Grammar focus 语法点:

on,   在...上

next to ,   旁边,周围

aross from ,  对面

between  在...之间

in front of  在…前面

Where's the school ?

On Main Street.

Next to the library.

Aross from the supermarket.

Between the bank and the library.

Practice 练习

Read and Circle

1. Where's the drugstore?

Next to the supermarket.

2. Where's the supermaket?

Across from Main street.

3. Where's the restaurant?

Next to the drugstore.

4. Where's the bakery?

Across from the restaurant

5. Where's the barbershop?

Next to the bakery.

Listen and repeat. 听并跟读.

Excuse me, Where's the bank?

Next to the supermarket


Excuse me, Where's the restaurant?

Across from the bank


Excuse me, Where's the bank?

Between the drugstore and the supermarket.


Excuse me, Where's the barbershop?

On Park street


Excuse me, Where's the bakery?

Next to the restaurant.


Excuse me ,Where's the bakery?

Across from  the supermarket



Central Avenue   中央大街

central ['sentr(ə)l]  adj. 中心的;主要的;中枢的

avenue  ['æv(ə)njuː]  n. 大街;林荫大道;[比喻](达到某物的)途径,手段,方法,渠道

church [tʃɜːtʃ]  教堂


What is on the left of the restaurant?  # 表示某一样东西

The church is on the left of the restaurant

What are  the right of the hospital?  # 表示多个东西

The school and the fruit store are  on the right  of hospital

Q:  Where is the  police station?

A: The police station is between the store and the bank  #  这个是一个警察局所以用is,如果有多个警察局就用are

Q: Where is the school?

A1: The school is on the Central Avenue and next to the restaurant.

A2:The school is on the Central avenue and arcoss from the train station

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