


输入:每个测试用例一个数据块。每块的第一行有3个整数:cap:(车的容量), m:(终点城市的编号, 最大为7),n:(订单数,最大为22).接下来的n行每行三个数表示一个订单,三个数分别为起点、终点、人数。


Sample Input

10 3 4
0 2 1
1 3 5
1 2 7
2 3 10
10 5 4
3 5 10
2 4 9
0 2 5
2 5 8
0 0 0

Sample Output




// POJ1040 Transportation
// Memory: 264K Time: 391MS
// Language: C++ Result: Accepted
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; int n, m, cap; class Order {
int start;
int destination;
int cnt;
}; Order orders[];
int maxE;
int pasCnt[]; //比较函数,按start升序,destination降序,cnt降序
bool cmp(const Order &a, const Order &b) {
return a.start == b.start
? (a.destination == b.destination ? (b.cnt < a.cnt) : b.destination < a.destination)
: a.start < b.start;
} void dfs(int i, int now) {
if (now > maxE) {
maxE = now;
for (int t = i; t < n; ++t) {
if (pasCnt[orders[t].start] + orders[t].cnt > cap) continue;//reject
for (int j = orders[t].start; j < orders[t].destination; ++j)
//get in
pasCnt[j] += orders[t].cnt;
dfs(t + , now + orders[t].cnt * (orders[t].destination - orders[t].start));
for (int j = orders[t].start; j < orders[t].destination; ++j)
pasCnt[j] -= orders[t].cnt;
} int main(void) {
while (true) {
cin >> cap >> m >> n;
if (cap == && m == && n == ) break;
for (int i = ; i < n; ++i)
cin >> orders[i].start >> orders[i].destination >> orders[i].cnt;
sort(orders, orders + n, cmp);
maxE = ;
memset(pasCnt, , sizeof(pasCnt));
dfs(, );
cout << maxE << endl;
return ;





// POJ1040 Transportation
// Memory: 236K Time: 16MS
// Language: C++ Result: Accepted
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; int n, m, cap; class Order {
int start;
int destination;
int cnt;
int v; //该订单能获得的收益
int r; //选取该订单之后最多还能获得多少收益
}; Order orders[];
int maxE;
int pasCnt[]; //比较函数,按start升序,destination降序,cnt降序
bool cmp(const Order &a, const Order &b) {
return a.start == b.start
? (a.destination == b.destination ? (b.cnt < a.cnt) : b.destination < a.destination)
: a.start < b.start;
} void dfs(int i, int now) {
if (now > maxE) {
maxE = now;
for (int t = i; t < n; ++t) {
if (orders[t].r + now <= maxE) return;
if (pasCnt[orders[t].start] + orders[t].cnt > cap) continue;//reject
for (int j = orders[t].start; j < orders[t].destination; ++j)
//get in
pasCnt[j] += orders[t].cnt;
dfs(t + , now + orders[t].v);
for (int j = orders[t].start; j < orders[t].destination; ++j)
pasCnt[j] -= orders[t].cnt;
} int main(void) {
while (true) {
cin >> cap >> m >> n;
if (cap == && m == && n == ) break;
for (int i = ; i < n; ++i) {
cin >> orders[i].start >> orders[i].destination >> orders[i].cnt;
orders[i].v = orders[i].cnt * (orders[i].destination - orders[i].start);
sort(orders, orders + n, cmp);
for (int i = n - , sum = ; i >= ; --i) {
sum += orders[i].v;
orders[i].r = sum;
maxE = ;
memset(pasCnt, , sizeof(pasCnt));
dfs(, );
cout << maxE << endl;
return ;



Test Input

Test Output

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