


    A: [What are you doing at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?]

    B: [What are you doing while sending "]

    C: ["? Are you busy? Will you send "]

    D: ["?]


  定义字符串f[0] = A,递推式f[n] = B + f[n-1] + C + f[n-1] + D


    f[0] = [What are you doing at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?]

    f[1] = [What are you doing while sending "What are you doing at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?"? Are you busy? Will you send "What are you doing at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?"?]




    la=75, lb=34, lc=32, ld=2

  定义len[i]为字符串f[i]的长度,很容易推出len[i] = (2^i)*la + (2^i - 1)*(lb + lc + ld)。


  对于每个询问,先判断是否k >= len[n]。如果是,直接输出'.'。


  因为f[n] = B + f[n-1] + C + f[n-1] + D


    (1)k在B中,即k∈[1, lb]

    (2)k在第一个f[n-1]中,即k∈[lb+1, lb+len[n-1]]

    (3)k在C中,即k∈[lb+len[n-1]+1, lb+len[n-1]+lc]

    (4)k在第二个f[n-1]中,即k∈[lb+len[n-1]+lc+1, lb+len[n-1]*2+lc]

    (5)k在D中,即k∈[lb+len[n-1]*2+lc+1, lb+len[n-1]*2+lc+ld]



    (3)k -= lb+len[n-1]

    (5)k -= lb+len[n-1]*2+lc


    (2)k -= lb

    (4)k -= lb+len[n-1]+lc


AC Code:

 #include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> using namespace std; long long n,k,q;
long long la=,lb=,lc=,ld=;
string a=" What are you doing at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?";
string b=" What are you doing while sending \"";
string c=" \"? Are you busy? Will you send \"";
string d=" \"?";
string s; long long len(long long i)
if(i>=) return 9000000000000000000LL;
return ((1LL<<i)-1LL)*(la+lb+lc+ld)+la;
} inline bool cont(long long x,long long l,long long r)
return l<=x && x<=r;
} int main()
long long form=;
for(long long i=n;i>=;i--)
long long temp=len(i-);
bool flag=false;
if(cont(k,,lb)) form=,flag=true;
if(cont(k,lb+temp+,lb+temp+lc)) k-=lb+temp,form=,flag=true;
if(cont(k,lb+temp*+lc+,lb+temp*+lc+ld)) k-=lb+temp*+lc,form=,flag=true;
if(flag) break;
if(cont(k,lb+,lb+temp)) k-=lb;
if(cont(k,lb+temp+lc+,lb+temp*+lc)) k-=lb+temp+lc;
if(form==) s+=a[k];
if(form==) s+=b[k];
if(form==) s+=c[k];
if(form==) s+=d[k];

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