
  1. #include <cstdio>
  2. #include <cstring>
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. typedef long long LL;
  6. inline int geti() {
  7. static int Ina; static char Inc; static bool InSign;
  8. InSign = false;
  9. while ((Inc = getchar()) < '0' || Inc >'9') InSign |= Inc == '-';
  10. Ina = Inc - '0';
  11. while ((Inc = getchar()) >= '0' && Inc <= '9') Ina = (Ina << 3) + (Ina << 1) + Inc - '0';
  12. return InSign ? -Ina : Ina;
  13. }
  14. inline void Outi(LL x) {
  15. if (x < 0) putchar('-'), x = -x;
  16. static char buf[20]; static int Len;
  17. Len = 0; while (x) buf[++Len] = x % 10 + '0', x /= 10;
  18. while (Len) putchar(buf[Len--]);
  19. }
  20. const int N = 200005;
  21. int pre, dl[N << 1], dr[N << 1];
  22. LL C[N << 1], ly[N << 1];
  23. #define ls u<<1
  24. #define rs u<<1|1
  25. void Down(const int &u) {
  26. if (ly[u] && u < pre) {
  27. C[ls] += (dr[ls] - dl[ls] + 1) * ly[u];
  28. C[rs] += (dr[rs] - dl[rs] + 1) * ly[u];
  29. ly[ls] += ly[u]; ly[rs] += ly[u];
  30. ly[u] = 0;
  31. }
  32. }
  33. int Stack[30], top;
  34. void Up(int u) {
  35. for (top = 0; u; u >>= 1) Stack[++top] = u;
  36. while (top) Down(Stack[top--]);
  37. }
  38. LL Query(int s, int t) {
  39. LL ret = 0; int lef(0), rig(0);
  40. for (s += pre - 1, t += pre + 1; s ^ t ^ 1; s >>= 1, t >>= 1) {
  41. if (~s & 1) (lef ? 1 : (Up(lef = s ^ 1),1)), ret += C[s ^ 1];
  42. if ( t & 1) (rig ? 1 : (Up(rig = t ^ 1),1)), ret += C[t ^ 1];
  43. }
  44. return ret;
  45. }
  46. void Update(int s, int t, const int &val) {
  47. int lef(0), rig(0);
  48. for (s += pre - 1, t += pre + 1; s ^ t ^ 1; s >>= 1, t >>= 1) {
  49. if (~s & 1) (lef ? 1 : (Up(lef = s ^ 1),1)), ly[s ^ 1] += val, C[s ^ 1] += (dr[s ^ 1] - dl[s ^ 1] + 1) * (LL)val;
  50. if ( t & 1) (rig ? 1 : (Up(rig = t ^ 1),1)), ly[t ^ 1] += val, C[t ^ 1] += (dr[t ^ 1] - dl[t ^ 1] + 1) * (LL)val;
  51. }
  52. for (lef >>= 1; lef; lef >>= 1) C[lef] = C[lef << 1 | 1] + C[lef << 1];
  53. for (rig >>= 1; rig; rig >>= 1) C[rig] = C[rig << 1 | 1] + C[rig << 1];
  54. }
  55. int main() {
  56. int n = geti(), m = geti();
  57. for (pre = 1; pre <= n + 1; pre <<= 1);
  58. for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) C[i + pre] = geti(), dl[i + pre] = dr[i + pre] = i;
  59. for (int i = pre; i; --i) C[i] = C[i << 1] + C[i << 1 | 1], dl[i] = dl[i << 1], dr[i] = dr[i << 1 | 1];
  60. char op; int x, y, z;
  61. while (m--) {
  62. while ((op = getchar()) < 'C' && op > 'Q');
  63. if (op ^ 'C') {
  64. x = geti(), y = geti();
  65. if (x > y) x ^= y ^= x ^= y;
  66. cout << Query(x, y) << endl;
  67. } else {
  68. x = geti(), y = geti(), z = geti();
  69. if (x > y) x ^= y ^= x ^= y;
  70. Update(x, y, z);
  71. }
  72. }
  73. return 0;
  74. }

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