
这个接口用于react从input channel过来的checkpoint barrier,这里可以通过不同的实现来,决定是简单的track barriers,还是要去真正的block inputs

* The CheckpointBarrierHandler reacts to checkpoint barrier arriving from the input channels.
* Different implementations may either simply track barriers, or block certain inputs on
* barriers.
public interface CheckpointBarrierHandler { /**
* Returns the next {@link BufferOrEvent} that the operator may consume.
* This call blocks until the next BufferOrEvent is available, ir until the stream
* has been determined to be finished.
* @return The next BufferOrEvent, or {@code null}, if the stream is finished.
* @throws Thrown, if the network or local disk I/O fails.
* @throws java.lang.InterruptedException Thrown, if the thread is interrupted while blocking during
* waiting for the next BufferOrEvent to become available.
BufferOrEvent getNextNonBlocked() throws IOException, InterruptedException; /**
* Registers the given event handler to be notified on successful checkpoints.
* @param checkpointHandler The handler to register.
void registerCheckpointEventHandler(EventListener<CheckpointBarrier> checkpointHandler); /**
* Cleans up all internally held resources.
* @throws IOException Thrown, if the cleanup of I/O resources failed.
void cleanup() throws IOException; /**
* Checks if the barrier handler has buffered any data internally.
* @return True, if no data is buffered internally, false otherwise.
boolean isEmpty();


* The barrier buffer is {@link CheckpointBarrierHandler} that blocks inputs with barriers until
* all inputs have received the barrier for a given checkpoint.
* <p>To avoid back-pressuring the input streams (which may cause distributed deadlocks), the
* BarrierBuffer continues receiving buffers from the blocked channels and stores them internally until
* the blocks are released.</p>
public class BarrierBuffer implements CheckpointBarrierHandler { /** The gate that the buffer draws its input from */
private final InputGate inputGate; //输入 /** Flags that indicate whether a channel is currently blocked/buffered */
private final boolean[] blockedChannels; //被blocked的channels /** The total number of channels that this buffer handles data from */
private final int totalNumberOfInputChannels; /** To utility to write blocked data to a file channel */
private final BufferSpiller bufferSpiller; //为了不造成反压,对于被block的channl,不会真正的block,而是只是把数据放到buffer中 /** The pending blocked buffer/event sequences. Must be consumed before requesting
* further data from the input gate. */
private final ArrayDeque<BufferSpiller.SpilledBufferOrEventSequence> queuedBuffered; //更多的没来得及处理的unblock buffer数据 /** The sequence of buffers/events that has been unblocked and must now be consumed
* before requesting further data from the input gate */
private BufferSpiller.SpilledBufferOrEventSequence currentBuffered; //由bufferSpiller进行rollover产生的,已经unblock的buffer数据 /** Handler that receives the checkpoint notifications */
private EventListener<CheckpointBarrier> checkpointHandler; //创建checkpoint的逻辑 /** The ID of the checkpoint for which we expect barriers */
private long currentCheckpointId = -1L; /** The number of received barriers (= number of blocked/buffered channels) */
private int numBarriersReceived; /** The number of already closed channels */
private int numClosedChannels; /** Flag to indicate whether we have drawn all available input */
private boolean endOfStream;


public BufferOrEvent getNextNonBlocked() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
while (true) {
// process buffered BufferOrEvents before grabbing new ones
BufferOrEvent next;
if (currentBuffered == null) { //如果currentBuffered为空,说明没有unblock的buffer数据,直接从inputGate读取
next = inputGate.getNextBufferOrEvent();
else {
next = currentBuffered.getNext(); //从currentBuffered读
if (next == null) { //如果读到的为空,说明currentBuffered已经为空
completeBufferedSequence(); //清空当前的currentBuffered,看看queuedBuffered中还有没有需要处理的buffer
return getNextNonBlocked();
} if (next != null) {
if (isBlocked(next.getChannelIndex())) { //如果这个channel仍然是被block的
// if the channel is blocked we, we just store the BufferOrEvent
bufferSpiller.add(next); //那么我们只是把这个BufferOrEvent放到bufferSpiller里面
else if (next.isBuffer()) { //如果没有被block,就处理该条数据,如果是buffer即真实数据,那么直接返回该数据
return next;
else if (next.getEvent().getClass() == CheckpointBarrier.class) { //如果是CheckpointBarrier
if (!endOfStream) {
// process barriers only if there is a chance of the checkpoint completing
processBarrier((CheckpointBarrier) next.getEvent(), next.getChannelIndex()); //那么调用processBarrier,后面具体分析
else {
if (next.getEvent().getClass() == EndOfPartitionEvent.class) {
// no chance to complete this checkpoint
releaseBlocks(); //因为某个channel close了,那就永远也无法从这个channel获取barrier了,所以releaseBlocks
return next;
else if (!endOfStream) {
// end of stream. we feed the data that is still buffered
endOfStream = true;
return getNextNonBlocked();
else {
return null;



