1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #
3 # author Daniel Dominik Rudnicki
4 # thanks to: Piotr Romanczuk
5 # email
6 # version 0.4.
7 # webpage
8 #
9 # BASED @
10 #
11 #
12 # use strict;
13 use FCGI;
14 use Getopt::Long;
15 use IO::All;
16 use Socket;
18 sub init {
19 GetOptions( "h" => \$help,
20 "verbose!"=>\$verbose,
21 "pid=s" => \$filepid,
22 "l=s" => \$logfile,
23 "S:s" => \$unixsocket,
24 "P:i" => \$unixport) or usage();
25 usage() if $help;
27 print " Starting Nginx-fcgi\n" if $verbose;
28 print " Running with $> UID" if $verbose;
29 print " Perl $]" if $verbose;
31 # if ( $> == "" ) {
32 # print "\n\tERROR\tRunning as a root!\n";
33 # print "\tSuggested not to do so !!!\n\n";
34 # exit ;
35 # }
37 if ( ! $logfile ) {
38 print "\n\tERROR\t log file must declared\n"
39 . "\tuse $0 with option -l filename\n\n";
40 exit ;
41 }
42 print " Using log file $logfile\n" if $verbose;
43 "\n\n" >> io($logfile);
44 addlog($logfile, "Starting Nginx-cfgi");
45 addlog($logfile, "Running with $> UID");
46 addlog($logfile, "Perl $]");
47 addlog($logfile, "Testing socket options");
49 if ( ($unixsocket && $unixport) || (!($unixsocket) && !($unixport)) ) {
50 print "\n\tERROR\tOnly one option can be used!\n";
51 print "\tSuggested (beacuse of speed) is usage UNIX socket -S \n\n";
52 exit ;
53 }
55 if ($unixsocket) {
56 print " Daemon listening at UNIX socket $unixsocket\n" if $versbose;
57 addlog($logfile, "Deamon listening at UNIX socket $unixsocket");
58 } else {
59 print " Daemon listening at TCP/IP socket *:$unixport\n" if $verbose;
60 #
61 addlog($logfile, "Daemon listening at TCP/IP socket *:$unixport");
62 }
64 if ( -e $filepid ) {
65 print "\n\tERROR\t PID file $filepid already exists\n\n";
66 addlog($logfile, "Can not use PID file $filepid, already exists.");
67 exit ;
68 }
70 if ( $unixsocket ) {
71 print " Creating UNIX socket\n" if $verbose;
72 $socket = FCGI::OpenSocket( $unixsocket, );
73 if ( !$socket) {
74 print " Couldn't create socket\n";
75 addlog($logfile, "Couldn't create socket");
76 exit ;
77 }
78 print " Using UNIX socket $unixsocket\n" if $verbose;
79 } else {
80 print " Creating TCP/IP socket\n" if $verbose;
81 $portnumber = ":".$unixport;
82 $socket = FCGI::OpenSocket( $unixport, );
83 if ( !$socket ) {
84 print " Couldn't create socket\n";
85 addlog($logfile, "Couldn't create socket");
86 exit ;
87 }
88 print " Using port $unixport\n" if $verbose;
89 }
90 addlog($logfile, "Socket created");
92 if ( ! $filepid ) {
93 print "\n\tERROR\t PID file must declared\n"
94 . "\tuse $0 with option -pid filename\n\n";
95 exit ;
96 }
97 print " Using PID file $filepid\n" if $verbose;
98 addlog($logfile, "Using PID file $filepid");
my $pidnumber = $$;
$pidnumber > io($filepid);
print " PID number $$\n" if $verbose;
addlog($logfile, "PID number $pidnumber");
sub addzero {
my ($date) = shift;
if ($date < ) {
return "0$date";
return $date;
sub logformat {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$iddst) = localtime(time);
my $datestring;
$year += ;
$mon = addzero($mon);
$mday = addzero($mday);
$min = addzero($min);
$datestring = "$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min";
sub addlog {
my ($log_file, $log_message) = @_;
my $curr_time = logformat();
my $write_message = "[$curr_time] $log_message";
$write_message >> io($log_file);
"\n" >> io($log_file);
sub printerror {
my $message = @_;
print "\n Nginx FastCGI\tERROR\n"
. "\t $message\n\n";
exit ;
sub usage {
print "\n Nginx FastCGI \n"
. "\n\tusage: $0 [-h] -S string -P int\n"
. "\n\t-h\t\t: this (help) message"
. "\n\t-S path\t\t: path for UNIX socket"
. "\n\t-P port\t\t: port number"
. "\n\t-p file\t\t: path for pid file"
. "\n\t-l file\t\t: path for logfile"
. "\n\n\texample: $0 -S /var/run/nginx-perl_cgi.sock -l /var/log/nginx/nginx-cfgi.log -pid /var/run/\n\n";
exit ;
exit unless $@ =~ /^fakeexit/;
} ;
# fork part
my $pid = fork();
if( $pid == ) {
exit ;
print " Forking worker process with PID $pid\n" if $verbose;
addlog($logfile, "Forking worker process with PID $pid");
print " Update PID file $filepid\n" if $verbose;
addlog($logfile, "Update PID file $filepid");
$pid > io($filepid);
print " Worker process running.\n" if $verbose;
addlog ($logfile, "Parent process $$ is exiting");
exit ;
sub main {
$request = FCGI::Request( \*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR, \%req_params, $socket );
if ($request) { request_loop()};
FCGI::CloseSocket( $socket );
sub request_loop {
while( $request->Accept() >= ) {
# processing any STDIN input from WebServer (for CGI-POST actions)
$stdin_passthrough = '';
$req_len = + $req_params{'CONTENT_LENGTH'};
if (($req_params{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') && ($req_len != ) ){
while ($req_len) {
$stdin_passthrough .= getc(STDIN);
# running the cgi app
if ( (-x $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) &&
(-s $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) &&
(-r $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME})
foreach $key ( keys %req_params){
$ENV{$key} = $req_params{$key};
if ( $verbose ) {
addlog($logfile, "running $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME}");
#open $cgi_app, '-|', $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME}, $stdin_passthrough or print("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); print "Error: CGI app returned no output - Executing $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} failed !\n"; # addlog($logfile, "Error: CGI app returned no output - Executing $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} failed !");
open $cgi_app, '-|', "echo '$stdin_passthrough' | '$req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME}'" or print("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); print "Error: CGI app returned no output - Executing $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} failed !\n"; # addlog($logfile, "Error: CGI app returned no output - Executing $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} failed !");
if ($cgi_app) {
print <$cgi_app>;
close $cgi_app;
} else {
print("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n");
print "Error: No such CGI app - $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} may not exist or is not executable by this process.\n";
addlog($logfile, "Error: No such CGI app - $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} may not exist or is not executable by this process.");
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