ISP(Image Signal Processor),图像信号处理器,主要用来对前端图像传感器输出信号处理的单元,主要用于手机,监控摄像头等设备上。

RAW DATA,可以理解为:RAW图像就是CMOS或者CCD图像感应器将捕捉到的光源信号转化为数字信号的原始数据,是无损的,包含了物体原始的颜色信息等。RAW数据格式一般采用的是Bayer排列方式,通过滤波光片,产生彩色滤波阵列(CFA),鉴于人眼对绿色波段的色彩比较敏感,Bayer数据格式中包含了50%的绿色信息,以及各25%的红色和蓝色信息。


1.| R | G |  2.| B | G |   3.| G | R |   4.| G | B |

| G | B |    | G | R |     | B | G |     | R | G |

在ISP处理模块的第一部分,就是需要对CFA DATA进行去噪操作。普通的去噪方式针对Bayer数据格式是不合适的,需要进行变换后才能进行处理。

一、中值滤波CFA(Color Filter Array)Data去噪方法




对CFA DATA进行去噪时,需要将不同的颜色通道分开进行处理,这样是为了防止在平滑过程中将有用的颜色信息丢掉,比如说,由绿色信息包围的蓝色像素值与其相差很大时,此时就会被认为是噪声被处理掉,然而真实情况是,该区域的蓝色信息都是很大的。所以各通道单独处理的话是有利于保护颜色信息的。在我的处理过程中,是将原CFA DATA分成4块-R,G1,G2,B,分块去噪完成后再重新恢复到原来的位置,这样整个过程就完成了。