private void processBarrier(CheckpointBarrier receivedBarrier, int channelIndex) throws IOException {
final long barrierId = receivedBarrier.getId(); //取出全局barrier id if (numBarriersReceived > 0) { //如果之前收到过barrier
// subsequent barrier of a checkpoint.
if (barrierId == currentCheckpointId) { //看下刚收到的和之前的barrierid是否一样
// regular case
onBarrier(channelIndex); //如果一样调用onBarrier
else if (barrierId > currentCheckpointId) { //如果大于currentCheckpointId,说明这个id已经过期了,因为在一个channel上,barrier id应该是按序发送的
// we did not complete the current checkpoint
LOG.warn("Received checkpoint barrier for checkpoint {} before completing current checkpoint {}. " +
"Skipping current checkpoint.", barrierId, currentCheckpointId); releaseBlocks(); //既然这个barrier已经过期,所以releaseBlocks()
currentCheckpointId = barrierId; //设置新的barrierId
else { //忽略已过期的barrier
// ignore trailing barrier from aborted checkpoint
} }
else if (barrierId > currentCheckpointId) { //新的barrier
// first barrier of a new checkpoint
currentCheckpointId = barrierId;
else {
// trailing barrier from previous (skipped) checkpoint
} // check if we have all barriers
if (numBarriersReceived + numClosedChannels == totalNumberOfInputChannels) { //如果我们已经集齐所有的barrier
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Received all barrier, triggering checkpoint {} at {}",
receivedBarrier.getId(), receivedBarrier.getTimestamp());
} if (checkpointHandler != null) {
checkpointHandler.onEvent(receivedBarrier); //触发生成checkpoint
} releaseBlocks(); 调用releaseBlocks


protected final EventListener<CheckpointBarrier> getCheckpointBarrierListener() {
return new EventListener<CheckpointBarrier>() {
public void onEvent(CheckpointBarrier barrier) {
try {
triggerCheckpoint(barrier.getId(), barrier.getTimestamp()); //做checkpoint
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error triggering a checkpoint as the result of receiving checkpoint barrier", e);


private void onBarrier(int channelIndex) throws IOException {
if (!blockedChannels[channelIndex]) {
blockedChannels[channelIndex] = true;
numBarriersReceived++; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Received barrier from channel " + channelIndex);
else {
throw new IOException("Stream corrupt: Repeated barrier for same checkpoint and input stream");


* Releases the blocks on all channels. Makes sure the just written data
* is the next to be consumed.
private void releaseBlocks() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < blockedChannels.length; i++) {
blockedChannels[i] = false;
numBarriersReceived = 0; if (currentBuffered == null) { //理论上,在调用releaseBlocks前,所有channel都是处于blocked状态,所以currentBuffered应该为空
// common case: no more buffered data
currentBuffered = bufferSpiller.rollOver(); //把block期间buffer的数据文件,设为currentBuffered
if (currentBuffered != null) {;
else { //不为空,是uncommon的case
// uncommon case: buffered data pending
// push back the pending data, if we have any // since we did not fully drain the previous sequence, we need to allocate a new buffer for this one
BufferSpiller.SpilledBufferOrEventSequence bufferedNow = bufferSpiller.rollOverWithNewBuffer();
if (bufferedNow != null) {;
queuedBuffered.addFirst(currentBuffered); //currentBuffered不为空,所以先把当前的放到queuedBuffered里面
currentBuffered = bufferedNow;


