif /* _MT */
*char *strtok(string, control) - tokenize string with delimiter in control
* strtok considers the string to consist of a sequence of zero or more
* text tokens separated by spans of one or more control chars. the first
* call, with string specified, returns a pointer to the first char of the
* first token, and will write a null char into string immediately
* following the returned token. subsequent calls with zero for the first
* argument (string) will work thru the string until no tokens remain. the
* control string may be different from call to call. when no tokens remain
* in string a NULL pointer is returned. remember the control chars with a
* bit map, one bit per ascii char. the null char is always a control char.
* //这里已经说得很详细了!!比MSDN都好!
* char *string - string to tokenize, or NULL to get next token
* char *control - string of characters to use as delimiters
* returns pointer to first token in string, or if string
* was NULL, to next token
* returns NULL when no more tokens remain.
char * __cdecl strtok (
char * string,
const char * control
unsigned char *str;
const unsigned char *ctrl = control;
unsigned char map[32];
int count;
#ifdef _MT
_ptiddata ptd = _getptd();
#else /* _MT */
static char *nextoken; //保存剩余子串的静态变量
#endif /* _MT */
/* Clear control map */
for (count = 0; count < 32; count++)
map[count] = 0;
/* Set bits in delimiter table */
do {
map[*ctrl >> 3] |= (1 << (*ctrl & 7));
} while (*ctrl++);
/* Initialize str. If string is NULL, set str to the saved
* pointer (i.e., continue breaking tokens out of the string
* from the last strtok call) */
if (string)
str = string; //第一次调用函数所用到的原串
#ifdef _MT
str = ptd->_token;
#else /* _MT */
str = nextoken; //将函数第一参数设置为NULL时调用的余串
#endif /* _MT */
/* Find beginning of token (skip over leading delimiters). Note that
* there is no token iff this loop sets str to point to the terminal
* null (*str == '\0') */
while ( (map[*str >> 3] & (1 << (*str & 7))) && *str )
string = str; //此时的string返回余串的执行结果
/* Find the end of the token. If it is not the end of the string,
* put a null there. */
//这里就是处理的核心了, 找到分隔符,并将其设置为'\0',当然'\0'也将保存在返回的串中
for ( ; *str ; str++ )
if ( map[*str >> 3] & (1 << (*str & 7)) ) {
*str++ = '\0'; //这里就相当于修改了串的内容 ①
/* Update nextoken (or the corresponding field in the per-thread data
* structure */
#ifdef _MT
ptd->_token = str;
#else /* _MT */
nextoken = str; //将余串保存在静态变量中,以便下次调用
#endif /* _MT */
/* Determine if a token has been found. */
if ( string == str )
return NULL;
return string; 1. strtok介绍 众所周知,strtok可以根据用户所提供的分割符(同时分隔符也可以为复数比如“,。”) 将一段字符串分割直到遇到"\0". 比如,分隔符=“,” 字符串=“Fred,John,Ann” 通过strtok 就可以把3个字符串 “Fred” “John” “Ann”提取出来。 上面的C代码为
char buffer[]="Fred,John,Ann"
char *p[3];
char *buff = buffer;
while((p[in]=strtok(buf,","))!=NULL) {
buf=NULL; }
如上代码,第一次执行strtok需要以目标字符串的地址为第一参数(buf=buffer),之后strtok需要以NULL为第一参数 (buf=NULL)。指针列p[],则储存了分割后的结果,p[0]="John",p[1]="John",p[2]="Ann",而buf就变 成 Fred\0John\0Ann\0。
2. strtok的弱点
让我们更改一下我们的计划:我们有一段字符串 "Fred male 25,John male 62,Anna female 16" 我们希望把这个字符串整理输入到一个struct,
char [25] name ;
char [6] sex;
char [4] age;
要做到这个,其中一个方法就是先提取一段被“,”分割的字符串,然后再将其以“ ”(空格)分割。
比如: 截取 "Fred male 25" 然后分割成 "Fred" "male" "25"
#define INFO_MAX_SZ 255
int main()
int in=;
char buffer[INFO_MAX_SZ]="Fred male 25,John male 62,Anna female 16";
char *p[];
char *buf=buffer; while((p[in]=strtok(buf,","))!=NULL) {
while((p[in]=strtok(buf," "))!=NULL) {
p[in++]="***"; //表现分割
buf=NULL; } printf("Here we have %d strings\n",i);
for (int j=; j<in; j++)
return ;
Here we have 4 strings
这只是一小段的数据,并不是我们需要的。但这是为什么呢? 这是因为strtok使用一个static(静态)指针来操作数据,让我来分析一下以上代码的运行过程:
1. "Fred male 25,John male 62,Anna female 16" //外循环
2. "Fred male 25\0John male 62,Anna female 16" //进入内循环
3. "Fred\0male 25\0John male 62,Anna female 16"
4. "Fred\0male\05\0John male 62,Anna female 16"
5 "Fred\0male\025\0John male 62,Anna female 16" //内循环遇到"\0"回到外循环
6 "Fred\0male\025\0John male 62,Anna female 16" //外循环遇到"\0"运行结束。
3. 使用strtok_r
在这种情况我们应该使用strtok_r, strtok reentrant.
char *strtok_r(char *s, const char *delim, char **ptrptr);
#define INFO_MAX_SZ 255
int main()
int in=;
char buffer[INFO_MAX_SZ]="Fred male 25,John male 62,Anna female 16";
char *p[];
char *buf=buffer; char *outer_ptr=NULL;
char *inner_ptr=NULL; while((p[in]=strtok_r(buf,",",&outer_ptr))!=NULL) {
while((p[in]=strtok_r(buf," ",&inner_ptr))!=NULL) {
buf=NULL; } printf("Here we have %d strings\n",i);
for (int j=; jn<i; j++)
return ;
Here we have 12 strings
1. "Fred male 25,John male 62,Anna female 16" //外循环
2. "Fred male 25\0John male 62,Anna female 16"//进入内循环
3. "Fred\0male 25\0John male 62,Anna female 16"
4 "Fred\0male\05\0John male 62,Anna female 16"
5 "Fred\0male\025\0John male 62,Anna female 16" //内循环遇到"\0"回到外循环
6 "Fred\0male\025\0John male 62\0Anna female 16"//进入内循环
原来, 该函数修改了原串.
所以,当使用char *test2 = "feng,ke,wei"作为第一个参数传入时,在位置①处, 由于test2指向的内容保存在文字常量区,该区的内容是不能修改的,所以会出现内存错误. 而char test1[] = "feng,ke,wei" 中的test1指向的内容是保存在栈区的,所以可以修改.
看到这里 大家应该会对文字常量区有个更加理性的认识吧.....
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> #define MAX_STR 200 void strtok_r_text()
char value[MAX_STR] = "http://www.google.cn/search?complete=1&hl=zh-CN&ie=GB2312&q=linux&meta="; //char value[MAX_STR] = "tom&math&120?jim&math&110";
char *str;
char *buf = value; char *one_ptr = NULL;
char *two_ptr = NULL;
char *three_ptr = NULL; while((str = strtok_r(buf,"?",&one_ptr)) != NULL)
buf = str;
while((str = strtok_r(buf,"&",&two_ptr)) != NULL)
buf = str;
while((str = strtok_r(buf,"=",&three_ptr)) != NULL)
buf = NULL;
buf = NULL;
buf = NULL; }
} int main(void)
return ;
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