.p1 {
/* 默认值 */
text-transform: none;
.p2 {
/* 每个单词的首字母大写 */
text-transform: capitalize;
.p3 {
/* 全部转换为大写字母 */
text-transform: uppercase;
.p4 {
/* 全部转换为小写字母 */
text-transform: lowercase;
} /*
.p5 {
/* 默认值 */
text-decoration: none;
.p6 {
/* 下划线 */
text-decoration: underline;
.p7 {
/* 上划线 */
text-decoration: overline;
.p8 {
/* 穿越文本中间的线 */
text-decoration: line-through;
.p9 {
/* 去除超链接自带的下划线 */
text-decoration: none;
} /* letter-spacing用法 */
.p10 {
/* 默认值 */
letter-spacing: normal;
.p11 {
/* 设置字符间距为10px */
letter-spacing: 10px;
.p12 {
/* 设置字符间距为-5px */
letter-spacing: -5px;
} /* word-spacing用法 */
.p13 {
/* 默认值 */
word-spacing: normal;
.p14 {
/* 设置字的间距为10px,对中文的效果不明显 */
word-spacing: 10px;
.p15 {
/* 设置字的间距为-5px,对中文的效果不明显 */
word-spacing: -5px;
} /* text-align用法 */
.p16 {
/* 水平右对齐 */
text-align: right;
.p17 {
/* 水平居中对齐 */
text-align: center;
.p18 {
/* 水平两端对齐 */
text-align: justify;
} /* text-indent用法 */
.p19 {
/* 首行缩进20px,第一行会右移20px */
text-indent: 20px;
.p20 {
/* 首行缩进-30px,第一行会左移-30px,可以达到隐藏的效果 */
text-indent: -30px;
.p21 {
/* 与字体大小配合使用,使首行缩进距离随着字体大小的变化而变化 */
/* 设置字体大小为20px,如果不设置字体大小,默认为16px */
font-size: 20px;
/* 首行缩进距离是字体大小的2倍为40px */
text-indent: 2em;
.p22 {
font-size: 20px;
/* 用%设置首行缩进距离,%是基于父元素宽度的百分比的缩进 */
text-indent: 4%;
} <p class="p1">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p2">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p3">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p4">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p5">
<p class="p6">
<p class="p7">
<p class="p8">
<a href="#">网易新闻频道(超链接默认自带下划线)</a>
<a href="#" class="p9">网易新闻频道(去掉下划线)</a>
<p class="p10">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p11">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p11">
<p class="p12">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p12">
<p class="p13">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p14">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p14">
<p class="p15">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p15">
<p class="p16">水平右对齐</p>
<p class="p17">水平居中对齐</p>
<p class="p18">
You Are the Woman I Love Best of All in My LifeHe, a gentleman, was regarded to be the most handsome man in the world, wonderfully urbaneextremely agreeable. His pure eyes and charmingsmile always quivered a network of ripples in thehearts of his fans. He was the charming prince in the dreams of tens of thousands of women and adoredcrazily by them in the last half of the century. His name was Gregory Peck.
<p class="p19">
<p class="p20">
<p class="p21">
<p class="p22">



  1. CSS中的文本属性

    本文总结一下CSS中关于文字的相关属性,最后给出实例. CSS基础文字属性 文字的基础属性主要包括:字体.颜色和文本.除去颜色color的属性外,字体和文本的相关属性可以权威参考: CSS 文本属性( ...

  2. css中table-layout:fixed 属性的用法

    table-layout:fixed 属性的用法:如果想要一个table固定大小,里面的文字强制换行(尤其是在一长串英文文本,并且中间无空格分隔的情况下),以达到使过长的文字 不撑破表格的目的,一般是 ...

  3. CSS中的!important属性用法

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  4. CSS 中关于background 属性功能

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  5. 理解与应用css中的display属性

    理解与应用css中的display属性 display属性是我们在前端开发中常常使用的一个属性,其中,最常见的有: none block inline inline-block inherit 下面, ...

  6. CSS中的display属性(none,block,inline,inline-block,inherit)

    css中的display属性(none,block,inline,inline-block,inherit) display属性是我们在前端开发中常常使用的一个属性,其中,最常见的有: none bl ...

  7. 细说CSS中的display属性

    相信大部分奋战在前端的,尤其在前端攻城的过程中,有一种越陷越深的感觉,不错,一如前端深似海,从此妹子是浮云啊,前端上手容易,深入难啊!下面我就CSS中的display属性讲下我自己所积累的,与大家共享 ...

  8. css中vertical-align和line-height的用法

    css中vertical-align和line-height的用法 1.先来看一种现象: (1).将一个图片放入一个div块中,div块背景颜色设置为aquamarine.将会发现图片与div块下边沿 ...

  9. CSS中使用文本阴影与元素阴影

    文本阴影介绍 在CSS中使用text-shadow属性设置文本阴影,该属性一共有4个属性值如:水平阴影.垂直阴影.(清晰度或模糊距离).阴影颜色. text-shadow属性值说明,在文本阴影实践中: ...


  1. ThreadPoolExecutor线程池原理

    参考: https://www.cnblogs.com/liuzhihu/p/8177371.html

  2. 使用linkedlist封装简单的先进先出队列

    创建一个类Queue代表队列(先进先出),添加add(Object obj) 及get()方法, 并添加main()方法进行验证 思路: 使用LinkedList实现队列,在向LinkedList中添 ...

  3. AOP说明

    小程序的开发者或者服务商会提供一些lib库,用来代理小程序的生命周期或API等,进而想要进行一些通用逻辑的处理(例如: 打点/事件触发/统一登录等等通用逻辑). 通常,小程序开发者们使用这些扩展包时, ...

  4. Linux下安装Harbor 1.8.0 仓库的安装和使用(亲测)

    根据Harbor官方描述: Harbor是一个用于存储和分发Docker镜像的企业级Registry服务器,通过添加一些企业必需的功能特性,例如安全.标识和管理等,扩展了开源Docker Distri ...

  5. vue2.X 与 vue1.X 的区别

    vue2.0: bower info vue http://vuejs.org/ 到了2.0以后,有哪些变化? 1. 在每个组件模板,不在支持片段代码 组件中模板: 之前: <template& ...

  6. UVA 1045 最长公共子序列

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  7. JS-线程、事件循环、任务队列

    JS 是单线程的,但是却能执行异步任务,这主要是因为 JS 中存在事件循环(Event Loop)和任务队列(Task Queue). 事件循环: JS 会创建一个类似于 while (true) 的 ...

  8. python脚本-上传apk至蒲公英

    import requests import os #账号配置信息 url = "https://upload.pgyer.com/apiv1/app/upload" uKey = ...

  9. Vue实例1

    <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title> ...

  10. Jenkins持续集成_01_Mac安装配置

    前言 Jenkins是一款开源 CI&CD 软件,用于自动化各种任务,包括构建.测试和部署软件.在自动化测试中,用来持续集成,跑定时任务进行定时自动化监测.更详细介绍可查看jenkins官网: ...