* Creates a new buffer spiller, spilling to one of the I/O manager's temp directories.
* @param ioManager The I/O manager for access to teh temp directories.
* @param pageSize The page size used to re-create spilled buffers.
* @throws IOException Thrown if the temp files for spilling cannot be initialized.
public BufferSpiller(IOManager ioManager, int pageSize) throws IOException {
this.pageSize = pageSize; this.readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
this.readBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); this.headBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(16);
this.headBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); this.sources = new ByteBuffer[] { this.headBuffer, null }; //sources是由headBuffer和contents组成的 File[] tempDirs = ioManager.getSpillingDirectories();
this.tempDir = tempDirs[DIRECTORY_INDEX.getAndIncrement() % tempDirs.length]; byte[] rndBytes = new byte[32];
new Random().nextBytes(rndBytes);
this.spillFilePrefix = StringUtils.byteToHexString(rndBytes) + '.'; // prepare for first contents
} private void createSpillingChannel() throws IOException { //打开用于写buffer的文件
currentSpillFile = new File(tempDir, spillFilePrefix + (fileCounter++) +".buffer");
currentChannel = new RandomAccessFile(currentSpillFile, "rw").getChannel();



* Adds a buffer or event to the sequence of spilled buffers and events.
* @param boe The buffer or event to add and spill.
* @throws IOException Thrown, if the buffer of event could not be spilled.
public void add(BufferOrEvent boe) throws IOException {
hasWritten = true;
try {
ByteBuffer contents;
if (boe.isBuffer()) { //分为buffer或event来提取contents
Buffer buf = boe.getBuffer();
contents = buf.getMemorySegment().wrap(0, buf.getSize());
else {
contents = EventSerializer.toSerializedEvent(boe.getEvent());
} headBuffer.clear(); //更新headBuffer
headBuffer.put((byte) (boe.isBuffer() ? 0 : 1));
headBuffer.flip(); sources[1] = contents; //为什么加在1,因为0是headBuffer
currentChannel.write(sources); //写入文件
finally {
if (boe.isBuffer()) {

rollOverInternal,把当前的spill文件返回, 生成新的spill文件

private SpilledBufferOrEventSequence rollOverInternal(boolean newBuffer) throws IOException {
if (!hasWritten) {
return null;
} ByteBuffer buf;
if (newBuffer) { //newBuffer的区别是,是否重新创建ByteBuffer还是直接用readBuffer
buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
} else {
buf = readBuffer;
} // create a reader for the spilled data
SpilledBufferOrEventSequence seq =
new SpilledBufferOrEventSequence(currentSpillFile, currentChannel, buf, pageSize); //把当前的spill文件封装成SpilledBufferOrEventSequence // create ourselves a new spill file
createSpillingChannel(); //生成新的spill文件 hasWritten = false;
return seq;


* This class represents a sequence of spilled buffers and events, created by the
* {@link BufferSpiller}. The sequence of buffers and events can be read back using the
* method {@link #getNext()}.
*/ public static class SpilledBufferOrEventSequence { /**
* Gets the next BufferOrEvent from the spilled sequence, or {@code null}, if the
* sequence is exhausted.
* @return The next BufferOrEvent from the spilled sequence, or {@code null} (end of sequence).
* @throws IOException Thrown, if the reads failed, of if the byte stream is corrupt.
public BufferOrEvent getNext() throws IOException {
if (buffer.remaining() < HEADER_LENGTH) {
buffer.compact(); while (buffer.position() < HEADER_LENGTH) {
if ( == -1) { //从文件channel你们把数据读到buffer中
if (buffer.position() == 0) {
// no trailing data
return null;
} else {
throw new IOException("Found trailing incomplete buffer or event");
} buffer.flip();
} final int channel = buffer.getInt();
final int length = buffer.getInt();
final boolean isBuffer = buffer.get() == 0; if (isBuffer) { //如果是buffer
// deserialize buffer MemorySegment seg = MemorySegmentFactory.allocateUnpooledSegment(pageSize); //创建 MemorySegment,这里是allocate unpooled的segment int segPos = 0;
int bytesRemaining = length; while (true) {
int toCopy = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), bytesRemaining);
if (toCopy > 0) {
seg.put(segPos, buffer, toCopy); //将buffer中的数据写入MemorySegment
segPos += toCopy;
bytesRemaining -= toCopy;
} if (bytesRemaining == 0) {
else {
if ( == -1) {
throw new IOException("Found trailing incomplete buffer");
} Buffer buf = new Buffer(seg, FreeingBufferRecycler.INSTANCE); //将MemorySegment封装成Buffer
buf.setSize(length); return new BufferOrEvent(buf, channel);
else { //如果是event
// deserialize event
if (buffer.remaining() < length) {
buffer.compact(); while (buffer.position() < length) {
if ( == -1) {
throw new IOException("Found trailing incomplete event");
} buffer.flip();
} int oldLimit = buffer.limit();
buffer.limit(buffer.position() + length);
AbstractEvent evt = EventSerializer.fromSerializedEvent(buffer, getClass().getClassLoader()); //将buffer封装成event
buffer.limit(oldLimit); return new BufferOrEvent(evt, channel);

