Charles Dickens【查尔斯·狄更斯】
Charles Dickens
In 1812, the year Charles Dickens was born, there were 66 novels published in Britain.
People had been writing novels for a century-most experts date the first novel to
Robinson Crusoe in 1719-but nobody wanted to do it professionally.
The steam-powered printing press was still in its early stages; the literacy rate in England was under 50%.
Many works of fiction appeared without the names of the authors, often with something like "By a lady."
Novels, for the most part, were looked upon as silly, immoral, or just plain bad.
In 1870, when Dickens died, the world mourned him as its first professional writer and
publisher, famous and well-beloved,
Who had led an explosion in both the publication of novels and their readship and whose
characters-from Oliver Twist to Tiny Tim-were held up as moral touchstones.
Today Dickens' greatness is unchallenged.
Removing him from the pantheon of English literatur would make about as much sense
as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa.
How did Dickens get to the top?
For all the feelings readers attach to stories, literature is a numbers game, and the test of
time is extremely difficult to pass.
Some 60,000 novels were published during the Victorian age, from 1837 to 1901;
today a casual reader might be able to name a half-dozen of them.
It's partly ture that Dickens' style of writing attracted audiences from all walks of life.
It's partly that his writings rode a wave of social, political and scientific progress.
But it's also that he rewrote the culture of literature and put himself at the center.
No one will ever know what mix of talent, ambition, energy and luck made Dickens such a singular writer.
But as the 200th anniversary of his birth approaches, it is possible and important for our
own culture to understand how he made himself a lasting one.
单词 | 释意 | 单词 | 释意 |
experts | n.专家;高手 | steam-powered | 蒸汽驱动的 |
literacy rate | 识字率 | fiction | n.虚构;小说 |
appeared | v.出庭;出现 | silly | adj.傻的;愚蠢的 |
immoral | adj.邪恶的;不道德的 | plain | adj.平凡的;明白的 |
mourned | v.哀悼;为···哀痛 | publication | n.出版;发行 |
explosion | n.爆发;激增 | touchstones | n.试金石 |
greatness | n.伟大 | unchallenged | adj.未收质疑的 |
pantheon | n.名流;名人 | sence | n.感官;感受 |
extremely | adv.非常;极其 | half-dozen | adj.六个的 |
audiences | 受众 | ride a wave of | 乘···之势 |
social | adj.社会的 | approaches | n.近似值 |
anniversary | adj.周年的 | singular | adj.出生;创始 |
all walks of life | 各行各业;各界 |
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