mycode  97.21%

class Solution(object):
def romanToInt(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: int
dic = {'I':1,'V':5,'X':10,'L':50,'C':100,'D':500,'M':1000,'IV':4,'IX':9,'XL':40,'XC':90,'CD':400,'CM':900}
res = 0
flag = 0
for i in range(len(s)-1):
if flag:
flag = 0
temp = s[i] + s[i+1]
if temp in dic:
res += dic[temp]
flag = 1
res += dic[s[i]]
if flag == 0:
return res + dic[s[-1]]
return res


class Solution(object):
def romanToInt(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: int
roman_map = {
"I": 1,
"V": 5,
"X": 10,
"L": 50,
"C": 100,
"D": 500,
"M": 1000
sum = 0
for idx, c in enumerate(s[:-1]):
num = roman_map[c]
sum += (-num) if roman_map[s[idx+1]] > num else num#题目已经说了字母是按大到小,除了特殊的
sum += roman_map[s[-1]]
return sum

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