
  1. 分析会计层级结构
  2. 分析分配
  3. 分析分录增加了表格视图





a. Hierarchy 

- Create a new model : account.analytic.group, we just need to enter the name of the group

- Add a menu entry : Analytic Account Groups : https://drive.google.com/a/odoo.com/file/d/17lTt_aHPh-vmRY9ZOFS-3AEa-0WGq-Ay/view?usp=drivesdk

- Add a one2many on the account.analytic (analytic_group_id) : https://drive.google.com/a/odoo.com/file/d/1LI_4mh6dcC43b5deuUE_Y1-2gjdMaF3f/view?usp=drivesdk


b. Analytic Distribution

- On the tags, we add the possibility to have an analytic distribution (already done in TBE's branch) 

c. Analytic Tags 

- You can set them on analytic entries or analytic accounts

- So the tag is only important to filter the analytic entries or analytic accounts (in the analytic report for example)

- There is a module called account_analytic_default, it allows to define the default analytic accounts to use based on the user/the product/the partner, we want this to work to define analytic tags by default too : https://drive.google.com/a/odoo.com/file/d/0B0ITmdw6h3ZrcmxQY2d1bGlyTVk/view?usp=drivesdk

- Make sure we can set analytic tags on all objects that can create an analytic entry : expense, voucher lines, journal item, etc. 

d. Improve Reporting

- Add a grid view (to the pivot view) on analytic entries report  (grouped by month) 

g. Analytic Entries

- If there is a partner_id on an invoice line (or any other object creating an accounting entry) this partner should appear on the analytic entry

- By default, the field "validated" should be set to true. It should only be falsed if coming from a timesheet that it not validated yet

- Manual creation of analytic entries : I should be able to fill in the field partner_id

- Manual creation of analytic entries : it may be interesting to be able to link an analytic entry to an existing move (?) 

i. Access Rights

- Creation of analytic entries can be managed by accountants

- Configuration of analytic accounting (analytic account, analytic group, default, ...) can only be managed by advisors


来自 <https://pad.odoo.com/p/r.44b9fdb7001d84fa646c061df4e7680e>

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