[摘要:本日正在开辟过程当中发明一个题目:正在页里中应用了jsp:forward扔错Attempt to clear a buffer that's already been flushed!! 百思没有得其解!! 谷歌之,得以下说明: 通例,先上中文论坛搜刮谜底 h]

今天在开发过程中发现一个问题:在页面中使用了<jsp:forward>抛错Attempt to clear a buffer that's already been flushed!!






When you forward a request to another resource.. whose response is already commited.. then it throws this exception.
A request that is being forwarded should not have commited.

In your case, when the JSP is being executed, it might have generated some html content before it is forwarding.

If the server has send these html content to a client before you forward the request to another resource, then it throws an illegal state exception if you try to forward.

As you increased the buffer size, then the server is not actually sending the generated html content to client (Till the buffer fills up).. and on forward the buffer will be cleared.



 <%@ page autoFlush="true" buffer="1094kb"%>



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