题目:Sort color

<span style="font-size:18px;">/*LeetCode sort colors
package javaTrain; public class Train13 {
public void sortColors(int[] A) {
int n = A.length;
int red = 0,blue = n-1; for(int i=0;i < blue+1;){ //由于会从后向前推进所以以blue表示尾部,确保仅仅用遍历一遍
int temp = A[i];
if(temp == 0){
A[i++] = A[red]; //由于red在前。所以交换时它指向的仅仅能是0或1。所以交换后的位置能够向前移
A[red++] = temp;
else if(temp == 2){
A[i] = A[blue]; //而blue在后。它指向的之前并没有被比較过有可能有0,1,2所以交换的点不能向前移
A[blue--] = temp;

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