public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SimpleCalculator s=new SimpleCalculator();
String methord="80*(1+0.5)"; //test
double d=s.evaluate(methord );
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
public class SimpleCalculator {
* Evaluate an arithmetic expression, and return the result as a double.
* @param input
* the expression to evaluate.
* @return the evaluated result.
public double evaluate(String input) {
this.scanner = new Scanner(input);
Token currentToken = nextToken();
Token t = null;
while (null != currentToken) {
switch (currentToken.getKind()) {
case NUMBER:
// Simply push number tokens onto the evaluation stack.
case LPAREN:
// Simply push left parenthesis tokens onto the operator stack.
case RPAREN:
// Until a left parenthesis pops off the operator stack, keep
// poping operators and execute them.
// If the stack becomes empty without a matching left
// parenthesis,
// the expression must have syntax errors.
for (t = this.ops.pop(); TokenKind.LPAREN != t.getKind(); t = this.ops
.pop()) {
if (ops.empty())
throw new Error("Syntax Error: unmatched parenthesis");
// For binary arithmetic operators, keep poping operators whose
// binding power
// is less or equal to the current token's and execute them;
// after that push
// the current token onto the operator stack.
if (!ops.empty()) {
for (t = this.ops.pop(); currentToken.getKind()
.getBindingPower() < t.getKind().getBindingPower(); t = this.ops
.pop()) {
if (this.ops.empty()) {
t = null;
if (null != t)
// reinitialize
currentToken = nextToken();
// execute remaining operators on stack
while (!ops.empty()) {
t = this.ops.pop();
// the result is on the top of evaluation stack,
// pop it off and return the result.
return this.eval.pop();
* Initialize the evaluation and operator stacks.
private void initialize() {
if (null == this.eval)
this.eval = new Stack<Double>();
if (null == this.ops)
this.ops = new Stack<Token>();
* Return the next token from the input expression. The token returned will
* be associated with its numeric value, if and only if the token is a
* number.
private Token nextToken() {
Token t = null;
if (this.scanner.hasNextDouble()) {
t = new Token(TokenKind.NUMBER, this.scanner.nextDouble());
} else if (this.scanner.hasNext()) {
String s ="[-+*/()]");
if ("+".equals(s)) {
t = new Token(TokenKind.ADD);
} else if ("-".equals(s)) {
t = new Token(TokenKind.SUBTRACT);
} else if ("*".equals(s)) {
t = new Token(TokenKind.MULTIPLY);
} else if ("/".equals(s)) {
t = new Token(TokenKind.DIVIDE);
} else if ("(".equals(s)) {
t = new Token(TokenKind.LPAREN);
} else if (")".equals(s)) {
t = new Token(TokenKind.RPAREN);
return t;
* Execute a binary arithmetic operation. Pop the top two values off the
* evaluation stack, do the operation, and then push the result back onto
* the evaluation stack.
private void doOperation(Token t) {
double y = this.eval.pop();
double x = this.eval.pop();
double temp = t.getKind().doOperation(x, y);
* Tokenizer for the input expression.
private Scanner scanner;
* Evaluation stack.
private Stack<Double> eval;
* Operator stack, for converting infix expression to postfix expression.
private Stack<Token> ops;
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length < 1) {
System.err.println("Usage: java SimpleCalculator <expression>");
SimpleCalculator calc = new SimpleCalculator();
double result = calc.evaluate(args[0]);
enum TokenKind {
// operators
ADD(1) {
public double doOperation(double x, double y) {
return x + y;
public double doOperation(double x, double y) {
return x - y;
public double doOperation(double x, double y) {
return x * y;
public double doOperation(double x, double y) {
return x / y;
// punctuation
// number
TokenKind(int bindingPower) {
this.bindingPower = bindingPower;
public int getBindingPower() {
return this.bindingPower;
public double doOperation(double x, double y) {
return Double.NaN; // dummy, operation not supported
private int bindingPower;
class Token {
public Token(TokenKind kind) {
this(kind, Double.NaN);
public Token(TokenKind kind, double value) {
this.kind = kind;
this.value = value;
public TokenKind getKind() {
return this.kind;
public double getValue() {
return this.value;
private TokenKind kind;
private double value;
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