BarrierTracker,这个比Barrier buffer的实现简单的多,

因为不会去block input channel,所以无法实现exactly once,只能实现at-least once

* The BarrierTracker keeps track of what checkpoint barriers have been received from
* which input channels. Once it has observed all checkpoint barriers for a checkpoint ID,
* it notifies its listener of a completed checkpoint.
* <p>Unlike the {@link BarrierBuffer}, the BarrierTracker does not block the input
* channels that have sent barriers, so it cannot be used to gain "exactly-once" processing
* guarantees. It can, however, be used to gain "at least once" processing guarantees.</p>
* <p>NOTE: This implementation strictly assumes that newer checkpoints have higher checkpoint IDs.</p>
public class BarrierTracker implements CheckpointBarrierHandler { @Override
public BufferOrEvent getNextNonBlocked() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
while (true) {
BufferOrEvent next = inputGate.getNextBufferOrEvent();
if (next == null) {
return null;
else if (next.isBuffer() || next.getEvent().getClass() != CheckpointBarrier.class) { //如果是数据就直接返回
return next;
else {
processBarrier((CheckpointBarrier) next.getEvent()); //如果是barrier就处理
} private void processBarrier(CheckpointBarrier receivedBarrier) { // general path for multiple input channels
final long barrierId = receivedBarrier.getId(); // find the checkpoint barrier in the queue of bending barriers
CheckpointBarrierCount cbc = null;
int pos = 0; for (CheckpointBarrierCount next : pendingCheckpoints) { //找找看,这个barrier是否直接收到过
if (next.checkpointId == barrierId) {
cbc = next;
} if (cbc != null) { //如果收到过
// add one to the count to that barrier and check for completion
int numBarriersNew = cbc.incrementBarrierCount(); //计数加一
if (numBarriersNew == totalNumberOfInputChannels) { //判断是否所有的barrier已经到全了
// checkpoint can be triggered
// first, remove this checkpoint and all all prior pending
// checkpoints (which are now subsumed)
for (int i = 0; i <= pos; i++) {
pendingCheckpoints.pollFirst(); //当一个checkpoint被触发时,prior的所有checkpoint就已经过期了,也一起remove掉
} // notify the listener
if (checkpointHandler != null) {
checkpointHandler.onEvent(receivedBarrier); //如果有checkpoint handler,就调用进行check point
else { //新的barrier
// first barrier for that checkpoint ID
// add it only if it is newer than the latest checkpoint.
// if it is not newer than the latest checkpoint ID, then there cannot be a
// successful checkpoint for that ID anyways
if (barrierId > latestPendingCheckpointID) {
latestPendingCheckpointID = barrierId;
pendingCheckpoints.addLast(new CheckpointBarrierCount(barrierId)); // make sure we do not track too many checkpoints
if (pendingCheckpoints.size() > MAX_CHECKPOINTS_TO_TRACK) {
pendingCheckpoints.pollFirst(); //删除过多的checkpoints

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