  1. void main()
  2. {
  3. /*******开始编写中值滤波去噪模块--2015.07.27***********/
  4. //针对R分量块进行去噪
  5. pNewDoc->m_RBlock  = new unsigned short [m_Height*m_Width/4];
  6. pNewDoc->m_G1Block = new unsigned short [m_Height*m_Width/4];
  7. pNewDoc->m_G2Block = new unsigned short [m_Height*m_Width/4];
  8. pNewDoc->m_BBlock  = new unsigned short [m_Height*m_Width/4];
  9. unsigned short* smoothR  = new unsigned short[m_Height*m_Width/4];
  10. unsigned short* smoothG1 = new unsigned short[m_Height*m_Width/4];
  11. unsigned short* smoothG2 = new unsigned short[m_Height*m_Width/4];
  12. unsigned short* smoothB  = new unsigned short[m_Height*m_Width/4];
  13. for (int i = 0; i < m_Height/2 ;i ++ )
  14. {
  15. for(int j = 0; j < m_Width/2 ; j ++ )
  16. {
  17. pNewDoc->m_RBlock [i*m_Width/2 + j] = m_RawImage[i*m_Width*2 + j*2];
  18. pNewDoc->m_G1Block[i*m_Width/2 + j] = m_RawImage[i*m_Width*2 + j*2 + 1];
  19. pNewDoc->m_G2Block[i*m_Width/2 + j] = m_RawImage[i*m_Width*2 + m_Width + j*2];
  20. pNewDoc->m_BBlock [i*m_Width/2 + j] = m_RawImage[i*m_Width*2 + m_Width + j*2 + 1];
  21. }
  22. }
  23. medianFilter(pNewDoc->m_RBlock,smoothR,m_Width/2,m_Height/2);   //针对R分量块进行去噪
  24. medianFilter(pNewDoc->m_G1Block,smoothG1,m_Width/2,m_Height/2); //针对G1分量块进行去噪
  25. medianFilter(pNewDoc->m_G2Block,smoothG2,m_Width/2,m_Height/2); //针对G2分量块进行去噪
  26. medianFilter(pNewDoc->m_BBlock,smoothB,m_Width/2,m_Height/2);   //针对B分量块进行去噪
  27. //反过来构造去噪去噪后的raw data
  28. for (int i = 0; i < m_Height/2 - 1;i ++ )
  29. {
  30. for(int j = 0; j < m_Width/2-1; j ++ )
  31. {
  32. pNewDoc->m_ImageNR[i*m_Width*2 + j*2] = smoothR[i*m_Width/2 + j];
  33. pNewDoc->m_ImageNR[i*m_Width*2 + j*2 + 1] = smoothG1[i*m_Width/2 + j];
  34. pNewDoc->m_ImageNR[i*m_Width*2 + m_Width + j*2] = smoothG2[i*m_Width/2 + j];
  35. pNewDoc->m_ImageNR[i*m_Width*2 + m_Width + j*2 + 1] = smoothB[i*m_Width/2 + j];
  36. }
  37. }
  38. /***********中值滤波模块完成--2015.07.27********************/
  39. //SaveImageData(pNewDoc->m_ImageNR, m_Height ,m_Width,"E:\\m_ImageNR.bmp");
  40. SetDisplayRawImage( pNewDoc->m_ImageNR, m_Height ,m_Width, m_RawBitType,pNewDoc->m_Image);
  41. }
void main()
{ /*******开始编写中值滤波去噪模块--2015.07.27***********/
pNewDoc->m_RBlock = new unsigned short [m_Height*m_Width/4];
pNewDoc->m_G1Block = new unsigned short [m_Height*m_Width/4];
pNewDoc->m_G2Block = new unsigned short [m_Height*m_Width/4];
pNewDoc->m_BBlock = new unsigned short [m_Height*m_Width/4]; unsigned short* smoothR = new unsigned short[m_Height*m_Width/4];
unsigned short* smoothG1 = new unsigned short[m_Height*m_Width/4];
unsigned short* smoothG2 = new unsigned short[m_Height*m_Width/4];
unsigned short* smoothB = new unsigned short[m_Height*m_Width/4];
for (int i = 0; i < m_Height/2 ;i ++ )
for(int j = 0; j < m_Width/2 ; j ++ )
pNewDoc->m_RBlock [i*m_Width/2 + j] = m_RawImage[i*m_Width*2 + j*2];
pNewDoc->m_G1Block[i*m_Width/2 + j] = m_RawImage[i*m_Width*2 + j*2 + 1];
pNewDoc->m_G2Block[i*m_Width/2 + j] = m_RawImage[i*m_Width*2 + m_Width + j*2];
pNewDoc->m_BBlock [i*m_Width/2 + j] = m_RawImage[i*m_Width*2 + m_Width + j*2 + 1];
medianFilter(pNewDoc->m_RBlock,smoothR,m_Width/2,m_Height/2); //针对R分量块进行去噪
medianFilter(pNewDoc->m_G1Block,smoothG1,m_Width/2,m_Height/2); //针对G1分量块进行去噪
medianFilter(pNewDoc->m_G2Block,smoothG2,m_Width/2,m_Height/2); //针对G2分量块进行去噪
medianFilter(pNewDoc->m_BBlock,smoothB,m_Width/2,m_Height/2); //针对B分量块进行去噪 //反过来构造去噪去噪后的raw data
for (int i = 0; i < m_Height/2 - 1;i ++ )
for(int j = 0; j < m_Width/2-1; j ++ )
pNewDoc->m_ImageNR[i*m_Width*2 + j*2] = smoothR[i*m_Width/2 + j];
pNewDoc->m_ImageNR[i*m_Width*2 + j*2 + 1] = smoothG1[i*m_Width/2 + j];
pNewDoc->m_ImageNR[i*m_Width*2 + m_Width + j*2] = smoothG2[i*m_Width/2 + j];
pNewDoc->m_ImageNR[i*m_Width*2 + m_Width + j*2 + 1] = smoothB[i*m_Width/2 + j]; }
//SaveImageData(pNewDoc->m_ImageNR, m_Height ,m_Width,"E:\\m_ImageNR.bmp");
SetDisplayRawImage( pNewDoc->m_ImageNR, m_Height ,m_Width, m_RawBitType,pNewDoc->m_Image);
  1. <pre name="code" class="html">void medianFilter (unsigned short* corrupted, unsigned short* smooth, int width, int height)
  2. {
  3. memcpy ( smooth, corrupted, width*height*sizeof(unsigned short) );
  4. for (int j=1;j<height-1;j++)
  5. {
  6. for (int i=1;i<width-1;i++)
  7. {
  8. int k = 0;
  9. unsigned short window[9];
  10. for (int jj = j - 1; jj < j + 2; ++jj)
  11. for (int ii = i - 1; ii < i + 2; ++ii)
  12. window[k++] = corrupted[jj * width + ii];
  13. //   Order elements (only half of them)
  14. for (int m = 0; m < 5; ++m)
  15. {
  16. int min = m;
  17. for (int n = m + 1; n < 9; ++n)
  18. if (window[n] < window[min])
  19. min = n;
  20. //   Put found minimum element in its place
  21. unsigned short temp = window[m];
  22. window[m] = window[min];
  23. window[min] = temp;
  24. }
  25. smooth[ j*width+i ] = window[4];
  26. }
  27. }
  28. } <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"> </span>
<pre name="code" class="html">void medianFilter (unsigned short* corrupted, unsigned short* smooth, int width, int height)
{ memcpy ( smooth, corrupted, width*height*sizeof(unsigned short) );
for (int j=1;j<height-1;j++)
for (int i=1;i<width-1;i++)
int k = 0;
unsigned short window[9];
for (int jj = j - 1; jj < j + 2; ++jj)
for (int ii = i - 1; ii < i + 2; ++ii)
window[k++] = corrupted[jj * width + ii];
// Order elements (only half of them)
for (int m = 0; m < 5; ++m)
int min = m;
for (int n = m + 1; n < 9; ++n)
if (window[n] < window[min])
min = n;
// Put found minimum element in its place
unsigned short temp = window[m];
window[m] = window[min];
window[min] = temp;
smooth[ j*width+i ] = window[4];
} <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"> </span>



下一篇文章,我将主要给大家展示一下BM3D算法RAW DATA去噪效果,谢谢。

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