
  注册geo账户(老用户和新用户):  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/submitter/  有3个月的时间

  GEO DataSets  >>  GEO Home  >>  Login to Submit   >>  Recover Account (老用户) 或者 Contact Information (新用户)

2、GEOarchive has three required components:(准备文件)

    1)a metadata spreadsheet;


    2)processed data files,

      基因表达量文件(FPKM),如果有预测基因(novel)还要有5列  chromosome  start  end  strain  length

      如果没有预测基因(novel)只需要A B 两列


    3) raw data files.

      Unix: md5sum <file>

3、Uploading your submission(上传数据)   

  •   Before you upload:

    • If you plan to submit more than 1 terabyte of data, you must e-mail GEO with a list of files and MD5 checksums before you begin transferring files (if your files are compressed, the checksums should be for the compressed files). This will allow us to more quickly remove files from the FTP server in order to keep space available for other users. Failure to notify us or provide checksums may lead to your files being removed from our systems without processing. Do not transfer files unless you are confident that you have a submission that includes all required components (raw data files, processed data files and metadata spreadsheet). We do not have the resources to store incomplete submissions. Incomplete submissions will be deleted from our systems.
    • On your computer, create a folder named using your GEO username (/renpp) which includes all required submission files. Transfer the folder using the FTP instructions below.
    • We strongly recommend that submitters compress their raw data files (e.g., FASTQ, qseq, seq, csfasta, qual) using gzip or bzip2 to shorten the ftp transfer time. Do not compress with WinZip. Do not tar archive single files. Do not compress binary files (e.g., BAM, bigWig, bigBed).


    Windows and Mac OS


host ftp-private.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Please use the 'fasp' directory.
username geo
password 33%9uyj_fCh?M16H

              2、Drag-n-drop directory or file(s) into the /fasp directory on the FTP server. When transferring multiple files please drop the files into a directory that includes your GEO username.


    Linux/Unix: we recommend that you try 'ncftp'. Optimized settings are detailed in this README file.

        Here is a typical 'ncftp' session:

      1.   Connect to the server:
               ncftp ftp://geo:33%259uyj_fCh%3FM16H@ftp-private.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/fasp/
      2.   Set buffer size (recommended for faster transfer):
               set so-bufsize 33554432

           3.     Transfer an entire directory (named using your GEO username) plus content using:put -R GEOusername_directory

4、After you upload, send us an email notification:

  • After file transfer is complete, you must e-mail GEO with the following information:
    1. GEO account username (renpp);
    2. Names of the directory and files deposited;
    3. Public release date (required - up to 3 years from now - see FAQ).  



   https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dEX2hoP    提取密码:j9nk   #### metadata spreadsheet


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