1. shell判断文件,目录是否存在或者具有权限
2. #!/bin/sh
4. myPath="/var/log/httpd/"
5. myFile="/var /log/httpd/access.log"
7. # 这里的-x 参数判断$myPath是否存在并且是否具有可执行权限
8. if [ ! -x "$myPath"]; then
9. mkdir "$myPath"
10. fi
12. # 这里的-d 参数判断$myPath是否存在
13. if [ ! -d "$myPath"]; then
14. mkdir "$myPath"
15. fi
17. # 这里的-f参数判断$myFile是否存在
18. if [ ! -f "$myFile" ]; then
19. touch "$myFile"
20. fi
22. # 其他参数还有-n,-n是判断一个变量是否是否有值
23. if [ ! -n "$myVar" ]; then
24. echo "$myVar is empty"
25. exit 0
26. fi
28. # 两个变量判断是否相等
29. if [ "$var1" = "$var2" ]; then
30. echo '$var1 eq $var2'
31. else
32. echo '$var1 not eq $var2'
33. fi
-f 和-e的区别
Conditional Logic on Files
-a file exists.
-b file exists and is a block special file.
-c file exists and is a character special file.
-d file exists and is a directory.
-e file exists (just the same as -a).
-f file exists and is a regular file.
-g file exists and has its setgid(2) bit set.
-G file exists and has the same group ID as this process.
-k file exists and has its sticky bit set.
-L file exists and is a symbolic link.
-n string length is not zero.
-o Named option is set on.
-O file exists and is owned by the user ID of this process.
-p file exists and is a first in, first out (FIFO) special file or
named pipe.
-r file exists and is readable by the current process.
-s file exists and has a size greater than zero.
-S file exists and is a socket.
-t file descriptor number fildes is open and associated with a
terminal device.
-u file exists and has its setuid(2) bit set.
-w file exists and is writable by the current process.
-x file exists and is executable by the current process.
-z string length is zero.
是用 -s 还是用 -f 这个区别是很大的!
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