静态字段被类的所有实例所共享,即此类的所有实例都访问同一内存地址。 所以该内存位置的值变更的话,这种变更对所有的实例都可见。

    class MyClass
int number = ;
static int staticNumber = ; public void SetValue(int value1, int value2)
this.number = value1;
staticNumber = value2;
} public string DisplayValues()
return string.Format("number:{0}, staticNumber:{1}", this.number, staticNumber);
    class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass class1 = new MyClass();
MyClass class2 = new MyClass(); class1.SetValue(, ); Console.WriteLine("Values in class1 are: {0}", class1.DisplayValues()); class2.SetValue(, ); Console.WriteLine("Values in class2 are: {0}", class2.DisplayValues()); // 再次显示 class1 实例,发现 staticNumber 的值是 30.
Console.WriteLine("Values in class1 are: {0}", class1.DisplayValues());



实际操作发现,对int 字段的访问非常快,不会出现资源抢夺问题。

   public class Worker
// Volatile is used as hint to the compiler that this data member will be accessed by multiple threads.
private volatile bool shouldStop; private MyClass class3 = new MyClass(); // This method will be called when the thread is started.
public void DoWork()
while (!shouldStop)
Console.WriteLine("Worker thread: working and setting values.");
class3.SetValue(, );
} Console.WriteLine("Worker thread: terminating gracefully...");
} public void RequestStop()
this.shouldStop = true;
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass class1 = new MyClass();
MyClass class2 = new MyClass(); class1.SetValue(, ); Console.WriteLine("Values in class1 are: {0}", class1.DisplayValues()); class2.SetValue(, ); Console.WriteLine("Values in class2 are: {0}", class2.DisplayValues()); // 再次显示 class1 实例,发现 staticNumber 的值是 20.
Console.WriteLine("Values in class1 are: {0}", class1.DisplayValues()); // Create the thread object.
Worker worker1 = new Worker();
Thread workerThread = new Thread(worker1.DoWork); // Start the worker thread.
workerThread.Start(); // Loop until worker thread acivates.
while (!workerThread.IsAlive) ; // Put the main thread to sleep for a while to allow worker thread do some work.
Thread.Sleep(); // Set values by main thread.
class1.SetValue(, );
Console.WriteLine("Values in class1 are: {0}", class1.DisplayValues()); // Request the worker thread to stop.
worker1.RequestStop(); // Use the Join method to block the current thread until the object's thread terminates.
Console.WriteLine("Main thread: Worker thread has terminated."); Console.WriteLine("Values in class1 are: {0}", class1.DisplayValues());


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